廻船漁港 福一丸

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 廻船漁港 福一丸

住所 :

Yunoki, Aoi Ward, 〒420-0821 Shizuoka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Webサイト : http://gyokofukuichimaru.com/
街 : Shizuoka

Yunoki, Aoi Ward, 〒420-0821 Shizuoka,Japan
Hide Kurihara on Google

MARK IS静岡の3階にある回転寿司店。焼津随一の遠洋漁業会社「福一漁業」が運営する廻船漁港福一丸の強みはなんといっても自社保有の大型漁船で水揚げした新鮮なマグロ! 世界の海からおいしいマグロをお値打ち価格でご提供している。回転寿司ではピカイチのマグロが食べられる。
A conveyor belt sushi restaurant on the 3rd floor of MARK IS Shizuoka. The strength of Fukuichi Maru, a fishing port operated by Fukuichi Fisheries, the best pelagic fishing company in Yaizu, is the fresh tuna landed on its own large fishing boat! We offer delicious tuna from the seas of the world at a reasonable price. At conveyor belt sushi, you can eat Pikaichi tuna.
友野英美 on Google

The tuna was delicious, but ... what else? It's normal. The price is high ...
たけのこ on Google

まぐろ尽くしとあさり味噌汁をいただきました。 マグロは全て香りと旨味が全て飛んだ感じ。筋も気になりました。 味噌汁は出汁の香りが全くしない。汁にあさりいれるだけでこの値段かぁ。 わさびもガリも香りゼロ。 このクオリティなら回転寿司の方がよっぽど幸せ!
I had tuna and miso soup. All the tuna has a scent and umami. I was also worried about the line. Miso soup does not have the scent of soup stock at all. Is it this price just by adding it to the soup? No scent of wasabi and gari. Conveyor belt sushi is much happier with this quality!
Fox Mulder on Google

I usually use the seafood restaurant Fukuichimaru, but I came in a hurry because it was closed today. However, as you can see in the picture, the kappa rolls are too uneven and look terrible. The fish in the nigiri sushi set is also shown in the photo, but the fins remain. Is there a part-time job? Both nigiri sushi ordered by the two are in the same condition. Very disappointing because Fukuichi's expectations are high
Y on Google

気軽に美味しい寿司を楽しめる回転寿司店。高級寿司店には行けないけど激安回転寿司も嫌だ、という人には最適。値段は当然100円寿司のように安価ではないが、納得の味なためコストパフォーマンスは充分。 最大の売りは南まぐろで、福一丸に来たらこれだけは欠かせない。鰹などの他のネタも旨い。ただ、赤身に特化し過ぎているため、白身や光ものは少ない。 マイナスポイントは、シャリの温かさに違和感を覚えるメニューが有ったこと。ネタは良いだけに残念だった。
A conveyor belt sushi restaurant where you can easily enjoy delicious sushi. Great for people who can't go to high-end sushi restaurants but don't like cheap conveyor belt sushi. Of course, the price is not as cheap as 100 yen sushi, but the cost performance is sufficient because it is a convincing taste. The biggest selling point is southern bluefin tuna, which is indispensable when you come to Fukuichimaru. Other ingredients such as bonito are also delicious. However, because it specializes in lean meat too much, there are few white meat and light ones. The minus point is that there was a menu that made me feel uncomfortable with the warmth of the rice. It was disappointing because the material was good.
sato shizuoka on Google

久々の訪問。 今までは⭐︎5の評価でした‼️ が、今回は南マグロのネタの大きさにガッカリ… 今までの福一丸を期待していた分、残念。
Visit after a long time. Until now, it was rated ⭐︎5‼ ️ However, this time I was disappointed with the size of the southern bluefin tuna ... It's a shame because I was expecting Fukuichimaru so far.
二村摩季 on Google

土曜日の19時くらいに伺いました。 レジで並んでいて、店員さんも忙しそうだった為、後ろで待っていました。 後から来た方が店員さんに声をかけられていて、先に通し番号を渡されていました。 先に来た旨伝えたところ、もう前の人に渡してしまったので次で、ということでした。 前の人とほぼ同時に呼んでいただいたので良かったですが、もう少し発券を分かりやすくするか、周りを見て頂きたいな、と思いました。 料理はどれもすごく美味しかったです。
I visited around 19:00 on Saturday. I was lining up at the cash register and the clerk seemed to be busy, so I was waiting behind. The person who came later was called by the clerk and was given the serial number first. When I told him that he had come earlier, he had already given it to the previous person, so he said next. I'm glad that you called me almost at the same time as the previous person, but I wanted you to make the ticketing a little easier to understand or look around. All the dishes were very delicious.
フェイマスマウス on Google

久しぶりに回転寿司系でうまい!といえる鮪を食べました!まぐろ尽くし1000円くらいなんですが全部うまい!これはおすすめできる一品でした! ただ残念な点が二つ まず穴子一本500円くらいのやつ 見た目はうまそうですが…冷たいです笑 浜松のウナギはもちろんですが穴子も結構美味しいんです。ただここのは正直値段に合ってない… 一本穴子ってホカホカの穴子をホフホフ食べるのが一番だと思う… 次に醤油 3種類置いてありますがどれも合わない キッコーマンのだし、昆布、塩分控えめ せめて醤油にもこだわりがあればよかったなあ、と リピートの可能性はありますが同じ回転寿司系のちょい高めチェーンはもっと強力なんで頑張ってほしい
It's been a while since I've been using conveyor belt sushi, and it's delicious! I ate tuna that can be said! It's about 1000 yen with all the tuna, but it's all good! This was a recommended dish! But there are two unfortunate points First of all, one conger eel for about 500 yen It looks good, but ... it's cold lol Not only Hamamatsu eels but also conger eels are quite delicious. But honestly, this one doesn't fit the price ... I think it's best to eat conger eels that are fluffy and fluffy ... Next, soy sauce There are 3 types, but none of them fit Kikkoman soup stock, kelp, low salt I wish I had at least been particular about soy sauce. There is a possibility of repeat, but I want you to do your best because the same conveyor belt sushi-based slightly higher chain is stronger.

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