武田耕雲斎等の墓 - Tsuruga

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Contact 武田耕雲斎等の墓

住所 :

2 Chome-9, Tsuruga, Fukui 914-0801, Japan

Postal code : 914-0801
Webサイト : http://www.city.tsuruga.lg.jp/smph/sightseeing/culture/bunkazai_ichiran/kuni_kenshiteibunkaz.html

2 Chome-9, Tsuruga, Fukui 914-0801, Japan
Aurelie Y. on Google

ボタンを押すと大和田伸也の説明音声が流れる。 近代史好きな方はぜひここに一度来てみてください。
When you press the button, Shinya Ohwada's explanation voice will be played. If you like modern history, please come here.
尚代 on Google

大和田伸也さんの解説を聞き 悲しくなりました? 斬首後はゴミ扱いですね。
Listen to Shinya Ohwada's commentary I became sad ? After decapitation, it is treated as garbage.
高安武雄 on Google

Takuro Takashio on Google

水戸天狗党がここで6棟の鰊蔵の閉じ込められた、悲しい歴史の遺跡。 その内1棟は、水戸市松本町「回天神社」に移設され、保存されています。
A sad historical site where the Mito Tengu Party trapped six herring warehouses here. One of them has been relocated to "Kaiten Shrine" in Matsumoto-cho, Mito City and has been preserved.
古室色彩 on Google

2021.NHK大河ドラマ 【青天を衝け】 水戸藩士武田耕雲斎と同志士350人余りが《中略》幕府に捕らわれ斬首された地。 水戸藩は、攘夷派(天狗党)と諸生派(保守派)に別れていた。 徳川斉昭(なりあき)公が病死後、攘夷派は立場が終息に追いやられる。 耕雲斎が天狗党の党首になり、尊皇攘夷を訴える。 耕雲斎は党首になった時点で、処刑されることを覚悟していた。 此の墓地は刑場であり遺骸を埋没して土盛りをした、武田耕雲斎と志士が眠る墓であり天狗党終焉の地。 後に、耕雲斎の妻・子・孫までも斬首された。
2021. NHK Taiga Drama [Reach Beyond the Blue Sky] The land where the Mito clan Takeda Kounsai and more than 350 comrades were captured and decapitated by the Shogunate. The Mito clan was divided into the Sono faction (Tengu party) and the Morio faction (conservative faction). After Nariaki Tokugawa died of illness, the Joi faction was forced to end its position. Kounsai becomes the leader of the Tengu Party and appeals to the Emperor Sonno. Kounsai was prepared to be executed when he became leader. This graveyard is a prison, a grave where Takeda Kounsai and Shishi sleep, where the remains were buried and filled with earth, and the place where the Tengu Party ended. Later, Kounsai's wife, children, and grandchildren were also beheaded.
4M-2M on Google

大河ドラマ「青天を衝け」、津田寛治さん演じる武田耕雲斎。 耕雲斎等の墓の前に耕雲斎の像が有ります。 大和田伸也さんの音声ガイドでの詳しい説明も 聞く事ができます。
Takeda Kounsai played by Kanji Tsuda in the taiga drama "Seiten wo Tsuketsu". There is a statue of Kounsai in front of the tombs of Kounsai. Detailed explanation in the audio guide of Shinya Owada You can hear it.
woodbell 226 on Google

