臥薪 炉 - Fujisawa

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 臥薪 炉

住所 :

臥薪 炉 2F 13 17 1 17, Kugenumatachibana, Fujisawa, Kanagawa 251-0024, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8978
Postal code : 251-0024

臥薪 炉 2F 13 17 1 17, Kugenumatachibana, Fujisawa, Kanagawa 251-0024, Japan
A T on Google

臥薪さんはどこも美味しい! 今回も最高でした!
Wo firewood is delicious everywhere! This time was also the best!
淳宏(いかっち) on Google

6名で利用しました。席は座敷で、狭いレイアウト。同席した若者は足が長いので、かなり窮屈の様でした(^^; しかも荷物を置くスペースもない(苦笑) カウンター席が好評のようだし、炉端焼き風にしてはお洒落なので、いっそ小上がりもテーブルにしちゃえば良いのに… って、思った次第です(*^^*) 料理は他のガイドさんらが言ってる様に美味しいです?ただし、一人単価は5,000円upです。
Used by 6 people. The seating is small and the layout is narrow. The young man who was present was quite cramped because of his long legs (^ ^; And there is no space to put in luggage (wry smile) Counter seat seems to be popular, and it is fashionable if it's a fireside grilled style, so it's better if it's just a table too small ... Well, it's up to you (* ^^ *) The food is delicious as other guides say. However, the unit price is 5,000 yen up.
ナカナミ on Google

Not only is it delicious, but the counter seats are fun to see. It is lively and has a good atmosphere. We made a reservation on Friday night, December 2018. It was in front of the drink corner with a large counter seat. This time we have a 3500 yen course and all-you-can-drink sake. Today's sake is Dassai and Takashimizu in Akita. Other of our specialty, Atomic Grill, is Kinmedai. The appetizer is Heartland beer. Sashimi is a festival. Deep-fried anglerfish is Torys highball. Angus beef rib roast is beer. Atomic grilled Kinmedai is Takashimizu from Akita. Other fruit sour is pineapple and orange. Chirimen Sansho clay pot rice, arajiru. Finish with matcha ice cream. Next time I would like to order a la carte.
Hiro M on Google

料理は美味しいですが値段が高めです。 日本酒が充実しています。 窓側のテーブル席が喫煙できるので助かります。
The food is delicious but the price is high. There is plenty of sake. It is helpful because you can smoke at the table seat on the window side.
miumiu321 on Google

旦那さんの誕生日だったので、少しお洒落なお店で飲みたくて寄らせてもらいました! タバコを吸うので入ってすぐのカウンターに着席 焼物が丸見えの席で、凄く狭かった… まっ、今時喫煙者は肩身が狭いのが当たり前かな? それにしても、コロナ禍で週末にも関わらずお客さんはポツポツ… 藤沢で飲むのは初めてなので、普段の週末がどんな感じなのかわかりませんが、 何となく居心地が悪かったので、軽く食べて退散しました。 スタッフの方々はとても対応が良かったです。
It was my husband's birthday, so I wanted to drink at a slightly fashionable shop, so I stopped by! I smoke, so I sit at the counter right after I enter. The pottery was completely visible and it was very small ... Well, is it natural for smokers to have narrow shoulders nowadays? Even so, despite the weekend due to the corona sickness, the customers are popping up ... It's my first time to drink in Fujisawa, so I don't know what it's like on a regular weekend, Somehow I was uncomfortable, so I ate lightly and went away. The staff were very friendly.
加藤恵美 on Google

入口、通り過ぎちゃいました。螺旋階段を上がってね? 雰囲気はgood‼️ お料理も美味しかったです。今回は? 初めてなのでコースにしましたが、時間配分や手際も良く堪能できました。 ぶたさんがとっても美味しいかった☺️ 土鍋ご飯も‼️実は牡蠣が苦手だったのに、味わい深くペロッと頂きました。 次回を楽しみに伺います。
I passed the entrance. Go up the spiral staircase ? The atmosphere is good! ️ The food was also delicious. This time? It was my first time to make a course, but I was able to enjoy the time allocation and skill. Buta-san was very delicious ☺️ Clay pot rice too! ️ Actually, I was not good at oysters, but I got a delicious taste. I'm looking forward to the next time.
雪の茅舎山廃 on Google

コロナ休業からようやく再開して、久しぶりに行ってきました。 久しぶりの営業再開ということで、少しメニュー数を調整しているとのことでした。 カウンター席に座って、店員さんの日本酒の説明を受けるのがすごく好きです。 藤沢で1人で飲む時はまたお邪魔します。
I finally resumed from the corona holiday and went there for the first time in a while. It was said that the number of menus was adjusted a little because it was the first time in a while to resume business. I really like sitting at the counter and getting an explanation of the clerk's sake. When I drink alone in Fujisawa, I will bother you again.
N A on Google

今まで行った居酒屋史上、最高のお店でした。料理、酒、雰囲気、気遣いが素晴らしい! お通し=お椀で焼いた鰆と蓮根団子、刺身、牛肉、あん肝 ハートランドの生ビール、-60度のキンミヤ焼酎で作ったレモンサワー、桜燻ハイボール、静岡の日本酒 雰囲気は賑やかですがうるさくなく、落ち着いた感じです。カウンターではシェフの調理が見れるのですが、これがすごい!一人でさまざまな料理を同時並行で進めるのです。 感動するレベルでした。 飲み物も飲み終わった頃合いに声をかけてくれて、食べ物もちょうどいいタイミングで出してくれます。 お値段も手頃で、とても幸せな時間でした。 今回は一人でしたが、今度は妻と伺います。
It was the best izakaya I've ever been to. Great food, sake, atmosphere and care! Rice = grilled Spanish mackerel and lotus root dumplings, sashimi, beef, ankimo Draft beer from Heartland, lemon sour made from -60 degree Kinmiya shochu, smoked cherry highball, sake from Shizuoka The atmosphere is lively but not noisy and calm. You can see the chef's cooking at the counter, which is amazing! You can cook various dishes at the same time by yourself. It was a moving level. They will talk to you when you finish drinking and serve food at just the right time. The price was reasonable and it was a very happy time. This time I was alone, but this time I will visit my wife.

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