
4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 鷹匠すだち

住所 :

2-chōme−12, Takajō, Aoi Ward, 〒420-0839 Shizuoka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Webサイト : http://www.takajyo-sudachi.com/
街 : Shizuoka

2-chōme−12, Takajō, Aoi Ward, 〒420-0839 Shizuoka,Japan
k s on Google

ランチでコースの予約してから伺いました! とても満足できるコースです
I visited after booking the course for lunch! It's a very satisfying course
ゆうほのちゃんねる on Google

二回お伺いし、初回はランチをいただきました。 どれも美味しくて、他に1組しかいなかったからか、お料理を早く出て、接客もよくとても満足でした。 しかし、二回目にディナーでお伺いした際は本当に嫌な思いをしました。 とにかく出てくるのが遅い! 18時半にコースを予約し、最後にデザートが出たのが21時すぎ。 その間に4組程入店されていましたが、退店したのが、一番初めに入店した私達でした。 私達は座敷に座りましたが、カウンターにいらしたお客さんは常連さんでしょう。 その方達はどんどん料理がでていました。 それに、大将は「これ食べてみてください」とその方達にサービスしていました ある程度常連さんを優遇するのはしょうがないとは思いますが‥ あと気になったのは、常連さん、初めて来られたであろう方、皆さん退店時大将が外までお見送りされていましたが、私達の時は皿洗いしながら挨拶されたのも気になりました 他のお客さんは年配の方が多かったので、20代の私達はあまり相手にされなかったのかも。 いくならランチがいいかな
I visited twice and had lunch for the first time. Everything was delicious and there was only one other set, so I left the food early and the customer service was good and very satisfying. However, when I visited for the second time at dinner, I really felt bad. It's slow to come out anyway! I booked a course at 18:30, and last dessert was just past 21:00. During that time, about four sets were entered, but it was us who entered the store first. We sat in the room, but the customers who came to the counter would be regulars. They were cooking more and more. And the general was serving them, "Please try this." I think it would be unavoidable to treat regulars to some extent. I was also worried about the regulars, those who would have come for the first time, and the generals who had left the store had been sent off outside, but at our time I was also worried that they were greeting while washing the dishes Was The other customers were older, so maybe we were not in the 20s. I wonder if lunch is good
佐竹諭 on Google

とても美味しい食事とお酒を頂きました。 蛸の早煮が付きだしで出ましたが、とても美味しく、他の料理に期待出来ました‼️ 遅い時間に行ったので無い料理もありましたが若鮎の天ぷらは絶品‼️ コース料理ならリーズナブルに楽しめる事なので今度はもっと早い時間に行きゆっくりと楽しみたいと心から思いました。
I had a very good food and drink. I came out with a quick-boiled salmon, but it was very delicious and I could expect other dishes !! Moth There were no dishes because I went to a late time, but the tempura of Wakatsuki is superb! Moth I thought that I would like to enjoy the course food reasonably and this time I would like to go earlier and enjoy slowly.
Yuko Takatori on Google

It will let you eat seasonal foods.
Masa Mitsu on Google

I had the managing director of a company I had a relationship with take me. I had delicious food such as foie gras and truffles that I have never eaten. I didn't know which liquor to match, but the shop staff chose each one. It was very delicious! ️
小松祐子 on Google

地元の茶農家さんのご紹介で連れて来て頂いた、地物が美味しいお店です。 こじんまりとした店内なので予約は必須です。この日も満席で、次から次へと来るお客様を女将さんが丁重にお断りしていました。 ご主人が腕をふるうお料理はどれも美味しい‼ 特に地魚は✌ 先程まで海で泳いでいたカンパチのお刺身は、さすがコリコリの歯応え!金目鯛のお刺身も甘い‼鯛の椀物や焼き魚も工夫が凝らしてあってひと味違う。 今回はアサリの炊き込みご飯の山菜乗せでしたが、鯛茶漬けも絶品だそうです。次回は必ず頂きたいです。 今回私たちはデザート無しのコースでしたが、お隣の方はトマトの入ったデザートを召し上がっていました。お腹がいっぱいで入らなかったのが残念です。 最後にサービスで頂いたフレーバーティーは女将さんのこだわりのお茶で、何種類もあるそうです。私たちはグレープフルーツフレーバーのお茶を頂きましたが、一口目の鼻に抜ける香りはミントの様な。さっぱりとしたグレープフルーツティーは気持ちもスッキリさせてくれました。 お値段はお手頃ですが、お腹も一杯。気持ちもスッキリ。 満足度のとても高いお店だと思います。 PS どれも美味しくて忘れていました? 筍のお蕎麦も美味しかったでした? 筍が練り込んだお蕎麦ではありません。ちょっと面白い調理法だと思います。 是非、「すだち」さんで味わってみてください。
This is a restaurant with delicious local features brought to you by the introduction of a local tea farmer. Reservations are required as it is a small shop. This day was also full and the landlord politely refused customers coming from one to the next. All the dishes that the husband is good at are delicious! Especially for local fish, ✌ The amberjack sashimi that was swimming in the sea until now is truly crunchy! Kinme sea bream sashimi is also sweet! Sea bream bowls and grilled fish are also different because of their ingenuity. This time it was cooked with clams and served with wild vegetables, but it seems that sea bream pickles are also excellent. I definitely want to have it next time. This time we had a dessert-free course, but the neighbor was eating a dessert with tomatoes. I'm sorry I didn't enter because I was full. Lastly, the flavor tea we received at the service is the master's particular tea, and there are many kinds. We had a grapefruit flavored tea with a mint-like scent in the nose. Refreshing grapefruit tea made me feel refreshed. The price is reasonable, but the stomach is full. Feelings are also refreshing. I think it is a very satisfying store. PS All were delicious and I forgot ? The bamboo shoot soba was also delicious ? It is not the soba kneaded by the bamboo shoot. I think it's a little interesting cooking method. Please try it with Sudachi.
工藤小夏 on Google

テイクアウト 旬のお弁当2500円(税抜) 2日前予約。 お店は10:00〜19:00(要確認) ご飯とおかずの2段弁当 季節により食材が変わります。楽しい! 2500円弁当の他、もう少し価格を押させたお弁当、おかずのみ、等あり。
Takeout Seasonal lunch 2500 yen (excluding tax) Book 2 days in advance. The shop is from 10:00 to 19:00 (confirmation required) Two-stage lunch with rice and side dishes Ingredients change depending on the season. fun! In addition to the 2500 yen bento, there are bento boxes with a slightly higher price, side dishes only, etc.
まさる on Google

数年ぶりの利用 残念ながらランチはやっていない?のか お弁当2,700円税込の利用 手数が多く しっかりと手仕事が伝わる美味しさ お品書きが有ればより楽しめますね 舞茸ご飯、牛肉、鮑、子持ちししゃも 巻き海老、鰻、海つぼ、白身魚の天ぷらetc ボリューム感もあります また利用したいですし 通常営業もまた行きたい!と 思える内容でした 今回は前日予約でした
Use for the first time in several years Unfortunately you don't have lunch? Or Lunch box 2,700 yen including tax A lot of work Deliciousness that firmly conveys handicrafts If you have an item, you can enjoy it more. Maitake rice, beef, abalone, shishamo with children Rolled shrimp, eel, sea jar, white fish tempura etc. There is also a sense of volume I want to use it again I also want to go to regular business! When It was content that seemed This time it was a reservation the day before

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