
2.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact カーセールスNo1

住所 :

2-chōme−13, Arima, Miyamae Ward, Kawasaki, 〒216-0003 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8888
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

2-chōme−13, Arima, Miyamae Ward, Kawasaki, 〒216-0003 Kanagawa,Japan
Megu mi on Google

If you get along with the president of Edokko, you can have a lot of fun choosing a car ?
派遣社員 on Google

毎日新聞 地方版 20170120より …………………………………………………………………… 走行距離メーターを巻き戻した車を不正に販売したとして、県警交通捜査課と旭署は20日、川崎市宮前区有馬2、中古車販売業、堀江博容疑者(68)と、中古車販売店従業員ら35~58歳の男女6人を不正競争防止法違反と詐欺容疑で逮捕した。 逮捕容疑は昨年9月、同区の中古車販売店「カーセールスNo1」で、走行距離メーターを巻き戻した中古の軽ワゴン車を展示。横浜市の自営業の男性(59)にうその説明をして販売し、代金42万9000円をだまし取ったとしている。堀江容疑者は「メーターを戻した車を売ったが、金をだまし取ってはいない」と容疑を一部否認している。
Mainichi Shimbun local edition from 20170120 ………………………………………………………………………… On the 20th, the Prefectural Police Traffic Investigation Division and Asahi Station said that they had illegally sold a car with a mileage meter rewound. Six men and women aged 35 to 58, including store employees, were arrested on suspicion of violating the Unfair Competition Prevention Law and fraud. In September last year, a used light wagon car with a mileage meter rewound was exhibited at the used car dealer "Car Sales No. 1" in the same district. It is said that he explained the lie to a self-employed man (59) in Yokohama City and sold it, and cheated the price of 492,000 yen. Horie has partially denied the charges, saying, "I sold the car with the meter back, but I didn't cheat the money."
松田雄一 on Google

カーショップ246で詐欺→逮捕→屋号変更で今の名前に 6年前にキャラバンを契約。現金決済するも納車しない。 店に乗り込み返金を要求するもお金がないから返せないとの事。 詰めると見事な逆ギレ!だれが返すかバカヤローとの事。 唾を吐きかけてきたので警察に通報。警察が来るも返金に関しては民事不介入。訴訟に発展するが裁判所に出頭しない。 勝訴から強制執行をかけても巧妙に財産を隠しているため差し押さえ出来ず。警察は債務不履行になるので詐欺で立証できないとの事でしたがエンドユーザー目線では完全詐欺会社です。 小学生でも買える!等の激安価格の看板でお店に入る人は店側からすると罠にかかったカモです。 くれぐれも気をつけてください。 最後に代表の堀江へメッセージ 金返せ
Scam at Car Shop 246 → Arrest → Change name to current name Signed a caravan 6 years ago. I settled in cash but did not deliver the car. I got into the store and requested a refund, but I couldn't return it because I didn't have the money. When packed, it's a wonderful reverse sword! Who will return it? I started to spit, so I called the police. Although the police came, there was no civil intervention regarding refunds. It develops into a proceeding but does not appear in court. Even if the case was won and forced to be executed, it could not be seized because the property was cleverly hidden. It was said that the police could not prove it by fraud because it defaulted on debt, but from the end user's point of view, it is a complete fraud company. Even elementary school students can buy it! The person who enters the store with a signboard with a super-discount price such as is a duck trapped from the store side. Please be careful. Finally, a message to the representative Horie Return the money
代表佐々木 on Google

国道246号を通るときにいつも半端ねぇ~価格で車を販売している 車屋さん 見に行きました(^-^) 対応や説明とても親切に話してくれました まだ買うかどうか検討中ですが… ●車屋さんでローンが組めないのが難点● 現金のみの売買しかとりあつかってないそうです。 たから薄利多売と言ってました 過去に色々あり、口コミ評価が低いですが、 逆に踏まえて今は改善されていると思われます ※店の対面に有料駐車場があります。 そこへ停めて観覧したんですが見終えたら帰りに駐車場料金を支払って頂きました 親切にしていただき有り難う御座いました 車を買ったらまた報告致します(^.^)
A car shop that sells cars at a price that is always odd when passing Route 246 I went to see (^-^) Correspondence and explanation Very kindly talked to me I'm still considering whether to buy it ... ● The difficulty is that you cannot get a loan at a car shop ● It seems that they only deal with buying and selling cash only. I said it was a low profit and high sale There are various things in the past, and the word-of-mouth evaluation is low, On the contrary, it seems that it has improved now. * There is a pay parking lot opposite the store. I stopped there and watched it, but when I finished watching it, I had to pay the parking fee on my way home. Thank you for your kindness I will report again if I buy a car (^. ^)
豊島寿 on Google

安かろう悪かろう。 かつての職場の社長がここで車を買いましたが、故障が多く、修理に出したら修復痕ではないかと指摘されていた。そりゃ安いでしょう。 また、その後2台まとめて購入した際、納車されず、返金や納車かという話をすると、すでにその車は他の客に売ったという。返金にも応じない。 その後取り付く島もありません。 おすすめしません。
Is it cheap or evil? The president of the former workplace bought a car here, but it was pointed out that there were many breakdowns and that if it went out for repair, it would be a repair mark. That would be cheap. Also, when two cars were purchased together, the car was not delivered, and when it was talked about whether it was refunded or delivered, the car was already sold to other customers. We do not accept refunds. There is no island to attach afterwards. Not recommended.
かづ旭 on Google

You can't search for the name of the store because you don't have a sign. If you see it before you buy this review, definitely stop buying a car from this store! You will be deceived. The car will not be delivered and the money will not come back! Look at the reviews from the phone number search! If I got to the word of mouth before I bought it, I didn't buy it!
hara yuki on Google

絶対買ってはいけません。 3年ほど前購入しました。 うちは納車されました。即決してしまった後にここの噂をネットで見つけて気がきじゃなかったけど、納車されるまで連絡しました。 即決しないと、ちょっと脅すような言葉を言って買わせます。川崎から別地域の引っ越しがあったので車がちょっと必要な時期だったので即決してしまいました。 1年後動かなくなりました。それまで何度も故障して修理。 せめて2年は動いて欲しかったけど。納車されない方もいるみたいだったのでうちはラッキーなほうですね。やっぱり新車で買うのが一番です。 新車買ったディーラーが微々たる金額ですが買い取ってくれました。
Never buy it. I bought it about 3 years ago. We were delivered. I didn't feel like finding the rumors here on the internet after I had done it immediately, but I contacted him until the car was delivered. If you don't make a prompt decision, you will be asked to buy it by saying a little threatening words. There was a move from Kawasaki to another area, so it was a time when I needed a car, so I never did it immediately. It stopped working a year later. Until then, it broke down many times and was repaired. I wanted it to work for at least two years. It seems that some people aren't delivered, so we're lucky. After all it is best to buy with a new car. The dealer who bought the new car bought it for a small amount.
みほちん on Google

この口コミを見てくれた人は絶対に購入しないで下さい。 とにかく納車はされません。 返金も無いです。 警察に駆け込んだ人々は、民事だと相手にもされません。 苦しい思いをするだけです。
Please do not buy it if you see this review. The car will not be delivered anyway. There is no refund. People who rush to the police are not treated as civilians. I just have a hard time.

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