
4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 鳥平

住所 :

2 Chome−9, Toneri, Adachi City, 〒121-0831 Tokyo,Japan

街 : Tokyo

2 Chome−9, Toneri, Adachi City, 〒121-0831 Tokyo,Japan
kingkaz papas (きんぐ) on Google

It's delicious, but I wonder if it smells like cigarettes
オーちゃん on Google

It seems to be called Borihira ❗️
miyuki kobayashi on Google

焼き鳥が絶品です! 炭火で焼いてるので風味も最高です。
Yakitori is excellent! It's grilled over charcoal so it has the best flavor.
Issyo Kamui on Google

焼き鳥を炭焼きで提供する❗ツマミの量は特大 味はそこそこ旨い 嬉しいのが酒が安い 店員は明るいが店主は暗い入りやすい良い店だと思う
The amount of salmon knobs that serve yakitori on charcoal grills is extraordinary The taste is good, but I'm happy that the liquor is cheap.
大倉哲朗 on Google

The yakitori as well as the sashimi were very delicious! I missed the kamameshi (drinking too much) so I'm looking forward to the next time ?
De Onashi on Google

大将の態度がびっくりするぐらい悪い。 一人で行ったら単価悪いのが気に食わないのか接客の女の子に帰らせろと怒鳴り、怒鳴り声が聞こえてるのにも関わらず閉店ですと言われた。団体さんは普通に注文中。しかも別日も同じやり取りで2回目。
The general's attitude is so bad that he is surprised. When I went alone, I didn't like the bad unit price. I yelled at the customer service girl to go home and I was told that it was closed even though I could hear the yell. The group is ordering normally. Moreover, it was the second time with the same exchange on another day.
入谷の美容師 on Google

今日、不謹慎とは思いましたが、どうしても鳥平さんに行きたくて、予約して行きました〜 相変わらずの美味しさで、また、寄らせていただきたいです〜 鳥平最高〜
I thought it was unscrupulous today, but I really wanted to go to Mr. Torihira, so I made a reservation ~ It's still delicious, and I'd like to stop by again ~ Torihira is the best ~
aki shima on Google

炭火焼きの焼き鳥が格別です! もつ煮などの一品料理もたくさんあって、長居してしまいます☆ 釜飯のレパートリーも豊富なので家族連れでも楽しめます♪
The charcoal-grilled yakitori is exceptional! There are many single dishes such as motsuni, so you will stay longer ☆ The repertoire of Kamameshi is also abundant, so you can enjoy it with your family ♪

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