わくわくすて~しょん 海浜幕張店

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact わくわくすて~しょん 海浜幕張店

住所 :

2 Chome−110, Hibino, Mihama Ward, 〒261-0021 Chiba,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Webサイト : https://wakuwaku-hiroba.com/shop/%25E3%2582%258F%25E3%2581%258F%25E3%2582%258F%25E3%2581%258F%25E3%2581%2599%25E3%2581%25A6%25EF%25BD%259E%25E3%2581%2597%25E3%2582%2587%25E3%2582%2593%25E3%2580%2580%25E6%25B5%25B7%25E6%25B5%259C%25E5%25B9%2595%25E5%25BC%25B5%25E5%25BA%2597/
Opening hours :
Saturday 8AM–10PM
Sunday 8AM–10PM
Monday 8AM–10PM
Tuesday 8AM–10PM
Wednesday 8AM–10PM
Thursday 8AM–10PM
Friday 8AM–10PM
街 : 〒1F Chiba

2 Chome−110, Hibino, Mihama Ward, 〒261-0021 Chiba,Japan
satomi on Google

仕事帰りにいつも寄ります。 お野菜が美味しいです。 お弁当や惣菜コーナーのスペースが増えましたが 夕方以降は割引もあってすごい混んでます。 個人的には惣菜コーナーのチーズナンが好きです♪
I always stop by on my way home from work. The vegetables are delicious. The space for lunch boxes and side dish corners has increased, After the evening, there are discounts and it is very crowded. Personally, I like Cheese Nan in the side dish corner ♪
あんこ on Google

野菜プラスで周辺の飲食店のテイクアウト出来るお弁当がたくさんはあります。 アジア系もありますよ。 どれにしようか迷うほど多種類が並んでいます。 忙しい時のちょい買い野菜に便利なお店です。鮮度も良いです。 海浜幕張駅改札口前の『道の駅』って感じです。????
There are many bento boxes that you can take out from nearby restaurants with Vegetable Plus. There are also Asians. There are so many types that you can't decide which one to use. It is a convenient shop for buying vegetables when you are busy. The freshness is also good. It feels like a "roadside station" in front of the ticket gate of Kaihin Makuhari Station. ????
蔵沙羅 on Google

しばらく行かないでいたら、銀だこの跡地まで売場が広がっていてびっくり、テイクアウト需要に対応すべく、自社のお弁当等をたくさん置いている他、プレナ幕張内の飲食店からのお弁当も多数あり! 何度も言ったことがある海鮮餃子帆船のものも何種類もあり、味も分かっているので安心して購入。店舗でできたてを食べる味には叶いませんが、テイクアウトメニューとしては満足の行くお味。 野菜などのコーナーも広がっていて、いろいろ買えるのは良いのですが、レイアウトが悪くてレジ待ちが長い。しかもセルフで袋詰めなのにカウンターが、コロナなしの時のせいぜい4人分くらいのスペースしかなく、とっても密です。
If you haven't been there for a while, you'll be surprised that the sales floor has expanded to the site of Gindaco, and in order to meet the demand for take-out, we have a lot of our own lunch boxes, and there are also many lunch boxes from restaurants in Plena Makuhari! There are many types of seafood dumpling sailing ships that I have said many times, and I know the taste, so I bought it with confidence. It doesn't come true to the taste of eating freshly made at the store, but it is a satisfying taste for a take-out menu. There is also a wide area for vegetables, and it's nice to be able to buy various things, but the layout is bad and the cashier waits a long time. Moreover, even though it is self-packed, the counter is very dense, with only a space for about 4 people at most without a corona.
Akiko W on Google

新鮮な野菜が安い時が結構あるので、お店を覗くのが楽しみです 地産地消をお店が掲げているのがいいですね
There are quite a few times when fresh vegetables are cheap, so I'm looking forward to seeing the shop. It is good that the shop has local production for local consumption
akaenpitsu kosei on Google

2020年12月14日から、売場がぐーんと広がり、品揃えが増えました! 近隣店の、パン、和菓子、弁当、惣菜もすごい並び量で、目移りします。時折珍しい野菜があるのも楽しみ。
From December 14, 2020, the sales floor has expanded dramatically and the product lineup has increased! Bread, Japanese sweets, bento boxes, and side dishes from nearby stores are also lined up in great numbers. I also look forward to the occasional rare vegetables.
探偵偽 on Google

お弁当が3割引きだったので購入。クーウンクワンというお弁当や制の弁当らしい。 油淋鶏弁当は美味しかったけどできたてなら相当うめーなこりゃ的。 妻が買ったカオマンガイは一晩たってもおいしかっった。辛くて本格的。また買いたい。
I bought a lunch box because it was a 30% discount. It seems to be a lunch box called Kuun Kwan or a bento box. The deep-fried chicken with soy sauce was delicious, but if it was freshly made, it would be quite delicious. The Khao Man Gai that my wife bought was delicious even overnight. Spicy and authentic. I want to buy it again.
jajajanじゃっきぃ on Google

Even though it was a greengrocer, before I knew it, lunch boxes, side dishes, and dumplings were displayed more than vegetables, and the sales floor expanded. It's a little expensive, but there are lunch boxes from nearby restaurants. Not only Japanese food, but also Indian curry, Thai food, and Taiwanese food are available.
Bryan Odo on Google

Always get fresh veggies when I'm there!

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