プライベート脱毛サロン ZUMI(天満橋)

5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact プライベート脱毛サロン ZUMI(天満橋)

住所 :

Tanimachi, Chuo Ward, 〒540-0012 Osaka,Japan

Webサイト : https://instagram.com/kazumi_datsumo%3Futm_medium%3Dcopy_link
街 : Osaka

Tanimachi, Chuo Ward, 〒540-0012 Osaka,Japan
kk mm on Google

It's a stylish space and it's a completely private room, so I was able to relax and perform the treatment! !! You can feel the effect from the first time, and self-processing has already become easier! !! Also please next time ?
中谷公美 on Google

とても綺麗で清潔感があるサロンです! 脱毛の効果も抜群で主人と一緒に通っています。本当にオススメです!
It's a very beautiful and clean salon! The effect of hair removal is also outstanding and I go with my husband. I really recommend it!
jewel She on Google

サロンオーナーさんの人柄が良くて通っています。 気配りを毎回して頂き本当にありがとうございます♪ 気になってた背中の毛もだんだんなくなり、背中ニキビもなくなってきたので、とても嬉しいです!これからずっとお世話になりたいサロンです!
The personality of the salon owner is good and I go there. Thank you very much for your attention every time ♪ I'm very happy because the hair on my back that I was worried about has gradually disappeared and my back acne has disappeared! It is a salon that I would like to take care of from now on!
Mika H. on Google

今回、毛穴を綺麗にしたい!と思い 思い切って予約しました。 初めてだったので緊張しましたが オーナーさんの説明、施術と 一つひとつ丁寧にしてくださり とてもリラックスして 受けることが出来ました。 もっと早く通えばよかったと後悔してます… また近々予約します! ありがとうございました♡
This time, I want to clean the pores! I thought I made a reservation. I was nervous because it was my first time The owner's explanation, treatment and Please be polite one by one Very relaxed I was able to receive it. I regret that I should have gone earlier ... I will make a reservation soon! Thank you ♡
eriko don on Google

毛穴ケアをしていただきました。普段から毛穴の詰まりや開きが気になっていてケアしているつもりでしたがつもりに過ぎませんでした・・・思っている以上に汚れていてビックリしました。スッキリ綺麗な毛穴にしていただいたのでとても嬉しかったです。とてもお洒落なプライベート空間で贅沢な気分になれました。インテリアも素敵で参考にさせていただきたいと思いました。オーナーさんの丁寧なカウンセリングや親しみやすい雰囲気がとても素敵でまた会いたいと思う方でした( ´ ▽ ` )
I had you take care of pores. I was always worried about the clogging and opening of pores, so I thought I was taking care of it, but it was just my intention ... I was surprised that it was more dirty than I expected. I was very happy to have the pores clean and clean. I felt luxurious in a very fashionable private space. The interior is also nice and I wanted to use it as a reference. The owner's polite counseling and friendly atmosphere were very nice and I wanted to meet again (´ ▽ `)
あんこ猫 on Google

I had you take care of pores. Roughness and darkening before the treatment disappear, and it feels smooth to the touch. I was surprised that it would be so effective once. The owner was very friendly, the treatment was polite from beginning to end, and it was comfortable. Thank you for your healing time. Also thank you.
y misaki on Google

毛穴ケアをして頂きました! 小鼻の詰まりが長年の悩みで、自分で色々なケアもしてきたつもりでしたが、施術をしてもらいびっくりするほどの汚れが……笑 思わず意識が飛びそうになるくらい、心地よく丁寧な施術で、ケア後に鼻を触るといつものザラつきがなくツルッツルになったので本当に嬉しかったです。 溜め込んでいた汚れをスッキリして頂いたおかげでずっと小鼻をなでてしまいます♡ 自分で出来る毛穴ケアは継続しつつ、届かない部分はサロンにお任せしたいなと感じました。 丁寧な施術と至れり尽くせりの癒しの空間でした! また是非お願いしたいです!!! ありがとうございました♡
I had you take care of my pores! I had been worried about the clogging of my nose for many years, and I thought I would take care of various things myself, but I was surprised to find that it was dirty ... lol The treatment was so comfortable and polite that I almost lost consciousness, and when I touched my nose after care, it became smooth without the usual roughness, so I was really happy. Thanks to the cleanliness of the accumulated dirt, I will continue to stroke my nose ♡ While continuing to take care of the pores that I can do myself, I felt that I would like to leave the parts that cannot be reached to the salon. It was a healing space with careful treatment and perfection! I would like to ask you again! !! !! Thank you ♡
石田エミ on Google

今回は毛穴ケアでお世話になりました! 普段肌ケアに無頓着な分初めてなことばかりで最初は少し緊張しましたが、オーナーさんのお気遣いと気さくな会話で終始楽しく過ごすことが出来ました(^^) 毛穴も施術前と後ではびっくりするくらい汚れが取れていて、まだまだ一回目ですがすでに効果を感じています! これを機に自宅でも肌ケアに専念出来るようクレンジングと石鹸も購入させていただいたので、これからどんどん効果が出るのが楽しみです♪ せっかくなので次回は脱毛にもチャレンジしたいと思います!
This time, I was taken care of by pore care! I was a little nervous at first because it was the first time for me to be careless about skin care, but I was able to have a good time from beginning to end with the care and friendly conversation of the owner (^^) The pores are also surprisingly clean before and after the procedure, and although it is still the first time, I already feel the effect! Taking this opportunity, I also purchased cleansing and soap so that I can concentrate on skin care at home, so I'm looking forward to seeing more and more effects in the future ♪ Since it's a big deal, I'd like to try hair removal next time!

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