
4.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact イエローヒッポ英会話教室

住所 :

270-971, Oshinobe, Kasama, 〒319-0205 Ibaraki,Japan

電話 : 📞 +899789
Webサイト : http://www.goyellowhippo.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed
Monday 3–10PM
Tuesday 3–10PM
Wednesday 3–10PM
Thursday 3–10PM
Friday 3–10PM
街 : Ibaraki

270-971, Oshinobe, Kasama, 〒319-0205 Ibaraki,Japan
Misato Kawasaki on Google

小学校から高校までずっと通っていた英会話教室です。 自分で話すことに重点を置き、クラスのみんなは積極的に”I wanna try!”と手を挙げます。 音楽やリズムに合わせてフレーズを覚えたり、季節の行事はみんなで集まってパーティーをして楽しんだりもしました。 卒業して数年経ちましたが、今でもふとリズムで覚えたフレーズを思い出したりもします。 生徒同士もすぐに打ち解けられるアットホームな教室です。 イエローヒッポに長年通っていたおかげで、英語は常に1番の得意で好きな科目、それだけでなく積極性もついたと思います。 先生の方々には感謝してもしきれないくらいお世話になりました。卒業してからもずっと大好きな先生たちです。自信を持っておすすめ出来る教室です。
This is an English conversation class that I used to attend from elementary school to high school. Focusing on speaking for yourself, everyone in the class will actively raise “I wanna try!”. We also learned phrases according to music and rhythm, and enjoyed parties by gathering together for seasonal events. It's been a few years since I graduated, but I still remember the phrases I learned in rhythm. It is a cozy classroom where students can quickly get to know each other. Thanks to my years at Yellow Hippo, I think that English is always my best and favorite subject, and that I also have a positive attitude. Thank you so much for all the teachers. They are my favorite teachers even after I graduated. It is a classroom that we can recommend with confidence.
KUIS 3171047 on Google

小学4年生から高校3年生まで通っていました。 教室の雰囲気含めて英語を学ぶ上でモチベーションが上がる塾だと思います。 学校の授業に沿った勉強から音楽やゲームなどで楽しみながら英語が勉強できるので毎回行くのが楽しみでした! イベントごとも度々開催されるので、そういった点からもアメリカ文化を感じることができます! 先生が生徒一人一人としっかり向き合ってくださるので、授業方法などの相談もできます!先生がほんとに楽しい方々です!! 英語を楽しみながら学びたい!と言う人におすすめです。 イエローヒッポのおかげで、英語を話すことの楽しさを知ったので海外旅行などにも抵抗なく行けるようになりました。
I attended from 4th grade to 3rd grade in high school. I think this is a cram school that motivates you to learn English, including the atmosphere of the classroom. Since I can study English while playing music and playing games, I was looking forward to going there every time! Events are often held, so you can feel the American culture from these points! The teacher will face each and every student, so you can consult with them about class methods! The teachers are really fun! ! I want to learn while enjoying English! Recommended for those who say. Thanks to Yellow Hippo, I learned how fun it is to speak English so I can travel abroad without any resistance.
TS O on Google

英会話ならイエローヒッポが間違いない!と息子三人を通わせてもらい実感しました。 特に長男は高校に上がった時に英会話は優れていて、高校でホームステイに行った時に楽しかったらしく、卒業後単身アメリカへ行き更に成長したので、ウチの通訳になってました笑 次男は控えめな生活でしたが、高校に上がったらやはり英会話は優れていました。 三男は学力が低めですが、英会話は優れています。 全てイエローヒッポへ通わせてもらった賜物です。 因みにそのおかげなのか分かりませんが、子供達はみんな洋楽が好きです。
Yellow Hippo is definitely for English conversation! I realized that I was allowed to pass through my three sons. Especially my eldest son had excellent English conversation when he went to high school, and he seemed to have fun when he went to a homestay in high school. After graduating, he went to America alone and grew up, so he became an interpreter for me. My second son had a modest life, but when he went to high school, his English conversation was excellent. The third son has low academic ability, but English conversation is excellent. It's all a gift of going to Yellow Hippo. By the way, I don't know if it's because of that, but all the children like Western music.
Yusuke Fukasawa on Google

