Yumedori Nakanoyama - Niigata

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Yumedori Nakanoyama

住所 :

5 Chome-18-23 Nakanoyama, Higashi Ward, Niigata, 950-0836, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8779
Postal code : 950-0836
Webサイト : https://meal-takeaway-899.business.site/
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–7PM
Sunday 11AM–7PM
Monday 11AM–7PM
Tuesday 11AM–7PM
Wednesday 11AM–7PM
Thursday 11AM–7PM
Friday 11AM–7PM

5 Chome-18-23 Nakanoyama, Higashi Ward, Niigata, 950-0836, Japan
elements it on Google

佐々木貴之 on Google

It was a bit shabby.
?ミスター on Google

Half-fried is excellent.
rit mo on Google

焼き鳥の種類は多いが味は普通 卵焼きはかなり甘い お弁当は薄味で物足りないし家庭レベルだからわざわざ買いに行くほどではないかな 店員のお母様方はすごく丁寧に接してくれた でもやっぱりリピートは無いと思う
There are many types of yakitori, but the taste is normal. The lunch box is light and unsatisfactory, so it's not enough to go to buy it at home level. The clerk of the clerk treated me very politely But I do n’t think there ’s a repeat
notiのち on Google

鳥専門店。 鶏皮せんべいはツマミに。 半身揚げは絶品です。
Bird specialty store. Use chicken crackers as a knob. Half-fried food is excellent.
mmiki222 on Google

前より美味しくなくなった。 半身揚げが5分で? 食べた感想から推察、多分注文ごとに揚げなおしてる? むね肉部分が喉をつっかえるほどパサパサだった。残念です。
It's not as delicious as before. Half-fried in 5 minutes? Guessing from the impression you ate, maybe you re-fried for each order? The breast meat was so dry that it made my throat stuffy. I'm sorry.
Kit Tat on Google

近所なのでよく利用してます!塩の焼き鳥が、スーパーやコンビニでよくある塩ダレじゃないので美味しいです。店頭になければすぐに焼いてくれるので焼きたてを食べると幸せな気持ちになります。ブラジル鶏ではなく国産鶏で安心。無くなって欲しくないお店の一つです。 19時までなので仕事終わりに寄るのが難しく残念?
I use it often because it is in the neighborhood! The salted yakitori is delicious because it is not the salty sauce that is often found in supermarkets and convenience stores. If you don't have it at the store, it will be baked right away, so you will be happy if you eat freshly baked food. It is safe to use domestic chicken instead of Brazilian chicken. It's one of the shops I don't want to lose. It's until 19 o'clock, so it's difficult to come to the end of the work, sorry ?
白井良幸(popocyan) on Google

新潟B級グルメの鶏半身揚げが、注文してからわずか5分で揚げたてが楽しめる。塩味、ガーリック味、おなじみのカレー味、また、ガーリックカレー味も楽しめるお店。揚げたてを、ハフハフしながらビールを一杯。最高です。サイドメニューも充実しており、唐揚げ弁当、サラダ。お漬物もあり、週末の一時家族で楽しめる。 駐車場が狭いのが難点。
You can enjoy fried chicken half-fried in Niigata B-class gourmet in just 5 minutes after ordering. A shop where you can enjoy salty, garlic, familiar curry, and garlic curry. A glass of beer while huffing the fried food. it's the best. The side menu is also substantial, including fried chicken lunch boxes and salads. There are also pickles, which you can enjoy with your family on weekends. The drawback is that the parking lot is small.

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