
4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 四代目近江屋

住所 :

Yutocho Ubumi, Nishi Ward, Hamamatsu, 〒431-0102 Shizuoka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +898
Webサイト : http://supponsabure.jp/
街 : Shizuoka

Yutocho Ubumi, Nishi Ward, Hamamatsu, 〒431-0102 Shizuoka,Japan
どん on Google

アニメ ゆるキャンで登場した すっぽんサブレーを買いに伺いました。 素朴な味で飽きのこない美味しいサブレでした 他のお菓子も美味しそうなものばかりで目移りしてしまいますね
I went to buy the soft-shelled turtle Sable that appeared in the anime Laid-Back Camp. It was a delicious sable that had a simple taste and never got tired of All the other sweets look delicious, so it's easy to miss them.
スペたろう on Google

Japanese sweets! It's not a fashionable Japanese sweets shop. There weren't many items that were tickled by me, who loved chewy food, but my wife highly evaluated it. The shop is beautiful and has a large number of items, so I'll move on. Not only for gifts, but also for birthday cakes.
鈴木由紀乃 on Google

和洋多種類のお菓子 他店とアレンジ違って 目移り ついつい色々購入 店内明るく良い感じ。
Many kinds of Japanese and Western sweets Arranged differently from other stores The inside of the store is bright and nice.
チャーリーチャーリー on Google

数ヶ月前にスーパーで見掛けてメディアにも取り上げられてる商品かなぁ?思いシューとプリンを買いました。 店に行きたい時間帯を調べたら店内混雑中の表示……日を改めて店に行きました。時間帯を調べたら店内混雑中の表示……でも駐車場には1台も車も無く普通に買えました。アプリに問題有り。 店と同じ感じでスーパーでも実演販売して欲しいですね。
Is it a product that I saw at a supermarket a few months ago and was featured in the media? I bought my thought shoe and pudding. When I checked the time zone I wanted to go to the store, the display was crowded ... I went to the store again. When I checked the time zone, it showed that the store was crowded ... But there was no car in the parking lot and I could buy it normally. There is a problem with the app. I want you to demonstrate and sell it at the supermarket as if it were a store.
M on Google

*クロッカンシュー 190円(税別) 注文してからクリームを詰めるので、少し待つとの事。 厨房から、シャカシャカ音が聞こえる。 今ホイップしてる。 先客後客ゼロなのに、入店から退店まで20分もかかった。 シューは、シュー皮のザクザク食感と、ほんのり香ばしい苦味が、クリームとのバランスがとれていて、食べるべき一品。 クリームは、ディプロマットクリームで、もったりしているので、カスタード寄り。 甘さ控えめで、フレッシュ感があり、めっちゃくちゃ美味し!! しかもデカめで、クリームが空洞なしに目一杯詰まってる。 でもくどくなく、皮とのバランスがイイ。 この量でもペロッと食べれちゃう。 *マロンパイ 丸ごと栗が入っていて、餡子に包まれている。 *みたらし餅ぷりん 冷蔵庫に入れて翌日食べたけど、求肥がふわふわに柔らかい〜 雪見だいふくのような、和洋折衷なテイスト。 *みたらし餅ぷりん大福 みたらしソースがソルティなので、ぷりんの甘さと、甘じょっぱさがいいね。 塩スイーツみたい。 バニラビーンズが入っていて、甘さは昔懐かしい感じで甘い。 *窯出し半熟チーズケーキ スフレ感があって美味しい。 甘さは感じずソルティな味わい。 どれも美味しかった! LINEお友だち追加で5%引き。 但し、キャッシュのみ PayPay可 駐車場店前4台
* Croquembouche 190 yen (excluding tax) After ordering, I will pack the cream, so I will wait for a while. You can hear a rustling sound from the kitchen. I'm whipping now. It took 20 minutes from entering the store to leaving the store, even though there were no customers after the first customer. The choux pastry has a crunchy texture and a slightly fragrant bitterness that is well-balanced with the cream and should be eaten. The cream is diplomat cream, which is fluffy, so it is closer to custard. Modest sweetness, freshness, and insanely delicious! !! Moreover, it is big and the cream is full without cavities. But it's not too bad and the balance with the skin is good. Even this amount can be eaten easily. * Maron pie It contains whole chestnuts and is wrapped in red bean paste. * Mitarashi mochi purin I put it in the fridge and ate it the next day, but the fertilizer is fluffy and soft ~ A Japanese-Western eclectic taste like Yukimi Daifuku. * Mitarashi Mochi Purin Daifuku The mitarashi sauce is salty, so I like the sweetness and sweetness of the purin. It looks like salt sweets. It contains vanilla beans and the sweetness is nostalgic and sweet. * Half-cooked cheesecake from the kiln It has a souffle feeling and is delicious. It has a salty taste without feeling sweetness. Everything was delicious! 5% discount for additional LINE friends. However, cache only PayPay accepted 4 cars in front of the parking lot
千秋 on Google

I went on a pilgrimage to Laid-Back Camp. This is a shop where I bought a soft-shelled turtle sable as a souvenir for Chiaki-chan. However, other sweets are also very delicious and recommended! Many of the staff had a good impression.
Hi Mi on Google

わらび餅、イチゴ大福、塩豆大福、どれも凄く美味しかったです♪ 特に、完熟イチゴを使った大福は、今年一番の味でした。 大正から続く和菓子の老舗ですが、洋菓子や新しい和菓子にもチャレンジしていて、ますます楽しみなお店です♪
_ yam on Google

地元でも老舗の和洋菓子屋さんですが建物はかなりモダンな感じに。駐車場は正面に4台。目の前の道路は一方通行なので訪問時は注意を。 コロナ前に近くのガーデンパーク内でテントを出して販売していたのを見た事がありましたが今はどうですかね?ちなみにアニメ・漫画で登場したサブレorメジャーな商品は近隣のイオンでも販売しています。 店内は焼き菓子が目立ちますが、消費期限が1~2日程度の団子・饅頭・大福系もあり。自分が行った時にはそちらの方が売れていました。今回はイチゴ大福やシュークリームを購入しましたが、普通にイチゴが入っているものが2種(サイズ違い)と、イチゴジャム&生クリーム入りという代物がありました。 イチゴ大福は白あん。あんは少なめで甘さもさほど感じなかったのですが、イチゴからの果汁がかなり出てきたからかも。 シュークリームは結構サイズが大きめ&クリームがパンパンに詰まっています。甘さは控えめでミルク感が強い味ですかね。 店員さんも多く店内の雰囲気も良いと思いますよ。
It is a long-established Japanese and Western confectionery shop in the local area, but the building looks quite modern. There are 4 parking lots in front. The road in front of you is a one-way street, so be careful when visiting. I've seen tents for sale in a nearby garden park before Corona, but what about now? By the way, Sable or major products that appeared in anime and manga are also sold at nearby Aeon. Baked sweets stand out in the store, but there are also dumplings, steamed buns, and Daifuku that have an expiration date of about 1 to 2 days. When I went there, it was selling better. I bought strawberry daifuku and cream puff this time, but there were two kinds (different sizes) that normally contained strawberries and a substitute that contained strawberry jam and fresh cream. Strawberry Daifuku is white bean paste. I didn't feel the sweetness so much because it was a little, but it may be because the juice from the strawberries came out quite a bit. The cream puff is quite large and the cream is packed in bread. The sweetness is modest and the taste is milky. There are many clerk and I think the atmosphere inside the store is good.

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