メーカーズシャツ鎌倉 横浜店

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact メーカーズシャツ鎌倉 横浜店

住所 :

1 Chome−4, Minamisaiwai, Nishi Ward, Yokohama, 〒220-0005 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Webサイト : https://blog.shirt.co.jp/brand/kamakura-shirt/shop/yokohama
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–9PM
Sunday 10AM–9PM
Monday 10AM–9PM
Tuesday 10AM–9PM
Wednesday 10AM–9PM
Thursday 10AM–9PM
Friday 10AM–9PM
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

1 Chome−4, Minamisaiwai, Nishi Ward, Yokohama, 〒220-0005 Kanagawa,Japan
m. hira on Google

It is a pity that each store has only a few stocks because each store is small, but I like wearing the shirt itself here. Because stock is low, I think that product rotation is fast
At Sw on Google

地下街の中だからか店舗はやや狭め。 店員さんも特に話かけてもこないので、一人でゆっくり見れる。 商品のシャツそのものは、5000円~7000円でこの生地ならまぁ良いかな。
Because the inside of the underground shopping street or the store narrows somewhat. The clerk can not even speak it, so you can watch it slowly by yourself. The shirt itself is 5000 yen to 7000 yen and it is okay if this fabric is good.
小林慎吾 on Google

The clerk is not good enough. I don't want to buy it. It's nice to talk about shirt pranks, but what? I feel like. I don't think "I see" or "I like that". It may be the original shape not to have a shirt pocket, but some people want a pocket. I thought that was "Huh", but I think it's important to say something that doesn't make the other person uncomfortable.
井上圓三 on Google

応援したいお店のひとつです。 今時としては価格が高めかな⁉️とは思いますが。 購入者が限られてしまうかも❗️でもこれもオーナーのコンセプトでしょう‼️
It is one of the shops I want to support. I think the price is high nowadays ⁉️. The number of purchasers may be limited ❗️ But this is also the owner's concept‼ ️
きこりあらぞめ on Google