自分は小学1年生から中学3年生の9年間お世話になりました。小学生の時はワークブックを使って日常会話や英単語を習うとともに、アメリカのボードゲームやおもちゃで遊びながら英語を話すという授業でした。何よりも先生方がユーモアたっぷりで、当時は先生というよりも友達と遊んでいるような感覚で本当に楽しく英語にふれることができたと思います! 中学生になると本格的に教科としての英語学習がスタートしました。文法や英単語を多く学ばなければいけませんが、小学生時代から英会話を続けてきたおかげで英語で苦戦することはほぼなく、長文やリスニングなどもしっかりと解答することができました。また中学3年生になると年に5回の実力テストが行われ入試に向けた実戦力も身につきました。そのため自信をもって本番へ臨むことができ、無事志望校に合格できました!本当に感謝の気持ちでいっぱいです! 大学生となった今でもイエローヒッポで英語を学べて本当に良かったと感じています。先日数年ぶりに先生方とお会いした時も私のことを覚えていてくださって本当にうれしかったです! 英語力とともにネイティブなコミュニケーション力を身に着けることができる素晴らしい英会話教室だと思います!
I have been indebted for 9 years from the 1st grade of elementary school to the 3rd grade of junior high school. When I was in elementary school, I used workbooks to learn daily conversation and English words, and also spoke English while playing American board games and toys. Above all, the teachers had a lot of humor, and at that time I think I was able to really enjoy learning English as if I were playing with friends rather than teachers! When I became a junior high school student, I started learning English as a subject in earnest. I have to learn a lot of grammar and English words, but thanks to my continued English conversation since I was in elementary school, I almost never struggled with English, and I was able to answer long sentences and listening. Also, in the third year of junior high school, the ability test was conducted five times a year, and I gained the ability to prepare for the entrance examination. Therefore, I was able to go to the actual performance with confidence and successfully passed the school of my choice! I'm really grateful! Even now as a college student, I am really happy to be able to learn English at Yellow Hippo. I was really happy to remember me when I met the teachers for the first time in a few years the other day! I think it's a wonderful English conversation class where you can acquire native communication skills as well as English skills!
Ayaka Mochimaru on Google

小学生の頃から高校生になるまで、間が空いて、専門学生になってからまた通い始めてとたくさんお世話になった英会話教室です。 毎週レッスンに行くのがたのしみで、こんなに英語が好きになったのは先生方のおかげです! 小学生の時は音楽やゲームで英語に触れ合って、中学生になってからも学校の授業で英語にすんなり溶け込めたのは間違いなくイエローヒッポに通っていたからです。いま思い返してもたのしかったと感じるとっても素敵な教室です★
From the time I was in elementary school to the time I became a high school student, there was a gap, and after I became a professional student, I started attending again. I enjoyed going to lessons every week, and it was thanks to the teachers that I loved English so much! When I was in elementary school, I came into contact with English through music and games, and even after I became a junior high school student, I was able to easily blend in with English in school classes because I definitely attended Yellow Hippo. It's a very nice classroom that I feel was fun to look back on now ★
misaki f on Google

25周年おめでとうございます! 小~中学年生まで通っていました。先生はフレンドリーで分からないことがあれば真摯に向き合ってくれます。些細な質問でも答えてくれて自信に繋がりました。私自身あまり出来のいい生徒ではありませんでしたが今まで英語を嫌いになったことはありません。それはイエローヒッポに通っていたおかげだと思います。そして大人になった今、英語を学び直したいと思いご縁があってまた通わせていただいております。英会話スクール選びを始めた時、真っ先に思い浮かんだのはやっぱりイエローヒッポでした。長い時間が空いたので色々な不安もありましたが、名前を言っただけで覚えてくれていて家族のように受け入れてくれました。 レッスンは勿論ですが、何年経っても生徒のことを大切にしてくれる素敵なスクールです。
Congratulations on your 25th anniversary! I went to elementary to middle school. The teacher is friendly and will take you seriously if you have any questions. Answering even the smallest questions gave me confidence. I wasn't a very good student myself, but I've never hated English. I think it's because I went to Yellow Hippo. And now that I'm an adult, I want to relearn English, so I'm going back to school. When I started choosing an English conversation school, the first thing that came to my mind was Yellow Hippo. I had a lot of anxieties because I had a long time, but he remembered me just by saying his name and accepted me like a family. Not to mention lessons, it's a wonderful school that will take good care of your students over the years.
マキマキ on Google

私は小学生~高校生の頃まで通っていました〜!先生がとってもフレンドリーで、英語が出来なくても皆で楽しく簡単な英語でコミュニケーションをとったり、ゲームをするので、すぐに友達もできるし、いつの間にか英語ができるようになっていました!! だからこそ毎週のレッスンが楽しみで、中学、高校では英語の授業に困ることなく安心して勉強できていました? そして高校生の頃にはアメリカにも連れてっていただき、本場の英語に触れ、ディズニーやNY、歴史的な場所など楽しいながらに人生で1度きりかもしれない体験をさせていただきました!友達とも先生とも家族のように仲良くなれました☺️ 大学生になった今でも、ヒッポで英語を学べたことがとても誇りです!
I used to go from elementary school to high school! The teachers are very friendly, and even if you can't speak English, everyone can communicate in simple English and play games, so you can make friends right away and you can speak English before you know it !! That's why every week I was looking forward to the lessons, and I was able to study with confidence in junior high school and high school without having to worry about English classes ? And when I was a high school student, I was taken to the United States, where I was exposed to authentic English and had a fun but once-in-a-lifetime experience in Disney, NY, and historical places! I became friends with my friends and teachers like a family ☺️ Even now as a college student, I am very proud to be able to learn English at Hippo!
げん on Google

I went to junior high school to high school for about 6 years. I was able to learn practical English conversation as well as classroom lectures like those learned at school, which was very helpful. Recommended for those who want to firmly learn the 4 skills that correspond to Eiken. I had never been exposed to English until I entered junior high school, so I went to Yellow Hippo and became fond of English and became a good subject ?

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