カットエー - Shibukawa

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact カットエー

住所 :

164-1 Arima, Shibukawa, Gunma 377-0005, Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
Postal code : 377-0005
Webサイト : https://www.cuttwin.co.jp/shop/3976/

164-1 Arima, Shibukawa, Gunma 377-0005, Japan
nana on Google

I told him not to cut too much, but he became almost shaved. I will never go again.
橋本崇宣 on Google

Very good customer service, kind and polite. I am grateful that you can wash your hair without having to move your seat. The store manager, who looks like a hermit, has an unforgettable impact once you see it. It's fun to come to the store as you see it! ️
阿久津淳一 on Google

Is the young man's clerk the manager of Pikaichi? Is a little breathy w Correspondence was polite and medium w
さとうもりお on Google

若いメガネの掛けた人は雑でやってもらいたくない。 店長と女の子従業員は、とても丁寧にやって頂けるので有りがたく思ってます。
People with young glasses don't want to be sloppy. I am grateful that the store manager and the girl employees are very polite.
Imai Hiroshi on Google

親切丁寧で礼儀正しいです。 手際が良く早く仕上がります。 バリエーションも多く安価です。 予約しなくても大丈夫です。待ち時間は、平日はあまり掛かりませんが土日祝日は混みます。気楽に寄れる床屋さんですね。
Kind, polite and polite. It will be finished quickly and quickly. There are many variations and it is cheap. You don't have to make a reservation. Waiting time is not so long on weekdays, but it is crowded on weekends and holidays. It's a barber shop where you can easily drop by.
KR RN on Google

若い男性店員さんにカットしていただきました。写真を見せてこんな感じでとお願いしましたが、写真以上に綺麗に仕上げていただき大満足です。 女性店員の方も丁寧に対応していただきました。 コスパ、接客、技術をふまえリピートさせていただこうと思ってます! オススメさせていただきます。
I had a young male clerk cut it. I showed you the photo and asked for it to look like this, but I am very satisfied with the finished product, which is more beautiful than the photo. The female clerk also kindly responded. I would like to repeat it based on cost performance, customer service, and technology! I will recommend it.
齋藤渉 on Google

大人1500円(税抜き)で顔剃りまでしてくれます。格安ヘアカットは他にも行きましたが、安いだけあってシステム化されていて、イメージ通りにカットしてもらえないことが多かったのですが、こちらは時間も他の1000円カットに比べて倍以上掛けて調髪してもらえました。(僕は30分くらいかかりました。) 仕事も丁寧で、バリカンだけでなくハサミを使って仕上げてくれました。 シニアは1300円(税抜き)なのでこれも他の1000円カットに比べてお得感があると思います。 僕が伺ったときは、たまたまトラブルが有りスタッフの昼休みと重なり、待ち時間が長かったですが、こればかりは運が悪かったので仕方ありません。僕の後に来店したかたはもしかしたら2時間くらい待ったので本来ならもっとスタッフを増やした方が良いと思います。(でもコストが掛かりすぎれば商売として成り立たないから難しいと思いますが…) スタッフは4名、全員が常駐している訳ではありませんが髭剃りシャンプーだけをする人は一人だけなので、最初から最後まで同じ人にカットしてもらえる事も有ります。流れ作業的な雰囲気はあまり有りませんのでそのあたりも他とは違うと思います。
It even shave your face for 1500 yen (excluding tax) for adults. I went to other cheap haircuts, but because it was cheap, it was systematized and I often couldn't get the cuts as I imagined, but this time is also compared to other 1000 yen cuts. I had my hair adjusted more than twice as much. (I took about 30 minutes.) The work was also polite, and he used scissors as well as hair clippers to finish it. Seniors are 1300 yen (excluding tax), so I think this is also a good deal compared to other 1000 yen cuts. When I visited, I happened to have a problem and it overlapped with the staff's lunch break, so I had to wait a long time, but I was unlucky so I can't help it. The person who came after me probably waited for about 2 hours, so I think it would be better to increase the number of staff. (But if it costs too much, it won't be a business, so I think it's difficult ...) There are 4 staff members, not all of them are resident, but only one person does only shaving shampoo, so the same person may cut it from the beginning to the end. There isn't much of an assembly line atmosphere, so I think it's different from the others.
Patrick Lane on Google

Good service and price

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