
4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 香港小厨

住所 :

2 Chome−28, Ninomiya, Naka District, 〒259-0131 Kanagawa,Japan

Webサイト :
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

2 Chome−28, Ninomiya, Naka District, 〒259-0131 Kanagawa,Japan
masa nonaka yokohama (Nonaka横浜) on Google

昼前に行きましたが、スタッフさんの感じが凄く良くて応援したくなってしまう! 思った以上に量があって完食出来なくて申し訳ない。昼時はがっつり食べる方が多いようでセットスープの味が少し濃かった。
I went there before noon, but the staff feels so good that I want to support them! I'm sorry I couldn't finish the meal because there was more than I expected. It seems that many people eat solidly at noon, and the taste of the set soup was a little strong.
宋せんじゅ on Google

めっちゃおいしかった!! やはり心をこめて料理を作る店だ。 おかずの量も多過ぎで食べきれなかった。とにかく私にとってはとてもいい店だ!! おすすめです!
It was really delicious! !! After all it is a restaurant that cooks food with all its heart. The amount of side dishes was too large to eat. Anyway, it's a very good store for me! !! it's recommended!
-徐 拓-JO Taku on Google

The stir-fried bean seedlings were delicious. The ratio of garlic and chili is just right. The spiciness that wasn't too spicy and the taste of fresh vegetables spread well in my mouth and it was delicious.
Hideki A. on Google

Entered around 12:20 on Monday. Take a seat immediately. I ordered 780 yen for char siu fried rice. Includes 3 dumplings, salad Zha cai, and soup. Fried rice is parapara. The seasoning is modest in salt.
セクハラ逆ギレジイナナ、まーくん on Google

いゃーチャーハンとセットメニューは、美味しかったですね❗桜エビと、エビラーメンでした‼️麺は、チャンポン麺に似てますね‼️次は❗麻婆ラーメン激辛を頼みたいとおもいます 再度訪問、今日はチャーハンセットの大盛りと麻婆麺を注文しました、麻婆麺は!ラーメンじゃーなくージャージャー麺みたいな、感じで美味しかったですね❗激辛にと注文しましたがーまだまだ余裕でした(笑)次回は辛さを倍に❗しますょ? お店の若い店員さんも‼️礼儀正しく、愛想も良く❗できた店です 7月4日、今日は、店主のKちゃんと初めましての挨拶(笑)こんな野郎を?フォローしてくれて❗ありがとう!さて今日は、中華丼、麻婆麺、激辛を注文しました❗中華丼は、具材も、たくさん入っていて最高でした❗しかし❗麻婆麺、激辛は、まだまだー余裕でしたね?でも、ここの料理は❗全体的に美味しいですょー!Kちゃん、マー君を、失神させる辛さの❗麻婆ーお願いしますょー死ぬまでに(笑)それまでーちょこちょこ食べに行きますから(笑) 7月8日!今日は、夜の部で訪問!ご飯セットの、チャーシューチャーハンセットを注文!チャーハン、餃子、サラダの付くセットでした❗相変わらずチャーハンも美味しく、初めての餃子!また具だくさんで美味しかったです❗ぁぁー満腹(笑)
The fried rice and set menu were delicious ❗ Sakura shrimp and shrimp ramen! ️Noodles are similar to champon noodles! Next time, I want to order ❗ Mabo ramen spicy I visited again, and today I ordered a large serving of fried rice and mabo noodles. It wasn't ramen-it tasted good, like jar jar noodles ❗ I ordered it to be spicy-but I still have plenty of time (laughs) Next time I will double the spiciness ? Young shop assistants also ️ It is a polite and friendly store. July 4th, today's greetings with the shopkeeper K-chan, nice to meet you (laughs) Thank you ❗ for following such a bastard! By the way, today I ordered Chinese rice bowl, Mapo noodles and spicy spicy ❗ The Chinese rice bowl was great because it contained a lot of ingredients ❗ However, ❗ Mao noodles and spicy spicy were still a lot ? , The food here is ❗ overall delicious! K-chan, Ma-kun's painfulness that makes you faint ❗ Mama-Please give me a smile (laughs) Until then, I'll go eat a little bit (lol) July 8th! Today we are visiting at night! I ordered a pork fried rice set of rice set! It was a set with fried rice, dumplings and salad ❗ Fried rice was still delicious and the first dumplings! It was full of ingredients and it was delicious ❗ ah full (lol)
m k on Google

こちらの中華は、ありきたりの味の中華でした。餃子は美味しかったですが、ニンニクの匂いが少し気になりました。 ニンニク好きなら大丈夫です。 エビチリもエビマヨもエビがボソボソしていて残念でした。 青椒肉絲は、家でも作れる感じのクオリティーです。 ここは、麻婆豆腐が美味しいそうです。 私は食べていないので分からないですが。
This Chinese food was a traditional Chinese food. The dumplings were delicious, but I was a little worried about the smell of garlic. If you like garlic, it's okay. It was a pity that the shrimp were lumpy in both shrimp chili and shrimp mayo. Pepper steak is of a quality that you can make at home. Mapo tofu is delicious here. I don't know because I haven't eaten.
ゴンチャ大好き on Google

休業中の山西の香港軒と同じ系統のお店です。 ここのお店は鶏肉のサクサク黒酢揚げ定食が人気らしいです笑 定食に付いてくる餃子は具沢山です? ホールの店員さんもみんな感じが良くて、愛想が良い人ばっかです。センちゃんと言うバイトの子の対応がGoodです? 香港軒の方も復活待ってます??? 桂ちゃん(店長)は自分と同い年で、日本語も凄く上手で料理も配達も出来て凄いと思います。
It is the same shop as Hong Kong eaves in Shanxi, which is closed. It seems that the crispy black vinegar set meal of chicken is popular at this shop lol The dumplings that come with the set meal are a lot of ingredients ? The staff in the hall are all nice and friendly. The correspondence of the child of the part-time job called Sen-chan is Good ? Hong Kong eaves are also waiting for the resurrection ??? Katsura-chan (manager) is the same age as me, and I think she is very good at Japanese and can cook and deliver.
Mae Karen Arguillon on Google

When the server delivered my food, the soup and chicken have hairs on it ? (I complained while she was holding the food so it isn't really mine ?) after 48 years, the chef brought another set of my order and explained they replaced the soup and the chicken (but I can see the chicken was just fried again coz there were burnt scallions) and he explained he is already wearing chef's hat. I MEAN, WHAT'S THE POINT OF JUST FRYING IT AGAIN AND WEARING HAT JUST BECAUSE I COMPLAINED??! ????

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