3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー


住所 :

Hirai, 〒640-8442 Wakayama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8799
Webサイト : http://zeal-e.net/salon/stage-2/
街 : Wakayama

Hirai, 〒640-8442 Wakayama,Japan
K TR on Google

The cut fee is reasonable for a beauty salon.
拓也澤井 on Google

明るく会話してくれるわけでもなく 店全体が暗い雰囲気でした なにより2回行ったんですが カットが絶望的に下手すぎる 注文した髪型に少しでも寄せる気が無いのか・・・?
They do n’t talk brightly The whole store was dark Above all, I went twice The cut is desperately too bad Isn't the hairstyle that you ordered even a little bit ...?
坂本のん on Google

私はカットとカラーしたのですが、凄く物腰やわらかく丁寧にしてくれました。 家に帰ってからも扱いやすく気に入ってます(^-^)!
I cut and colored it, but it was very soft and polite. I like it because it's easy to handle even after I get home (^-^)!
赤坂くいな on Google

私はストレートのみしか利用しない。ストレートは安いのに仕上がりはいいと思います。でも、手櫛のみでしかブローしてくれない。ブラシ使わないとこなんてここぐらいなんじゃ。なので、帰りにどこにも立ち寄れない。 シャンプー台周りは埃だらけ。
I use only straight. I think the finish is good though the straight is cheap. But it only blows with a hand comb. This is the only place I need to use a brush. So you can't stop anywhere on your way home. The area around the shampoo table is full of dust.
藤間生田 on Google

カットとカラーで平日に来店しました 店長の一哉という方に担当してもらったのですがカットが1000円カットレベルで酷かったです 写真を持っていき具体的に要望を出したのですが無視されて切られたので後日時間を割いて再来 店につくにもアシスタント、レセプション誰も謝罪なし 店長が来て「こうこう切ってほしいとお願いしたと思うんですけど」と説明すると「おっけー」と軽く言われ終始謝罪の一言もなし 私も接客業していますがあり得ないレベルでここまでなめ切った接客を受けたのは初めてです こんなのが店長のお店には行かないことをオススメします
Visited on weekdays with cut and color I was in charge of the store manager Kazuya, but the cut was terrible at the cut level of 1000 yen I took a photo and made a specific request, but it was ignored and cut, so I decided to come back later No assistant apologizes to get to the store, no reception When the manager came and explained, “I think I asked you to cut like this,” I was told lightly “Okke” and there was no word of apology from beginning to end I am also a customer service, but this is the first time I have received a service that has been cut so far at an impossible level. We recommend that you do not go to the store manager
宮本千香 on Google

I made a reservation for a child's cut at 5 pm. Due to a slight accident, I couldn't make the reservation time, so I called, but I said, "What time will it be? It's okay if it's 5:10, but after 15 minutes, it's a little ... " What is the difference of 5 minutes? I thought, "If it's 10 minutes, you can (cut) it, but after 15 minutes, can't you? Then should I do it again? I heard it with all my heart. I said, "That's right ~", so I got angry and thought I didn't want to go to such a dressing shop. Is Nishi ○ a staff member or a store manager? It's not cool as a service industry. Of course, I know it's bad that I can't make it in time, but if it's judged by a difference of 5 minutes, it's better to refuse it.
ばんちゃんバンチャン on Google

I'm glad that you listened carefully and gave me a consultation! The shampoo was also very polite and I fell asleep. I had my hair finished in a nice way, but I was a little disappointed that the person in charge did not come back for a while, so I wonder if there was a little longer waiting time overall. I thought, ☆ 4! I think I want to go again!
赤青 on Google

縮毛矯正とカット、トリートメントで予約しました。 去年の10月にブリーチをしているのでブリーチの髪には縮毛矯正はおすすめできないと言われました。3ヶ月以上経ってるのにダメなんだ?と思いましたがプロが言うのであればと信じましたがこれが間違いでした。 過去に一度縮毛矯正で髪がチリチリになったこともあり、なら当てずに他の店に行こうかと思っていたら酸性ストレートというパーマを勧められました。なんでも縮毛矯正と同じパーマらしいですがダメージが少なく癖は若干伸びないけどパサつきや広がりは抑えられるとの事でした。 結果は「無意味」 13000円出してやってもらう価値なしです。 3時間以上担当してくださった方には申し訳ないですが、本当に時間の無駄だと思います。 今回この施術プラストリートメントも追加でやってもらいましたが、触ってみてくださいと言われて自分の髪に触れたらぱっさぱさのゴワゴワ。 縮毛矯正を失敗された時と同じ手触り。 毎日自分でアイロンで癖を伸ばすのが嫌で縮毛矯正をしたくて来店したのに同じ料金払って癖も広がりも治ってないって店畳んでいいレベル。というか詐欺。 それなら何もせずに帰って別の日に違う店に行けば良かったです。 13000円払って髪痛めただけ。 一人一人の髪を見て施術しますと言ってる割には全く客の為にならないプラン進めて料金だけ取る悪徳商業と変わりない気がします。 そして他の方の口コミでもありますが、カットが絶望的です。 パサつきや広がりが治まってないので後ろのボリュームを減らしてくださいとお願いしたら鏡も見せずどうでしょうと聞いてくるので鏡で見せてもらったら後ろ髪の毛先がパッツンになってました。 幸いすいてくださいとお願いしたのでガッツリ切られてはいなかったですが、途中でカットをやめてもらいました。 仕上げという名の誤魔化しで最後アイロンを当てられて終わりましたが、手口が過去に縮毛矯正失敗した店と同じ手口で二度と行きたくないです。
I made a reservation for straightening, cutting and treatment. I was bleached last October, so I was told that straightening my bleached hair is not recommended. It's been over 3 months, but it's no good? I thought, but I believed it was a professional, but this was a mistake. In the past, my hair became fluffy after straightening my hair, so if I was thinking of going to another store without hitting it, I was recommended to use an acidic straight perm. Everything seems to be the same perm as straightening curly hair, but there is little damage and the habit does not grow a little, but it is said that dryness and spread can be suppressed. The result is "meaningless" It's not worth paying 13000 yen. I'm sorry for those who have been in charge for more than 3 hours, but I think it's really a waste of time. I had this treatment plus treatment done additionally this time, but when I was asked to touch it and touched my hair, it was dry and stiff. The same feel as when straightening hair was unsuccessful. I don't like to iron my habits every day, so I came to the store to straighten my hair, but I paid the same fee and the habits and spreads haven't healed. Or rather a scam. Then I should have gone home and went to a different store on another day without doing anything. I just paid 13000 yen and hurt my hair. I feel that it is no different from the unscrupulous commerce that takes only the fee by advancing the plan that does not benefit the customer at all for saying that the treatment is done by looking at each person's hair. And although it is a word of mouth of other people, the cut is hopeless. Since the dryness and spread have not subsided, when I asked to reduce the volume behind, I was asked if I could not show the mirror, so when I showed it in the mirror, the tip of my back hair became a straight bang. Fortunately, I asked for it, so I wasn't cut off, but I asked him to stop cutting on the way. I ended up being ironed at the end with a deception called finishing, but I don't want to go again with the same technique as the store where I failed to straighten my hair in the past.

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