
3.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 盛よし座光寺店

住所 :

Zakoji, Iida, 〒395-0001 Nagano,Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Opening hours :
Saturday 11:30AM–2PM
Sunday 11:30AM–2PM
Monday Closed
Tuesday 11:30AM–2PM
Wednesday 11:30AM–2PM
Thursday 11:30AM–2PM
Friday 11:30AM–2PM
街 : Nagano

Zakoji, Iida, 〒395-0001 Nagano,Japan
Harue103 on Google

There were some cars in the parking lot, but when I entered the store, there were a lot of customers, and the owner came out of the kitchen and laughed, but I wouldn't be able to see the car! I'm angry so I won't go again.
白鳥裕也 on Google

お店の前を車で通過する度これでもかと主張してくる看板達❗ 気にはなっていたけど中々来店出来ずにこの度初来店! お店の中もメニュー類が壁一面に選ぶのが大変です❗ お店の方は一人で切り盛りしているので時間がかかってしまうとの事でしたので急いで食事をしたい人には向いてないかも? けどボリューム味ともに自分としては大満足❗お店の方も楽しい人で良かったです?
Signs who insist that this is still the case every time they drive past the store ❗ I was worried about it, but I couldn't come to the store for the first time! It is difficult to select menus all over the wall in the shop ❗ It was said that the shop staff would take time because they are working alone, so it may not be suitable for people who want to eat in a hurry. However, I am very satisfied with the volume and taste ❗ I am glad that the shop is also a fun person ?
tetuya Takahashi on Google

軒先の暖簾には、開店営業中の意味もあるのですが… 安いし遅いし盛りも良し!味は… 是非来店してみて下さい。
The noren at the eaves has the meaning of being open, but ... It's cheap, it's slow, and it's good! The taste is ... Please come visit us.
紫芝祐介(ぼくひで) on Google

コスパ最高です 店長のキャラが強いので人を選ぶかも・・・
Cospa is the best The store manager's character is strong, so I might choose a person ...
itiken 73 on Google

以前より気になっていたお店 ランチ時に初訪。 回鍋肉定食¥660
Shops that I was worried about before First visit at lunch. Set meat set meal ¥ 660
光年江村 on Google

I didn't expect it, but it was delicious. We were very satisfied with the large amount. Menu is abundant. However, it takes time to come out, so when you have time.
つしあうまどう on Google

とにかく 料理が出てくるのが、遅すぎる 全然混んでないのに、カツ丼が 50分かかった 職人は、来ちゃダメだね 昼休憩終わる
Anyways The food comes out too late Even though it's not crowded at all, the katsudon is It took 50 minutes Craftsmen shouldn't come Lunch break is over
oka dome on Google

今まで何回も店の前を通っていましたが、外見からかなりの怪しさを感じていたため、今一歩踏み出すことができませんでした。 しかし、今回コスパと盛りがとても良いとのことで、意を決して(笑)突撃しました。 駐車場に着いたのは11:20頃、10分程早かったのですが、暖簾が掛かっていたため中に入ってみると、大将が出てきてくれ、にこやかにOKとのこと。 メニューは壁1面どころか3面くらいに張り巡らされています。 お冷やはセルフです。 悩んだあげく、ガツンといきたかったのでトンテキ定食750円を注文! 先に注文された方が2名いましたので、提供までは30分程。 大将1人で全てまわしているので、自分はこの辺は仕方ないと思っていますが、お忙しい方にはオススメできません。 大将自ら提供して頂けました。 大振りの皿に1cmくらいある厚めの豚ロース、ニンニクみじん切りとソースはたっぷり! 十分な量の千切り野菜と揚げ餃子、微妙な味付けのスパゲティー(笑)まで乗ってます。 定食の中身としては、味噌汁と小松菜のお浸し、揚げとシメジの小鉢、漬物まで付いておりとんでもない充実具合に驚愕しました! メインの豚肉は柔らかく、味もしっかりしているのでご飯がかなり進む! 勢いよく食べ進めて完食! メニュー数が多いので、食べたいものがまだ多くあり、是非また来たいと思います。
I used to go through the store many times until now, but I couldn't take a step now because I was so suspicious in appearance. However, this time the cospa and the prime are very good, so I decided to (laughs). I arrived at the parking lot around 11:20, which was about 10 minutes early, but when I entered the parking lot because it was covered with goodwill, the general came out and said, OK, smiling. The menu is spread over 3 walls instead of 1 wall. Cold is self. As I was worried about it, I wanted to go with it, so I ordered a Tonteki set meal 750 yen! Two people ordered first, so it takes about 30 minutes to offer. I think it's unavoidable because I'm the only general who is turning around, but I can't recommend it to busy people. It was provided by the general himself. Thick pork loin about 1cm in a large dish, chopped garlic and plenty of sauce! I also ride a sufficient amount of shredded vegetables, fried dumplings, and spaghetti with a subtle flavor (laughs). As for the contents of the set meal, I was surprised at the tremendous fulfillment with the soup of miso soup and komatsuna, fried and small bowls of shimeji and pickles! The main pork is tender and the taste is solid, so the rice goes a long way! Eat vigorously and complete! Since there are many menus, there are still many things I want to eat, so I would love to come again.

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