センチュリー21 エコホームズ

3.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

賃貸・管理・売買は「センチュリー21 エコホームズ」にお任せください。 - Eco-homes.jp

センチュリー21 エコホームズのTOPページです。賃貸住宅の管理のご相談や不動産の売却、購入のご相談。賃貸マンション、アパートをお探しならセンチュリー21 エコホームズにお任せください。センチュリー21の看板が目印です。

Contact センチュリー21 エコホームズ

住所 :

Miyahara, Yodogawa Ward, 〒532-0003 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +898
Webサイト : https://www.eco-homes.jp/
街 : Osaka

Miyahara, Yodogawa Ward, 〒532-0003 Osaka,Japan
Hasegawara Yumi on Google

I participated in the seminar. It was very helpful because the paid-level know-how was generously talked about from the basics of real estate to the advanced version. I'd like to see you again.
柳宗厳(siva) on Google

非常に信頼できる不動産会社さんです。 数多くの実績をお持ちで セミナーでも大変有益な情報を発信してくださっています。
A very reliable real estate company. Have a lot of achievements The seminars also provide very useful information.
あはほ on Google

重要書類がちゃんと届くことがない こちらの話を一切聞かず自分達の都合しか通さない 金の話しかまともに返してこない 共同スペースの管理がなってない とにかく管理会社としては最悪です。 初めての一人暮らしをこの管理会社と住人によってめちゃくちゃにされました。
Important documents do not arrive properly I don't listen to this story at all I don't get the money back The common space is not managed Anyway, it is the worst as a management company. The first time living alone was messed up by this management company and residents.
Xiaosi on Google

I am a property owner in Kobe city, and even from the owner's point of view, I am a very reliable real estate agent with satisfaction from residents and know-how of property management. Thanks to you, it is currently full, but if there is a vacancy, I would like to ask for a recruitment advertisement for residents.
ammer H on Google

日本に何年も住んでいますが、私が見た中で最悪の管理会社です。 保証会社の審査が通るか通らないか。お客様には教えません。自分で聞く必要があります 使用は全保連保証会社のほか、月に2000円を追加で支払う必要があります∑(O_O;)!!!! なぜこのような会社が生き残っているのかわからない。。
I've lived in Japan for years and it's the worst management company I've seen. Whether the guarantee company's examination passes or does not pass. I will not tell the customer. You have to listen for yourself In addition to the Zenhoren Guarantee Company, you need to pay an additional 2000 yen a month for use ∑ (O_O;)! !! !! !! I don't know why such a company has survived. ..
welina taka on Google

I attended an introductory seminar on full occupancy management. Although it was free, it was a paid seminar, which was very easy to understand and very useful for future rental management. It is definitely a company that I would like to ask you to manage.
多田潤 on Google

不動産に関するあらゆる資格を取得され(資格魔?笑)、知識量は半端ないと思います。 オーナー目線でのセミナーも多岐にわたり、その内容が新鮮で濃いのに無償提供されるので頭が下がります。単に知識量に留まらず、「街の不動産屋さん」として、売買、仲介だけでなく、賃貸の仲介、管理の幅広い実務経験もお持ちな為、説得力があり、お客様に喜んで頂ける「サービス業」として、実践的なアイデアも多く、非常に頼りになる社長さんです。
I have acquired all the qualifications related to real estate (qualification demon? Lol), and I think that the amount of knowledge is incomplete. There are a wide variety of seminars from the owner's perspective, and although the content is fresh and rich, it is provided free of charge, which makes me sick. As a "real estate agent in the city", we have a wide range of practical experience in not only buying and selling and brokerage, but also rental brokerage and management, so it is persuasive and pleases our customers. As a "business," he has many practical ideas and is a very reliable president.
河合誉真 on Google

最悪です。 1番大事なお金の件の不備や契約書の内容ですら適当な回答をして来ます。 担当と別の方への引き継ぎもされていませんしホントに最悪でした。
It's the worst. Even the most important money deficiencies and the contents of the contract will be answered appropriately. It wasn't handed over to another person from the person in charge, and it was really the worst.

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