Yukidō Honten - Hachioji

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Yukidō Honten

住所 :

2478 Takaomachi, Hachioji, Tokyo 193-0844, Japan

電話 : 📞 +899
Postal code : 193-0844

2478 Takaomachi, Hachioji, Tokyo 193-0844, Japan
映猫ken on Google

店内から見る風景や店内がまた懐かしさを感じる甘味処?? あんみつはこの店のオススメだけど餡がイマイチ合っていなくてう〜んなお味だった(泣) 反対に寒天が凄く冷たくて美味しかった? またかき氷はマジ凄いのでインスタ映えします✨✨✨ また店先で先にお勘定してのお食事だから昔懐かしいスタイルでした? この店は店の雰囲気を味わうのが一番良いと思う甘味処でした?
A sweet treat that makes you feel nostalgic when you see the scenery from inside Anmitsu is recommended by this shop, but it was n’t good enough, so it tasted a lot (cry) On the other hand, the agar was very cold and delicious Also, the shaved ice is really amazing so it will appear on Instagram ス タ In addition, it was a nostalgic style because it was a meal that was counted at the storefront? This store was the sweetest place I think it is best to taste the atmosphere of the store.
Masaaki Suga (Gus) on Google

Takaosanguchi was surprisingly few places where coffee could be drunk. The sweet things after descending the mountain are exceptional.
munchkin kitten on Google

高尾山を登った帰り、疲れた身体に水分と糖分を補給という事で立ち寄り。 コーヒーはセットがあるとの事なので、お饅頭をセレクト(他のお茶菓子を選べたのかは不明)。 ふかしてあったのか、ほのかに温もりの残るお饅頭をいただき、食後にお土産として茶と白の六つ入り饅頭を購入しました。
After climbing Mt. Takao, we stopped by replenishing the tired body with water and sugar. Since coffee is said to have a set, select the wharf (unknown whether you could choose another tea candy). I had a faintly warmed wharf, so I bought a tea and white wharf with 6 teas as a souvenir.
TO KI on Google

出来立てのお饅頭美味しいです。 セルフでお茶のサービスがありとてもありがたいです。
Freshly made buns are delicious. I am very grateful for the self-service tea service.
Kaoru Kuramochi on Google

毎回、高尾に来るとお土産に薄皮饅頭を求めます。饅頭はしっとりもちっとした皮と甘さ控えめな上品な餡の組合せが素晴らしい。 残念な事は、このしっとり感は翌日迄が限界なので、沢山買い溜めが出来ない事でしょうか。
Every time I come to Takao, I ask for Usukawa Manju as a souvenir. The combination of moist and chewy skin and sweet bean paste is wonderful. Unfortunately, this moist feeling is limited to the next day, so I wonder if I can stock up a lot.
Isagi Hakurai on Google

高尾山の表参道、ケーブルカー寄りにある甘味処、高雄まんじゅうやお汁粉、あんみつ、抹茶等がいただけます、が、まんじゅう付のコーヒーが人気らしいお店。 テーブル席を囲うように座敷席があり、登る前より下山後にゆっくりしたい雰囲気。 お支払いは前払いです。 というわけで別途まんじゅう食べたばかりですが追いまんじゅうとコーヒーをいただきました。 コーヒーのアロマはピーナッツを感じるナッティな香り、口当たりマイルドで滑らか、優しい甘みがあり苦味を感じさせないきれいな抽出。 コーヒーのグレードこそコモディティクラスですが、丁寧に抽出されているため並の老舗喫茶店より美味しく仕上がっています。 確かに人気なのもうなずける納得の行くカップでした。 (茶色の)まんじゅうはホカホカの温かい状態で、専門店らしく適度な粒感を残しつつ柔らかく煮てある美味しいつぶあん。 品が良く高級感のある仕上がりで大満足な一品。 つぶあん好きにはおすすめ出来ます。 マイルドなコーヒーにもよく合います。 (別のお客さんは白いこしあんのまんじゅうがのっていたので、こしあんが良い人はこしあんが頼めそうです) お値段も良心的で居心地よく、甘味好きにおすすめです。
You can enjoy Kaohsiung Manju, soup powder, anmitsu, matcha, etc. at Mt. Takao's Omotesando, a sweets shop near the cable car, but coffee with manju seems to be popular. There are tatami mat seats surrounding the table seats, and the atmosphere is that you want to relax after descending the mountain rather than before climbing. Payment is prepaid. That's why I just ate a steamed bun separately, but I had a chasing steamed bun and coffee. The aroma of coffee is a peanut-like nutty aroma, mild and smooth on the palate, with a gentle sweetness and a clean extraction that does not make you feel bitter. The grade of coffee is a commodity class, but because it is carefully extracted, it is more delicious than a long-established coffee shop. It was a convincing cup that was certainly popular. The (brown) manju is a delicious bun that is softly boiled in a warm, warm state, leaving an appropriate graininess like a specialty store. A very satisfying dish with a good and luxurious finish. Recommended for those who like bean paste. It goes well with mild coffee. (Another customer had a white bean paste on it, so if you have a good bean paste, you can ask for it.) The price is reasonable and comfortable, and it is recommended for sweet lovers.
Kyaw Mickey Htoo on Google

Jader Fonseca on Google

Nice and adorable people. The food is excellent, especially the Soba which is home made like... very good!

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