
3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ジュノ美容室上新庄店

住所 :

Zuiko, Higashiyodogawa Ward, 〒533-0005 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Webサイト : http://www.junobeauty.com/shop.html
街 : Osaka

Zuiko, Higashiyodogawa Ward, 〒533-0005 Osaka,Japan
山崎一誠 on Google

The feature is that the price is cheap, but I think there are many more reasonable than here. I wonder if the service and atmosphere are as per this evaluation
ka-sa on Google

It was crowded, but I received a polite response and it was refreshing ? The corona measures are perfect and the magazine has been removed.
江波淳子 on Google

I made a reservation and went, so I was able to cut without waiting. Online reservation is convenient.
林朱美 on Google

usually. Cut the game against time. I wonder if it's okay when I'm in a hurry
hiroshi Fulu on Google

安くて丁寧で助かります。実家から離れてもカットだけはここへ通ってます。 パーマの相談も親身にしてくれて気に入りました、ありがとうございます。 ネコの目で混雑具合が事前に見れるのもいいですね。
It is cheap, polite and saved. Even if I leave my home, only the cuts go here. Thank you very much for your perm consultation. It's nice to see the degree of congestion in advance with the eyes of a cat.
OSAKAなびこ on Google

子供からお年寄りまで お客さんの層が幅広い美容室です。
From children to the elderly The beauty salon has a wide audience.
金田恵美 on Google

街の美容院。安いし、技術もあると思います。他の店舗への移動が多いのか、行く度に知らない人になりますが……割と人当たりの柔らかい人が多いので、それ程気になりません。 ちょっとした贅沢でカットが安いのにアロマシャンプーも追加してしまし、結局はそれなりの値段になってしまいますが。アロマシャンプーはオススメです。人にもよるのでしょうが、私は1ヶ月ぐらい髪はさらさらしてますし頭皮も毛穴詰まりが解消されるのか状態が良いです。
Hair dressing shop in the city. I think it's cheap and has technology. I don't know if I move to other stores a lot, but I don't really care because there are many people who are relatively soft. Although it is a little luxurious and cheap to cut, I also added aroma shampoo, and in the end it will be a reasonable price. Aroma shampoo is recommended. It depends on the person, but I have my hair dry for about a month, and my scalp is in good condition to see if the pore clogging is cleared.
H M on Google

太った店長みたいな女性。下手すぎる... 自分で切ったほうがマシなくらいな仕上がりでビックリ。2度と行かない。 昔、男の店長みたいな人は上手くて良かったのに...
A woman like a fat store manager. Too bad ... I was surprised at the finish that it was better to cut it by myself. I will never go again. A long time ago, I'm glad that a person like a male store manager was good ...

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