Yuraku no Yado Noshiro - Noshiro

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Yuraku no Yado Noshiro

住所 :

Kameyachi-1-11 Ochiai, Noshiro, Akita 016-0014, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 016-0014
Webサイト : http://u-noshiro.com/
Description : Simple hot spring inn offering a sauna, a restaurant & a communal bathhouse, plus free parking.

Kameyachi-1-11 Ochiai, Noshiro, Akita 016-0014, Japan
ヨシヒロ on Google

何度か訪れた秋田県能代市、今回は2021.8.8~9の2日間、「湯らくの宿のしろ」に宿泊。地元の方が愛する日帰り温泉でもあるようです。 泉質もよく、ゆったりと浸かる温泉は最高。サウナで??を流し水風呂へ。気持ちいい~❗ (部屋にトイレがないのが難点 --- ) 夕食、朝食ともに前期高齢者の身には適度な量、しかも美味しくいただきました。河豚の唐揚げ、美味しかったです。また、親しみのある食事処スタッフ、ごちそうさまでした。 宿から歩いて海水浴場の浜辺を散策するとお気に入りの「流木」も見つかりますよ。また、車で少し走ると「風の松原」。人々の生活を苦しめた日本海の風に飛ばされ砂、それを防いだ「風の松原」。先人の偉業を感じた散策もよかった~❗
I visited Noshiro City, Akita Prefecture several times, and this time I stayed at "Yuraku no Yado no Shiro" for two days from 2021.8.8-9. It seems to be a one-day hot spring that the locals love. The quality of the spring is good, and the hot springs where you can relax and soak in are the best. Flush ?? in the sauna and go to the water bath. It feels good ~ ❗ (The difficulty is that there is no toilet in the room ---) Both dinner and breakfast were delicious and moderate in quantity for the elderly. The fried blowfish was delicious. Also, the friendly restaurant staff, thank you for your feast. You can also find your favorite "driftwood" by walking from the inn and strolling along the beach. Also, if you drive a little, you will find "Kaze no Matsubara". "Kaze no Matsubara" prevented the sand from being blown by the wind of the Sea of ​​Japan, which hurt people's lives. It was good to take a walk that felt the great achievements of our predecessors ~ ❗
山口孝太 on Google

The hot springs are very good. Hot water that makes your skin smooth. No mistake because the bowling shop says! There is also a sauna. Also, the rice is delicious. The room is also large. It is a pity that there is no elevator.
9 MONKEYS on Google

There is no open-air bath, but you can refresh yourself in the sauna and Kinkin's water bath. There is a vending machine for Glico's Seventeen Ice.
牧茶 on Google

2021.08.04 日帰り温泉を利用、県北では珍しく返却式のコインロッカーがアリ まず日帰り温泉の利用時間ですが繁忙期(年末年始、お盆やGW)などは17時までに変わります。 しかし公式サイトで一切の告知がない為注意。 この時期はお盆明けまで(確か20日ぐらいまで)17時までのようです。 遠方からどうしても夜行きたい場合はイチイチ電話で確認が必要です。 入館方法は券売機方式、入ってすぐ右手にあります。 自販機のジュースは良心価格でした。しかも種類が多い。 脱衣所は県北では珍しくコインが返却されます。 数も多いので安心して財布・携帯が持ち込めます。 脱衣所も広く、カゴも20個程はありました。 ドライヤーも家庭用で風力も十分。 ただし洗い場は10もなく狭い為人多いと気が休まらないカモ。 風呂は広くちょうど良い温度でした。 サウナもやっておりますが、おそらく老人方は水風呂に そのままinしてると思いますのでこの時期はやめたほうが良いです。
2021.08.04 Using a day trip hot spring, a return-type coin locker is rare in the north of the prefecture First of all, the usage time of the one-day hot spring changes by 17:00 during the busy season (year-end and New Year holidays, Obon and Golden Week). However, please note that there is no announcement on the official website. This time seems to be until 17:00 until the end of Obon (certainly until about 20th). If you really want to go at night from afar, you need to confirm by phone. The entrance method is the ticket vending machine method, which is on the right hand side immediately after entering. The juice from the vending machine was reasonably priced. Moreover, there are many types. Coins are returned at the dressing room, which is rare in the north of the prefecture. Since there are many, you can bring your wallet or mobile phone with confidence. The dressing room was large, and there were about 20 baskets. The hair dryer is also for home use and the wind power is sufficient. However, since there are no 10 washrooms and it is small, it is a duck that does not rest when there are many people. The bath was large and the temperature was just right. We also have a sauna, but probably the elderly will take a cold bath. I think it's in as it is, so it's better to stop at this time.
Masa Tozawa on Google

温泉は、透明ぬるぬる系 温まります。 美肌効果ありあり、やっぱり秋田美人になるよ? 能代では、風力、電力、宇宙開発で 宿が確保しにくい。 食事付きだと、めちゃめちゃ豪華ですが 素泊まり可能です。 食事は、車があれば、近くに飲食店が有ります。
The hot springs are transparent and slimy It warms up. It has a beautiful skin effect, and after all it will be Akita beauty ? In Noshiro, in wind power, electricity, and space development It is difficult to secure an inn. With meals, it ’s really gorgeous, It is possible to stay without meals. For meals, if you have a car, there is a restaurant nearby.
T S on Google

素泊まり一泊で利用しました。 温泉の種類は少ないが、サウナがありとても冷たい水風呂があり満足です。 夜明け前のチェックアウトに対応していただきありがとうございました。 機会があればまた来ます。 ポットに始めからお湯が入っているなど細やかな対応がいいと感じました。 コロナ禍だけの対応かもしれませんが、夕食は予約制のようです。 近くに飲食店はあったのでご飯には困らないと思います。 ちなみに、道が空いていればここから竜飛岬まで3時間でした。(2:30出発5:30到着) ちょうどいい高さの棚に感動しました笑。 家建てるときの参考にします。
I used it for one night without meals. There are few types of hot springs, but I am satisfied with the sauna and the very cold water bath. Thank you for responding to the check-out before dawn. I will come again if I have a chance. I felt that it was good to take detailed measures such as the pot being filled with hot water from the beginning. It may be only for corona sickness, but it seems that dinner is a reservation system. There was a restaurant nearby, so I don't think you'll have a problem with rice. By the way, if the road was open, it would have been 3 hours from here to Cape Tappi. (Departure at 2:30 and arrival at 5:30) I was impressed by the shelves of just the right height. I will use it as a reference when building a house.
佐藤真紀子 on Google

There was a sauna (not too hot at 85 degrees, just right), an indoor bath, a cold bath, and a charcoal bath. It will warm up later. This evaluation was given because there is no toilet in the dressing room and the shower in the washing room was not easy to use.
Jon S on Google

Nice onsen, good for day trips and to stay the night. Staff are very friendly and courteous.

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