株式会社 イチワプロパティ

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 株式会社 イチワプロパティ

住所 :

Yushima, Bunkyo City, 〒113-0034 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
Webサイト : https://ichiwaproperty.co.jp/
街 : Tokyo

萱場繁夫 on Google

Of business's, it is the first second year on the recommendation, but there was also investment and listening anxiety place, business's Tatsuya Ishikawa! ! I was kind enough to listen and talk to me. You can start with peace of mind, and the follow-up after the start is perfect. It is a company that can trade with confidence.
Ni Ke on Google

残念ながら既にあるレビューはサクラ。 おばさんが名前も名乗らず「不動産投資はいかがですか?」と電話をかけて来ました。 残念ながら、対応は最悪。 この評価となります。
Unfortunately, the existing review is Sakura. My aunt called me, "How about a real estate investment?" Without giving her name. Unfortunately, the response is the worst. It will be this evaluation.
Takato Fujita on Google

初めて不動産投資をやりました。 初心者で不安も多々ありましたが、とても分かりやすく丁寧に説明をしてもらえました。また、購入後のフォローや対応もとても親切で安心して運用が出来ます。こちらで始めて良かったと思います。
I made a real estate investment for the first time. I was a beginner and there was a lot of anxiety, but he was very easy to understand and explained carefully. In addition, follow-up and support after purchase is also very kind and safe to use. I think it was good to start here.
齋藤孝臣 on Google

初めて不動産投資しました。 担当者がきちんと説明してくれて、対応もよかったです。 何社かお話を聞いていたのですが、担当者の佐舗さんと物件の良さでここに決めました。 この会社選んでよかったです。
I invested in real estate for the first time. The person in charge explained it properly and the response was good. I was listening to several companies, but I decided here because of the goodness of the property with Mr. Sapo. I'm glad I chose this company.
Hayashinaka Kent on Google

We had you introduce some properties, but they were able to explain the good points and risks properly with a polite response. I hope you will take care of me again! !!
蒼矢, PR_白聖女と黒牧師を読め on Google

10時に待ち合わせしましょうって言っておきながら10:30になっても連絡のひとつもなし。 話にならない
I told you to meet at 10 o'clock, but even at 10:30, there was no contact. Can't talk
猿田剛 on Google

分からないこと、不明な点について 細かく説明して頂き初め投資に関して不安な点があったが、最終的には契約まで持っていくことができた。 金銭の変動が生じたら担当者から連絡頂いたり、進捗を適宜報告して頂いている ところが信用できる。
What you don't understand or what you don't understand At first, I was worried about the investment, but in the end I was able to bring it to the contract. If there is a change in money, the person in charge will contact you and report the progress as appropriate. However, I can trust it.
神谷優希 on Google

投資用でお世話になっていましたが、今回は自分が住む賃貸についても面倒をみていただきました。 すぐに物件を案内していただけたので、とても良かったです。 いつも親切にしていただいていて、こまめに連絡をいただけるので助かってます。
I was taken care of for investment, but this time I also took care of the rent where I live. It was very good that I was able to show you the property immediately. I am always kind and helpful because I can contact you frequently.

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