Café de la Place“カフェ・ド・ラ・プラス”

4.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Café de la Place“カフェ・ド・ラ・プラス”

住所 :

Nakamachi, Kuji, 〒028-0056 Iwate,Japan

Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 10:30AM–6:50PM
Sunday Closed
Monday Closed
Tuesday 10:30AM–6:50PM
Wednesday 10:30AM–6:50PM
Thursday 10:30AM–6:50PM
Friday 10:30AM–6:50PM
街 : Iwate

Nakamachi, Kuji, 〒028-0056 Iwate,Japan
fuku Tsumiki on Google

It is a pity that the menu was only pasta.
泉ちゃんみっつ on Google

They look for dishes that use local ingredients and ingredients in various places, eat and walk around, and always offer menus that are trial and error. It is a popular restaurant for women, with the wife of a vegetable sommelier.
マルママ on Google

大好きなカフェです。 いつ伺っても、野菜の扱い方、素材が生き生きとして絶品です。久慈地域の食材を大切にしている想い、地元愛に溢れたカフェです。日曜日が定休日なのが残念ですが、応援しています。
This is my favorite cafe. Whenever you visit, the way of handling vegetables and ingredients are lively and exquisite. This café is full of local love with the thought of cherishing the ingredients of the Kuji area. I am sorry that Sunday is a regular holiday, but I support it.
kenichi yamada on Google

美味しい物を提供してくれます♪ 訪れるのが毎回楽しみです♪
He / she provides delicious thing ♪ I look forward to visiting every time ♪
Mako on Google

Delicious food using local ingredients. The store is filled with wonderful Kikujiyaki coffee cups.
駒場公苑 on Google

久慈市中央2丁目にあった、エルコリーヌが平成28年8月に東北地方に初上陸した台風10号による水害の影響で土風館に移転してラプラスとして再開しています。 料理の種類は少ないですが、どれも楽しめる内容になっていると思います。 土風館の2階にありますが、中央の階段を上がって目に入るのがレトロ館入り口で、その展示物のある通路を行くとレトロ館の入口の手前にラプラスの入口がある為、レトロ館を覗いてみるつもりがないと見つけづらいのが難点です。 因みにラ・プラスなので、ラプラスの悪魔は居ません。
Ercoline, located in Chuo 2-chome, Kuji City, moved to Dofukan due to the flood damage caused by Typhoon No. 10 that first landed in the Tohoku region in August 2016, and is reopening as Laplace. There are few types of dishes, but I think that they are all enjoyable. Although it is on the 2nd floor of Dofukan, you can see the retro hall entrance by going up the stairs in the center, and if you go through the passage with the exhibit, there is the Laplace entrance in front of the entrance of the retro hall, so the retro The difficulty is that you can't find it unless you plan to look inside. By the way, since it is Laplace, there is no Laplace demon.
吉田博史 on Google

道の駅久慈「やませ土風館」の2階にある。入り口がレトロ館と共通なのが少しわかりにくくて少し残念。 コーヒーをテイクアウトしただけなので、店内は一瞥しただけだが、雰囲気は良い。コーヒーは薫り高くおいしかった。
Located on the 2nd floor of Road Station Kuji "Yamase Dofukan". It's a little disappointing that the entrance is the same as the retro hall. I just took out coffee, so I just glanced at the inside of the store, but the atmosphere is good. The coffee was fragrant and delicious.
ひろこ“ヒロコピー” on Google

Have lunch for the first time in a long time ♪ There is a menu at the entrance and a disinfectant. When you go inside, there are seats for 4 people or 1 person in the back (infection control measures are solid) I will tell you the menu you do not know ♬ (many long names lol) Always with a menu full of vegetables without feeling guilty I will eat it (without permission). It's the best because it's kind to the body and delicious!

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