
4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 厳島神社(港町弁財天)

住所 :

10, Chuo Ward, 〒260-0831 Chiba,Japan

街 : 〒1F Chiba

10, Chuo Ward, 〒260-0831 Chiba,Japan
K TOM on Google

On the 1st and 15th of every month, there will be a person in charge on the day of the rooster, and you will also receive a red stamp.
猪俣伸 on Google

Since there is no parking lot, you can visit on foot from Hon-Chiba Station, or park your car in Harbor City Soga
みるきぃここあ on Google

駐車場?→無かったです。 蚊が!!たくさんの蚊に猛烈なる歓迎を受けます。 虫よけスプレーして行ったのですが、効果無し。 服の上からも、全身に蚊が刺してきます。 狛犬が一対。 裏手には、厳島神社らしく小さな堀に囲まれた祠があります。 堀には水が溜まっているので、おそらく蚊の巣窟なんだと思われます。 鬱蒼とした木々もあり、日陰。蚊蚊蚊蚊!!!?? 参拝するときは、季節と時間帯を考えたほうがよいです。 21922訪問
Parking lot ? → There wasn't. Mosquitoes! !! We receive a ferocious welcome from many mosquitoes. I sprayed it with insect repellent, but it didn't work. Mosquitoes stab the whole body from the top of the clothes. A pair of guardian dogs. Behind it is a shrine surrounded by a small moat, which is typical of Itsukushima Shrine. The moat is filled with water, so it is probably a mosquito's nest. There are also dense trees and it is shaded. Mosquitoes Mosquitoes Mosquitoes! !! !! ?? When worshiping, you should consider the season and time of day. 21922 visit
k onikei on Google

千葉市中央区の港町のマンションに囲まれた中にある神社、受験合格祈願絵馬、中に手を清める ちょっと気持ちが和みます。
A shrine surrounded by condominiums in Minato-machi, Chuo-ku, Chiba, a votive prayer for the entrance exam I feel a little relaxed.
小柳静雄(ジュピター) on Google

Benzaiten is enshrined behind the hall of worship, but the shrine is harmonious, with a seat on the back of the building 300 to 400 meters from JR Hon-Chiba Station.
伊藤・家族のお手紙 on Google

手とか物品のお清め用ですが、ご霊泉(ご神水)の湧水があります。 本千葉駅西口から5~7分程度で行けます。 社務所は1・15・巳の日のみ開所、御朱印は書置きですがあります。 いつも掃き清められてきれいな境内です。 お向かいには児童公園がありますが、トイレはありませんので、念のためw
It is for cleansing hands and goods, but there is a fountain (God water). It can be reached in about 5-7 minutes from the west exit of Hon-Chiba Station. The office is open only on the days of 1.15. 巳. It is always clean and clean. There is a children's park across the street, but there is no toilet.
シュナシュシュ on Google

I entered the shrine precincts for the first time in 50 years. Bon festival dance and radio exercises were held in the park the other day. The pond in the back of the shrine was told a scary story, probably because I couldn't play it, so I rarely went to see it. The guardian dogs here also have fluffy hair and look like they are wearing a helmet, which makes me smile.
尾崎幸春 on Google

駐車場:なし -------2021/1/4追加----- 1/3にお詣りしました。1日、15日に加え巳の日は、社務所があいてお守り、お札、御朱印をいただけます。御朱印をいただきました。 また、ご由緒書きのパンフレットもいただきました。 ---------------------------------- 近所のコインパーキングを利用します。本千葉駅からも近いです。 今の産業道路(R357)と昔の産業道路に挟まれた、静かな場所に鎮座しています。こじんまりしていますが、静かでゆったりお詣りできます。 本殿左側から奥に弁財天も鎮座しています。池も滝も蛇穴もあり、たいへん趣きがある神社です。また、旧産業道路を蘇我に向かうと200mぐらいで寒川神社が鎮座しています。寒川神社は、御朱印をいただけます。
Parking: None ------- Added 2021/1/4 ----- I prayed on 1/3. On the 1st and 15th, as well as on the day of the snake, the office will be open to protect, bills, and red stamps. I received a red stamp. I also received a pamphlet with a history. ---------------------------------- Use the coin parking in the neighborhood. It is also close to Hon-Chiba station. It sits in a quiet location between the current industrial road (R357) and the old industrial road. It's small, but it's quiet and you can relax and pray. Benzaiten is also enshrined from the left side of the main shrine to the back. There are ponds, waterfalls, and serpentine holes, making it a very quaint shrine. Also, if you head toward Soga on the old industrial road, Samukawa Shrine is enshrined at about 200m. Samukawa Shrine can receive a red stamp.

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