咲く梅の 花ははかなく 散るとても 香りは君が 袖にうつらん 『天狗党の乱』は、幕末の尊皇攘夷運動の本山たる水戸藩の権力闘争に端を発している。水戸烈公徳川斉昭を中心とした勢力を、敵対勢力が蔑視したのが「天狗党」の由来である。 その斉昭の死後二年後の出来事であり、反天狗党の巻き返しから天狗党は水戸領内に居場所なく、いわば水戸藩を抜け出る形で京都を目指した。天皇のもと幕府に対し 攘夷の実行を迫る嘆願を行おうととした。京都に一橋慶喜がいた。のちに最後の将軍職を嗣ぐこの人物は京都に常駐して幕府の対朝廷外交をとりしきっていた。慶喜は水戸徳川家の出身である。斉昭の実子であり、武田耕雲斎らはこの慶喜にすがろうとした。 頭領に担がれた水戸藩家老武田耕雲斎、首謀者は藤田小四郎という国学者藤田東湖の息子だった。東湖は斉昭の懐刀とでもいうべき家老だった。いずれもその身分は「水戸様の御老臣」ということで、平時ならば封建社会における歴々の身分の者たちであった。軍容は一見堂々としていた。将校である騎馬武者が二百騎、大砲が十五梃、人数はあわせて千余人であったと伝わっている。 筑波山から敦賀まで諸藩や幕府軍と戦い ながら行軍した。通過途中の諸藩は戦意が低く、さしたる抵抗もなく岐阜鵜沼まで進軍したが、ここから先は水戸藩に恨みを持つ彦根藩などが押し出していたため、琵琶湖の周辺を通るのは難しいと考え、北上し越前大野に入り、そこから越前敦賀付近にまで進出した。慶喜自身が、武田らに対する追討総督になり、越前新保 まできたかれらの歎願をしりぞけるのである。かれらは、降伏した。 当初、降伏を受け入れたのは追討軍の先鋒であった加賀藩だった。加賀藩は大藩らしく、あるいは加賀藩らしく天狗党を本勝寺・本妙寺・長遠寺の3か寺に収容し、丁重な扱いをした。武士道に従った扱いであり、さすがは加賀藩といったところである。しかし幕府軍に身柄が引き渡されると扱いが一変する。自らを頼ってきた天狗党の扱いについて慶喜は手をひき早々と京都に帰り、江戸からきた幕府の若年寄田沼玄蕃頭意尊という人物に処分をゆだねた。この田沼は東国における天狗党の所業を快く思っておらず、手厚く遇していた加賀藩軍監を叱責し、天狗党を囚人としてニシン蔵に入いれた。 そのときの人数は七百七十六人であった。幾棟かのニシン蔵に入れられたこの一党の状態については、つぶさに実見した加賀藩士の赤井伝右衛門という人物が、田沼のやりかたのひどさに痛憤しながら記録している。「蔵には明かり窓があるが、それに板を打ちつけて内部を真暗にした。内部の床の敷物はがすこし敷かれているだけである。大小の便所は蔵の中に桶を入れてあるだけで、臭気に耐えられない。食事は握り飯が一つずつで、一日に二度しか渡さない。押しこめられている人数は衣服をことごとく剝がれて赤はだかであり、下帯までとりあげられている」とある。 これらの扱いは田沼が慶喜に伺うこともなく独断で行われたが、慶喜も天狗党のその後の扱いについては特段、意見を述べることもなかった。その後、天狗党353名は5日に分けて斬首される。この処刑の地が、国史跡武田耕雲斎等墓が位置する場所である。処刑の度に穴を掘り遺体を埋葬したため、5つの塚となったとされる。 私はこのニシン倉に下帯一枚で押し込め、さらに五日にわけて斬首するという所業を聞いたときに恐ろしくなった。日本歴史上、これほど残虐な行為というのは少ないと思う。しかも彼らは政治犯ではあったと思うが、死罪にあたるほどの犯罪とは思えない。体制転覆を図ったということだろうか。何にせよ大人になってから天狗党事件を知った(高校時代に日本史を履修していなかった)が、大変に衝撃をうけた。 この尊王攘夷の烈士に対する冷淡で残虐な扱いは、天下の衝撃をあたえた。特にこの処置は在京の志士たちに与えた衝撃は大きく、当時、京都にいた大久保一蔵(利通)はこの事件について「幕、滅亡の表」と書いている。つまり幕府に正義、大義はなくなったことを満天下に示したというのだ。 その後、天狗党の人々は罪人として処刑されたが、敦賀の人々はこれを不憫に思い、供養を続けた。明治にいたり天狗党は義士として名誉を回復するのである。 墓所周辺には水戸や茨城県の方々から献樹がたくさんあった。 見つけることはできなかったが、水戸の偕楽園の梅を植樹したものもあるそうだ。梅は亡くなった方々の無念を想いを和らげるとも言われているそうだ。
The blooming plum blossoms are ephemeral, and the scent is very fragrant. The "Tengu Party Rebellion" originated from the power struggle of the Mito Domain, the head temple of the Sonno Joi movement at the end of the Edo period. The origin of the "Tengu Party" is that the hostile forces despised the forces centered on Mito Rebellion Tokugawa Nariaki. It happened two years after Nariaki's death, and the Tengu Party had no place in the Mito territory due to the rebound of the anti-Tengu Party, so to speak, they headed for Kyoto in the form of exiting the Mito Domain. Under the emperor, he tried to make a petition to the shogunate to urge the shogunate to carry out the order to expel barbar. There was Yoshinobu Hitotsubashi in Kyoto. This person, who later became the last shogun, was stationed in Kyoto and was in charge of the shogunate's diplomacy with the imperial court. Yoshinobu is from the Mito Tokugawa family. Nariaki's real child, Takeda Kounsai and others tried to follow Yoshinobu. Kounsai Takeda, the chief retainer of the Mito Domain, and the mastermind was Koshiro Fujita, the son of Toko Fujita, a national scholar. Higashiko was an old man who could be called Nariaki's kaiken. All of them were "Mito-sama's old vassals", and in peacetime they were people with various statuses in feudal society. The military was seemingly imposing. It is reported that there were 200 cavalry warriors, 15 cannons, and a total of more than 1,000 officers. From Mt. Tsukuba to Tsuruga, he marched while fighting against various clan and shogunate forces. The feudal lords on the way were low in fighting spirit and marched to Gifu Unuma without any resistance, but from this point onward, the Hikone feudal clan, who had a grudge against the Mito feudal clan, was pushing out, so it was thought that it would be difficult to pass around Lake Biwa. I went north and entered