
3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 沢菊本店

住所 :

2 Chome−1, Juhachinichimachi, Kuji, 〒028-0065 Iwate,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Webサイト : http://www.sawagiku.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–7PM
Sunday 9AM–7PM
Monday 9AM–7PM
Tuesday 9AM–7PM
Wednesday 9AM–7PM
Thursday 9AM–7PM
Friday 9AM–7PM
街 : Iwate

2 Chome−1, Juhachinichimachi, Kuji, 〒028-0065 Iwate,Japan
Kazuki Ishikawa on Google

Various sweets are on sale. Busunokobu is famous.
yu hama on Google

ぶすのこぶで有名な老舗のお菓子屋さん。 近くに久慈病院があった頃、何回か寄らせていただきました。
A long-established candy store famous for bush bumps. When Kuji Hospital was nearby, I stopped by several times.
jaws tomo on Google

黒い小さなプラスチックの鍋の容れ物に入ったチーズケーキ、おいしかったです。 自宅に持ちかえり、玄関の判子入れになってます。
The cheesecake in a small black plastic pot container was delicious. I took it home and used it as a stamp at the entrance.
TAK Super on Google

ぶすのこぶ、美味しいです。 あんこのお菓子なのに、洋菓子のような風味です。お土産によさそう。
The bumps and bumps are delicious. Even though this is sweet, it tastes like Western confectionery. Looks good for souvenirs.
Aya Take on Google

ぶすのこぶ、塩キャラメルマドレーヌ、焼きモンブランを購入。 どれも美味しい❗特に焼きモンブランはほっぺが落ちます❗なのに、通販で売ってない幻の作品。
Purchased Busu no Kobu, salted caramel madeleine, and grilled Mont Blanc. All of them are delicious ❗ Especially the roasted Mont Blanc has a fluffy ❗, but it is a phantom work that is not sold by mail order.
コダワリの女のひとりごと on Google

I bought “Onabe-chan” for a limited time sale in Tokyo by Mr. Sawaiku. I drowned in a pot container, but the half-boiled cake inside is delicious again! It is also famous for sweets called “Busuno Kobu”. Kuji City is in the midst of popular popularity in the location of Amachan. I would like to go to the main store of Sawaiku.
Freedom竜 Freedom on Google

It is very close to the roadside station Kuji. The sesame paste is very delicious, and I often buy it as a souvenir. The pudding in the kettle (?) Was also delicious.
ぢょん万次郎 on Google

ひな祭りだったので、桜餅・うぐいす餅・3色だんご?をお供え用に。 いちごの沢山乗ったショートケーキも購入。 甘酸っぱいいちごに甘いスポンジケーキとクリームがちょうど良く、あっと言う間に完食。
Since it was the Doll's Festival, we used Sakura Mochi, Uguisu Mochi, and 3-color Dango ? as an offering. I also bought a shortcake with lots of strawberries. Sweet and sour strawberries, sweet sponge cake and cream are just right, and you can eat it in no time.

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