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Contact 入谷朝顔市

住所 :

1 Chome−12, Shitaya, Taito City, 〒110-0004 Tokyo,Japan

Webサイト : https://www.asagao-maturi.com/
街 : Tokyo

1 Chome−12, Shitaya, Taito City, 〒110-0004 Tokyo,Japan
Tadashi Yokoo on Google

入谷朝顔まつり(朝顔市)は毎年7月の6・7・8日の3日間開催される。 この朝顔まつりは、入谷鬼子母神を中心として言問通りに60軒の朝顔業者と80軒の露店(縁日)が並び、毎年40万人の人出で賑わいます。 朝顔まつり開催期間中は会場周辺の路上パーキングメーター及びパーキングチケットは休止になり、駐輪スペースなどの確保もございませんので、なるべく公共交通をご利用の上、ご来場ください。 また、朝顔まつり会場内ではドローンなどの小型無人機は使用できません。 朝顔について 朝顔はヒルガオ科の一年草であり、ツルは左巻きです。原産地は熱帯アジアか、西南中国からヒマラヤにかけての暖かい山麓地帯ではないかと言われています。 そして朝顔は今から千百年以上も前の奈良時代に中国から遣唐使によって我が国に伝来したと言われています。当時はこの朝顔の種子と言うものが大変貴重な漢方薬として珍重され下剤用として使われていたようです。また薬として入って来た朝顔が今のような鑑賞用として栽培されるようになったのは江戸時代に入ってからの事です。 さらに朝顔の種のことを中国名で牽牛子「ケンゴシ」または「ケニゴシ」と言い、和名を阿佐加保と書き後に朝に咲く花である事から朝顔と言われるように成ります。また朝顔はケンゴシの花と言う事で別名を牽牛花(けんぎゅうか)とも言われています。牽牛花と言いますのは、七夕の牽牛・淑女の、牽牛の花と書くので、朝顔市は七夕の前後の三日間、開催されるようになました。
The Iriya Asagao Festival (Asagami City) is held every year on July 6th, 7th and 8th for three days. This morning glory festival is crowded with 400,000 people every year, with 60 morning glory vendors and 80 stalls (fair festivals) lined up, centered on Iritani Kikomojin. During the morning glory festival, the street parking meters and parking tickets around the venue will be suspended, and there will be no parking space for bicycles, so please use public transportation as much as possible before coming to the venue. In addition, small unmanned aerial vehicles such as drones cannot be used inside the morning glory festival venue. About morning glory The morning glory is an annual plant of the Convolvulaceae family, and the vines are left-handed. It is said that the place of origin is tropical Asia or the warm foothills from southwestern China to the Himalayas. It is said that the morning glory was introduced to Japan by the envoy to Tang from China in the Nara period, more than 1,000 years ago. At that time, this morning glory seed was prized as a very valuable Chinese herbal medicine and was used as a laxative. In addition, it was not until the Edo period that the morning glory that came in as a medicine was cultivated for appreciation as it is now. Furthermore, the seeds of morning glory are called "Kengoshi" or "Kenigoshi" in Chinese, and they are called morning glory because they are flowers that bloom in the morning after writing the Japanese name as Asakaho. The morning glory is also known as the Kengoshi flower, which is also known as the Kengyuka. The morning glory flower is written as the flower of the Tanabata cow, the lady, so the morning glory market has been held for three days before and after the Tanabata festival.
arry on Google

Asagao's four varieties of Saki are about 2,000 yen per bowl. There is a taste of downtown, the seller is cool and cool in Edokko!
齋藤浩 on Google

入谷の朝顔市に久しぶりに行きました。 朝顔の種類が沢山あるのに驚きました。 また、来年も行こうと思います。
I went to Asuka in Iriya for the first time in a long time. I was surprised that there are many morning glory types. I will also go next year.

