ネッツトヨタ高松株式会社フラワー店 - Takamatsu

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ネッツトヨタ高松株式会社フラワー店

住所 :

149-1 Sanmyocho, Takamatsu, Kagawa 761-8083, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88788888
Postal code : 761-8083
Webサイト : https://happynetz.co.jp/zentenpo/flower

149-1 Sanmyocho, Takamatsu, Kagawa 761-8083, Japan
川田卓宏 on Google

My daughter bought a used car. The sales behavior is full of energy and good.
中川尊之 on Google

とてもいいお店です。 とても親切・丁寧です。
It's a very nice shop. Very kind and polite.
三谷洋子 on Google

担当の営業の方や整備士の方の対応が非常に良いです。 不具合も詳しく説明して頂き 修理のアドバイスもしてもらい助かりました。
The correspondence of the sales person in charge and the mechanic is very good. Please explain the problem in detail We had advice of repair and were saved.
ケン on Google

The store is large, the service is good, the maintenance is good, there are many types of used cars, if you are a member, you can wash the car for free, you can wipe it yourself,
さすらいのピカチュウ on Google

When I had it checked, I heard a strange noise from the mirror. The reservation was made at the wrong time, and he was refused without seeing any testimony to the police about the hit-and-run injury. I was asked, "Should I replace the key battery?", but I asked for it, but he didn't do it, and I didn't estimate the repair of the damage I had asked. The lady at the reception was nice, but I didn't go anymore because I made too many mistakes.
kono富友 on Google

イベントデーのオイル交換に行きました。 駐車場に止めるとすぐに店員の方が来てくださり、挨拶とだいたい○分くらいはかかるかと思いますと、丁寧な対応をして頂きました。 ここの店員さんたちはフットワーク軽く、笑顔で接客されているなぁ〜。と待ってる間に思いました。 また、利用したいお店です。 オイル交換イベント日は、要予約です。
I went to change oil on the event day. As soon as I stopped at the parking lot, the clerk came and when I thought it would take around ○ minutes for greetings, I received a polite response. The clerks here are footwork light and they are served with a smile. I thought while I was waiting. In addition, it is a shop that you want to use. The oil change event day is a reservation required.
takz07 on Google

It's been 25 years since I've been with this store. Currently, we are entrusting the service of two units. It is easy to understand because it is always cheerful and will explain the contents of the service carefully. I am very satisfied.
山下博文 on Google

僕の車はフラワー店にお世話になって20年過ぎました。担当者の方はいつも礼儀正しく接していただいております。担当者の方が不在の時にも皆さん同じように相手をして下さいます。社員教育よくできていて、いい気持ちで車に乗れます。2022年2月8日です。先日往復はがきがフラワー店から届きました。 なんと、マロニエ店と移転統合との連絡です。担当者も移転先にとの事で、私もこれまで通りお世話になる事を伝えました。車の事は全ておまかせしていますので、これからもよろしくお願い申し上げます。
It's been 20 years since my car was taken care of by the flower shop. The person in charge is always treated politely. Even when the person in charge is absent, everyone will do the same. Employee education is well done and you can get in the car with a good feeling. It is February 8, 2022. The other day, a round-trip postcard arrived from the flower shop. What a contact between the Maronnier store and the relocation integration. The person in charge also told me that I would be indebted to the new location. We will take care of everything about the car, so we look forward to your continued support.

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