Yuzawa High School - Yuzawa

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Yuzawa High School

住所 :

Shincho-27, Yuzawa, Akita 012-0853, Japan

電話 : 📞 +887
Postal code : 012-0853
Webサイト : https://yuzawa-hs.net/

Shincho-27, Yuzawa, Akita 012-0853, Japan
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There are too many issues to be compatible
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Do your best to become one of the best prefectural schools in the prefecture, Bunbu Road!
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The mother school of Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga, also known as Ghasu
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Isshu Sugawara's father here too?
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別名、菅義偉高校。スパルタ校風な学区トップ校。管さん伝記を詳しく知りたくば大下英治『内閣官房長官秘録』を参照。貧農苺農家から湯沢高、集団就職で段ボール工場勤務しつつ宅浪で法政大学法学部合格。学費生計を自費工面し、議員秘書、横浜市議から永田町へ。 2014年内閣人事局を内閣官房に設置して、官僚王国たる人事権を霞が関官僚から取り上げた教科書に載る偉人。 高校の実力や名声は進学実績もさることながら、むしろ卒業生力であることを示す実例。 類例は、 小泉純一郎高校=横須賀高校 田原総一郎高校=彦根東高校 加藤鷹高校=秋商
Also known as Yoshihide Suga High School. Sparta school spirit school spirit top school. For more information on Mr. Kan's biography, see Eiji Oshita's "Secretary of the Secretary of the Cabinet". From a poor farmer to a strawberry farmer, Takashi Yuzawa, while working at a corrugated cardboard factory as a group employment, passed the Hosei University Faculty of Law at Takunami. From the secretary of the Diet, Yokohama City Council to Nagatacho, with the tuition and livelihood at his own expense. In 2014, the Cabinet Secretariat was set up in the Cabinet Secretariat, and Kasumigaseki took up the personnel rights of the bureaucratic kingdom from the bureaucrats. An example showing that high school ability and fame are not only academic achievements but also graduates. A similar example is Junichiro Koizumi High School = Yokosuka High School Soichiro Tahara High School = Hikone Higashi High School Kato Taka High School = Autumn Trading
よむさん on Google

大半の生徒は人間性がよく、いじめが少ないと思います。ここに入学し1年生の頃から共に勉強する友達を作って励めば、テストで高順位を必ず維持できます。 部活も入っていない人が多く、途中で退部する人も多いところです。部活に入りながらも勉強を頑張り、旧帝大へ進学した人も複数人います。 校舎はかなり古いですが1年経たないうちに慣れるはずです
The majority of students are good human nature, I think that there is less bullying. If Hageme make friends to study together from the time of the first-year students enrolled here, you can always maintain a high rank in the test. Club also many people that do not contain, is where many people to retreat part in the middle. Also do my best to study while to enter the club, who go to the old imperial universities also have multiple people. School building is quite old, but you should get used to in less than one year

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