就活でメーカーズシャツ鎌倉の説明会に行き、社員が「良かったら近くの店舗に行って買い物をしてみたらうちの会社の良さがわかると思います。また、就活の悩みなどあったら店員に言ってみて欲しい。店員には、その旨を連絡をしておくから是非メーカーズシャツ鎌倉の良さを知って欲しい」と言われ、就活に有利になるかと思い、最寄りの店舗まで電車で一時間かけてこちらに来たのですが、 店員に説明会に行った旨と面接に臨むシャツを選んで欲しいというと、説明会については「そうなんですか」で流され、面接に臨むシャツは就活仕様の無地の白シャツを勧められ、あまりに特徴がないので「これだと面接に着ていっても気付いて貰えないので他にないですか」と聴くと、店員は怒りながら「うちの会社の社員なら、他のメーカーのシャツと一目で見分けられる! 就活生が柄物を着ていったらおかしいってことが分からないの!」と言われ、しぶしぶ何の特徴もない学生には高い80番手の¥5000の白シャツを買いました。 その後、買い物をしたから就活の悩みぐらい聴いて貰えないかと話しかけるとその店員は聞こえないふりをして商品を物色中の他の客に話しかけ、もう一人の店員には、「まだ何かご用ですか?」と仏頂面で言われ、いえ、何でもないです。と言い、立ち去りました。少し先で振り返るとさっきの店員が「最近の学生は馴れ馴れしくて嫌だね」と言っていてショックでしたが、気にしないようにして帰りました。 後日、面接の日に着ていきましたが案の定、全く気付いて貰えず、他の方が「自分は先日、説明会でお店に行って欲しいと言われ、行ってみたら白シャツを勧められたが、それだと気付いて貰えないと思い1番新しいシャツを買ってきた」と言い、社員達も「やるね君!」と囃し立てており、正直悔しかったです。 そしてその方は、「店員さんにも就活の悩みをたくさん聞いてもらってありがたかった」と言い、横浜店の店員との差に愕然としました。 後日、就活サイトでメーカーズシャツ鎌倉は説明会のとき必ず「うちの店で買い物をしてみて欲しい」と言うが、実際は優秀人材を取るための内部基準があり、基本的にmarchクラスじゃないと書類選考で落とすが説明会で「うちの店で買い物をしてみて欲しい」と言うと一定数の人が買ってくれて美味しいから必ず言うと聴き、多分、横浜店の店員の 買い物をしたらさっさと帰れ という態度を思い出すときっとそうなんだろうな、と思いました。
I went to the maker's shirt Kamakura briefing for job hunting, and the employee said, "If you like it, you can see the goodness of our company by going to a nearby store and shopping. If you have any problems with job hunting, tell the clerk. I would like to ask the staff to know the goodness of Maker's shirt Kamakura because I will contact you to that effect." I thought that it would be advantageous for job hunting, and I took an hour by train to the nearest store I came here, I asked the clerk to go to the briefing session and choose a shirt that will face the interview, and I was told about the briefing session by saying "What is it?", and the shirt for the interview was recommended as a plain white shirt for job hunting, too. Since there is no feature, I asked if there is anything else because I can not notice it even if I wear it for the interview, so the clerk was angry, ``If it is an employee of our company, it is at a glance with shirts of other manufacturers I can't tell if a job hunter is wearing a patterned one, and I don't know what's wrong!" After that, when I asked if I could hear about the trouble of job hunting because I was shopping, the clerk pretended not to hear and talked to the other customers who were looking for the product, and the other clerk said, ``I'm still doing something "?", but it's nothing. And left. Looking back a little later, I was shocked that the clerk said, "I'm afraid that recent students are used to it, but I don't like it." I wore it on the day of the interview at a later date, but as expected, I could not notice it at all, other people said, "I was asked to go to the store at the briefing session the other day, and I recommended a white shirt when I went. However, I bought the newest shirt because I didn't realize that was the case," said the employees, and confessed that "I'm gonna do it!" And he said, "I was grateful that the salesclerks also heard a lot of worries about job hunting," and was surprised at the difference with the salesclerks at the Yokohama store. Later, at a job hunting site, Maker's shirt Kamakura always says "I want you to try shopping at my store" at the information session, but in fact there is an internal standard for recruiting excellent human resources, basically it is not march class I drop it after screening documents, but when I said "I want you to shop at our store" at the briefing, a certain number of people bought it and it was delicious, so I always listened to it, maybe when I was shopping for a clerk at the Yokohama store When I remembered my attitude of returning home, I wondered if that was the case.
kohokuku hakataku on Google

品数少ないから都内いったほうが良いかもしれない。 あと客数少ないのにいらっしゃいませくらいはいってもよいかもね。
It may be better to go to Tokyo because there are few items. Even though the number of customers is small, it may be okay to come.
ryuichi fuchi on Google

Certainly a store that originated in Kamakura. He is particular about shirts and has a family word for materials and sewing. I want more variations of ties. If you expand the store too much ... Is it an extra worry?
W Yoshi on Google

スタッフの方の知識も接客レベルも絶望的に低いです。 10年前は生地やラインナップについてもしっかりキャッチボール出来るスタッフが多かった印象ですが、ここ5年のスタッフはまるで正直経験も自社製品の知識も持ち合わせていない。 過去製造していた商品の知識もない上、当然本人が着用したこともないから会話になりません。商品がまともでも、扱うスタッフの程度が低いと買う気も起きません。
The knowledge of the staff and the level of customer service are hopelessly low. Ten years ago, I had the impression that there were many staff members who could play catch on the fabric and lineup, but the staff members for the past five years have no honest experience or knowledge of their own products. I don't have any knowledge of the products that I have manufactured in the past, and of course I have never worn them, so I can't have a conversation. Even if the product is decent, if the staff who handle it is low, you will not feel like buying it.

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