
4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 食堂れぷれ

住所 :

2 Chome−4, Teraodai, Nishi Ward, 〒950-2063 Niigata,Japan

電話 : 📞 +887977
Webサイト : http://pitea.jp/%3Fpage_id%3D12
Opening hours :
Saturday 11:30AM–8PM
Sunday 11:30AM–8PM
Monday 11:30AM–8PM
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday 11:30AM–8PM
Thursday 11:30AM–8PM
Friday 11:30AM–8PM
街 : Niigata

2 Chome−4, Teraodai, Nishi Ward, 〒950-2063 Niigata,Japan
藤華 on Google

初めましてのお店。 急な階段を登ると個性的な雑貨が広がり、一気にテンションも上がります笑 ランチメニューも豊富にあり、金額もリーズナブル。 定番中の定番ですが、トマトとベーコンのパスタとサラダのセットを注文しました。 トマトは大きめなカットで入っていましたが、 繊維っぽくなく、甘いので優しく、ベーコンの塩加減と調和されていて、癖になる美味しさです。 サラダも、いろいろな種類が入っていて最後まで楽しめました。 また、リピします(*´∀`)
Nice to meet you shop. When you climb the steep stairs, unique goods spread out and tension rises at a stretch. The lunch menu is also abundant, and the price is reasonable. It is a standard among the standard, but ordered the set of pasta and salad of tomato and bacon. The tomato was in a large cut, but It's not like fiber, it's sweet, it's gentle, it's in harmony with bacon's saltiness, and it's delicious. The salad also contained various kinds and I enjoyed it until the end. Also, I will repeat (* ∀ `)
Yoihi Kyouwa on Google

綺麗な店内、あたたかな接客、丁寧な調理。 お料理が美味しくない訳がありません。 下ごしらえの間。 ニンニクを炒めるいい香りに食欲を掻き立てられ、お料理を今か今かと待ち遠しく感じます。 そんな時間も楽しく感じる店内。 とても美味しかったです。 お見送りもあたたかに。 ごちそうさまでした。
Beautiful interior, warm customer service, and careful cooking. There is no reason why the food is not delicious. During preparation. The nice aroma of stir-fried garlic stirs my appetite, and I can't wait to cook. Inside the store, you can enjoy such time. It was very delicious. It's warm to see you off. Thank you for the meal.
s10 k01 on Google

休日のランチで利用。 隠れ家のようなカジュアルな雰囲気のイタリアンレストラン。 ご夫婦?でされているようです。 お客様の年齢層も高めで非常に落ち着いて食事ができます。 味も店の雰囲気より美味しいです。 また、隣の北欧雑貨のお店も素敵な雰囲気なので、機会があればまた行ってみたいお店です。 初めてのデートなど気張った際に利用するのではなく、気軽にランチに行くのに適しています。
Used for lunch on holidays. An Italian restaurant with a casual atmosphere like a hideaway. A couple? It seems that it is done. Customers' age group is also high and they can eat very calmly. The taste is also better than the atmosphere of the store. Also, the Scandinavian miscellaneous goods store next door has a nice atmosphere, so if you have a chance, I would like to go there again. It is suitable for casual lunch instead of using it when you are on a date for the first time.
川上竜矢 on Google

全メニューに付いてくるサラダが非常に美味しい! 内装も清潔感があり、コロナ対策がきちんとされている。 居心地も素晴らしく良く、店員さんも親切。 多少お店を見つけづらいのだけが難点… メイン料理も美味しく大満足なので、皆さん是非?
The salad that comes with the whole menu is very delicious! The interior is clean and the corona measures are in place. The coziness is wonderful and the clerk is kind. The only difficulty is that it's a little hard to find a shop ... The main dish is delicious and very satisfying, so everyone is welcome ?
ちーたん on Google

以前、隣にある雑貨屋に お邪魔した時に偶然見つけた店なのですが その時は、満席だったため ランチを諦めて、今回初めて この店で、ランチをしました☺️✨? 野菜好きの僕ですが、初めて食べる 種類のものも多くてワクワクしました☺️ 地産地消が、ウリだそうで新鮮でしたよ 次回は、ヤンソンさんの誘惑を食べてみたい
Previously, at the general store next door I happened to find this shop when I visited At that time, it was full I gave up lunch and this is my first time I had lunch at this shop ☺️✨? I like vegetables, but I eat it for the first time I was excited because there were many kinds of things ☺️ Local production for local consumption seems to be melon and it was fresh Next time, I want to eat Jansson's temptation
おこめつぶ on Google

何年も前からお気に入りのお店。久しぶりにランチで行きましたがマスターがちゃんと顔を覚えてて下さってお人柄が感じられました。感染対策もバッチリ(セルフで消毒、お水やマスク入れのビニールがあります)で相変わらず1人でも気取らず落ち着いて料理を楽しめるほっこり素敵なお店でした。 パスタランチの牛肉のトマトソースのショートパスタを頂きました。 相変わらず美味しくて備え付けのパンでソースも残さず頂きました! 今度は贅沢ランチ食べてみたいです! ランチはれぷれサラダが付いて1300円、コーヒー200円、ミニデザートが200円でした。
A favorite shop for many years. I went for lunch for the first time in a long time, but the master remembered his face properly and I felt his personality. Infection countermeasures are perfect (self-disinfecting, there is water and vinyl for masks), and as usual, it was a nice and relaxing shop where even one person can enjoy cooking calmly and unpretentiously. I had a short pasta with beef tomato sauce for pasta lunch. As usual, it was delicious and the bread was provided, leaving no sauce! I want to eat a luxurious lunch this time! Lunch was 1300 yen with a repure salad, 200 yen for coffee, and 200 yen for a mini dessert.
matiya0505 on Google

I visited at noon. The entrance is difficult to understand. For lunch, I had seafood pasta and risotto. The pasta tasted a little light, but I could feel the taste of the seafood ingredients.
SHIMA on Google

ワタリ蟹のパスタがうまい!雰囲気もいいし、隣にある雑貨屋が安くてかわいくて楽しい。 4種のチーズパングラタンランチは、少し量が少なめで男性には足りなく感じるかも。 味は抜群にうまい。チーズをもっとドロっとかけた方が見栄えはするが、味のバランスを考えたら、これでいい気がする! 手間がかかるから難しそうだけど、ハーフサイズで出してくれたら、パスタと一緒に頼みたいメニュー! パスタがおいしかったので、今度はパスタを食べる!
Watari crab pasta is good! The atmosphere is good, and the grocery store next door is cheap, cute and fun. The four types of cheese bun gratin lunch are a little small and may feel insufficient for men. The taste is outstandingly good. It looks better if you sprinkle more cheese on it, but considering the balance of taste, this feels good! It seems difficult because it takes time, but if you serve it in half size, I would like to order it with pasta! The pasta was delicious, so I'll eat it this time!

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