東京の夏の風物詩ですね。毎年七夕の時期に 入谷で実施されます。なかなか朝早く行ったこと ないのですが、早朝がいちばんキレイらしいです。今年は月曜にいったら、人も少なく、寂しげでした。
It is a summer feature of Tokyo. Every year at the time of Tanabata It will be implemented in Iriya. It went quite early in the morning There is not, but it seems to be the most beautiful in the early morning. If you were on Monday this year, there were few people and it was sad.
中嶌美佳 on Google

以前伺ったことがあり、初日の7月6日に再訪しました。 以前は東京メトロの入谷駅から行きましたが、今回はJR鶯谷駅から行きました。こちらからでも十分近いです。 ずらりとお店が並ぶ景色は壮観でした。 お目当ての朝顔は団十郎。なかなか本物に出会えないということで、事前に特徴などを調べました。また、駅ですでに買われた方に出会い、売っているお店を教えていただき、早速買い求めました。さすがに旅行の荷物と合わせて持って帰るのは無理なので宅配をお願いしました。 朝顔が咲いているのを見たかったので午前中に行きましたが、すでにたくさんの人だかり。さすが夏の風物詩ですね。
I have been there before and revisited on July 6 on the first day. I used to go from Iriya Station on Tokyo Metro before, but this time I went from JR Shibuya Station. It is close enough even from here. The scenery lined with shops was spectacular. The morning glory to see is Danjuro. I checked the features etc. in advance because I could not really meet the real thing. In addition, I met people who had already been bought at the station, told them which shops they were selling, and bought them immediately. As it is impossible to bring it along with the luggage of the trip, I asked for a home delivery. I wanted to see the morning glory blooming, so I went in the morning, but a lot of people were already crowded. It is true that it is a summer feature.
直哉 on Google

The city of Asakusa's lucky charms, battledore, rake, and demon lantern that give you an Edo atmosphere. Above all, I love the morning glory market here. You can also study varieties such as "Yojiro" which is bright to the eyes and "Danjuro" which has a weak Japanese hue. How about a bowl to accompany the summer?
on Google

It is the famous morning glory market in Iriya ? I am surprised that there are quite a few types of morning glory! ️ There are also stores, so children will be happy.
浅草寿 on Google

毎年7月6日から8日まで開催される朝顔まつり。 入谷鬼子母神を中心に、言問通りに120軒の朝顔業者と100軒の露店が並び、40万人の人で賑わいます。 入谷の朝顔が有名になったのは文化・文政の江戸末期。 下級武士の徒目付が大勢住んでいた御徒町で栽培が始まり、後に入谷にいた十数件の植木屋さんが造るようになったんですって。 その朝顔はすばらしく、明治中期には往来止めをしたり木戸銭を取って見せるほど有名になったそうです。 入谷の朝顔が人気を博したのには、土が適していたのとその当時流行していた変わり咲きに理由があったみたい。 変わり咲きは桔梗や牡丹のようだったり、二重だったりと花粉の交配により多様な花を咲かせることができ、最盛期には千種類の朝顔が変化に富んだ花を咲かせて楽しませてくれたそうです。 江戸末期には大輪咲きとして円形の朝顔も栽培されていましたが変化咲きの不思議な美しさがブームを巻き起こしたんですね。 江戸末期には名声を馳せた入谷の朝顔ですが、大正2年に最後の植木屋さんが廃業し入谷から姿を消してしまいました。変化朝顔も忘れ去られ、主流は円形の朝顔へと変わります。 そして35年が過ぎた昭和23年。戦後の世の中を明るくしようと入谷の朝顔市が復活ました。 令和元年(2019年)は71周年だったそう。すごいことですね。
The morning glory festival is held from July 6th to 8th every year. It is crowded with 400,000 people, with 120 morning glory vendors and 100 stalls lined up in line with the story, centering on Iriya Oniko Makoto. The morning glory of Iriya became famous at the end of the Edo period of culture and culture. Cultivation began in Okachimachi, where a large number of lower warriors lived, and later, more than a dozen planters in Iriya began to build. The morning glory is wonderful, and it seems that it became so popular that it was blocked in the middle of the Meiji era and taken to show Kido sen. The reason why Iritani's morning glory was popular was that the soil was suitable and the unusual flower that was popular at that time. A variety of flowers can be made to bloom like a bellflower or peony, or a cross of pollen with a double flowering, and a thousand morning glory blooms with a flower full of change at the peak of the period and it is enjoyed. It seems so. The circular morning glory was also cultivated as a large flower bloom at the end of Edo period, but the mysterious beauty of the change bloom has caused a boom. At the end of the Edo period, it was the morning glory of Iritani who lost fame, but the last gardener went out of business in Taisho 2 and disappeared from Iriya. The changing morning glory is also forgotten, and the mainstream changes to a circular morning glory. And 35 years passed and Showa 23 years. The morning glory market of Iriya was resurrected to brighten the world after the war. The first year of the year (2019) was the 71st anniversary. That's amazing.

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