Echizen Ono, and from there I advanced to the vicinity of Echizen Tsuruga. Yoshinobu himself became the governor-general of the follow-up to Takeda and others, and rejected their plea to Echizen-Shinbo. They surrendered. Initially, it was the Kaga Domain, the forerunner of the revenge army, who accepted the surrender. The Kaga clan housed the Tengu party in three temples, Honshoji, Honmyoji, and Choenji, and treated them politely, like the Great Clan or the Kaga Clan. It is treated according to Bushido, and is truly the Kaga domain. However, when the character is handed over to the Shogunate army, the treatment changes completely. Regarding the treatment of the Tengu Party, which had relied on himself, Yoshinobu quickly returned to Kyoto and entrusted the disposition to a young shogunate, Tanuma Okitaka, who came from Edo. This Tanuma was not happy with the work of the Tengu Party in the eastern country, and rebuked the Kaga Domain Army Chief who had treated him well, and entered the herring warehouse with the Tengu Party as a prisoner. The number of people at that time was 767. The state of this one-party state, which was put into several herring warehouses, was recorded by a person named Akai Denemon, a Kaga feudal lord, who was angry at Tanuma's way of doing things. "There is a light window in the brewery, but I struck a board into it to darken the interior. The floor covering inside is only a little laid. Large and small toilets have tubs in the brewery. I can't stand the odor. I only eat one rice ball and give it only twice a day. It is said. " These treatments were carried out arbitrarily without Tanuma visiting Yoshinobu, but Yoshinobu did not give any particular opinion on the subsequent treatment of the Tengu Party. After that, 353 members of the Tengu Party were beheaded in five days. This place of execution is the place where the graves such as the national historic site Takeda Kounsai are located. It is said to have become a mound. I was scared when I heard the work of pushing it into this herring storehouse with a single lower belt and decapitating it in five days. I don't think there are so many cruel acts in Japanese history. And while I think they were political prisoners, I don't think they were a death penalty. Did you try to overthrow the system? Anyway, when I became an adult, I learned about the Tengu Party incident (I didn't take Japanese history when I was in high school), but I was very shocked. The cold and cruel treatment of this sonno jōi martyr gave a shock to the world. In particular, this procedure had a great impact on the scholars in Tokyo, and Ichizo Okubo (Toshimichi), who was in Kyoto at that time, wrote about this incident as "the curtain, the table of destruction." In other words, it was shown to the full sky that justice and cause had disappeared in the shogunate. After that, the people of the Tengu Party were executed as sinners, but the people of Tsuruga felt pity for this and continued the memorial service. In the Meiji era, the Tengu Party regained its honor as a righteous man. Around the graveyard, there were many trees donated by people from Mito and Ibaraki prefectures. I couldn't find it, but it seems that some of them have planted plum trees in Kairakuen, Mito. Ume is said to relieve the regrets of those who have died.
古藤靖志 on Google

元治2年(1865年)に発生した「天狗党の乱」によって、武田耕雲斎ら水戸藩天狗党員が処刑され、後に埋葬された墳墓です。 昭和9年(1934年)12月28日に国の史跡に指定されました。
It is a tomb where members of the Mito Domain Tengu Party, including Takeda Kounsai, were executed and later buried due to the "Tengu Party Rebellion" that occurred in 1865. It was designated as a national historic site on December 28, 1934.

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