
4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 谷川岳山麓オートキャンプ場

住所 :

Yubiso, Minakami, Tone District, 〒379-1728 Gunma,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8788898
Webサイト : https://www.tanigawadake-camp.com/
街 : Gunma

Yubiso, Minakami, Tone District, 〒379-1728 Gunma,Japan
佐藤忍(さとし) on Google

The site is also spacious and it is a very nice campsite
ゆうやん on Google

全面芝生、車両乗り込みOK. 炊事場もキレイ 仮設トイレだけど水洗できれいです。
Full lawn, vehicle boarding OK. The kitchen is also beautiful Although it is a temporary toilet, it is clean with water.
石川和男(カズ) on Google

トイレが簡易トイレなのが残念です あと、シャワー等があると嬉しいです 側にメロディーロードがあり少し気になります
It's a pity that the toilet is a simple toilet Also, I'd be happy if there was a shower etc. There is a melody road on the side and I'm a little worried
リマ探検チャンネル on Google

水上ICを降りて、湯檜曽温泉街を通り抜けたあたり。Googleマップにはでていますが、私のカーナビには住所さえ搭載がありませんでした。しかし、一本道なので迷わず行けるでしょう。 サイトは区間分され、車乗り入れ可の芝サイト。テント、タープ、車でも十分な広さです。 芝は水捌けがよく、良質です。 通りに面していますが、夜間の車はほとんどなく、静かなキャンプ場です。 水上ICからセブンイレブンとデイリーヤマザキ、道の駅しかないので、ご注意ください。
Around the time I got off the Minakami IC and passed through the Yubiso hot spring town. Although it appears on Google Maps, my car navigation system didn't even have an address. However, since it is a straight road, you can go without hesitation. The site is divided into sections and is a turf site where cars can enter. Large enough for tents, tarps and cars. The turf is well drained and of good quality. Although it faces the street, it is a quiet campsite with few cars at night. Please note that there are only 7-Eleven, Daily Yamazaki, and Road Station from the Minakami IC.
yoo koo on Google

見上げると景色も良く。 芝もきれいで良いキャンプ 場だと思います。 サイトによっては水場、トイレが遠く、 目の前のメロディラインが車が通る度に鳴るのが気になります。
The scenery is good when you look up. I think the grass is clean and a good campsite. Depending on the site, the water place and toilet are far away, I'm worried that the melody line in front of me will sound every time the car passes by.
Takashi Yajima on Google

I think it is well maintained. However, because of the good sunlight, if you put a tent on the road (it will happen if you are far from the road and close to the toilet / kitchen), the west sun is strong and it is hot until the sun goes down. It is recommended to stick it on the side closer to the road, facing away from the road. The tent and tarp dry quickly because the sun shines from that side in the morning.
圭So K on Google

2021.10.9利用 天気は曇り、夕方・夜雨。翌日、曇り。 結構降っていましたが、次の日(曇り空)朝には、地面はビチョビチョしていなかったので、水はけはかなり良いと思います。 気温は、車の中に放置してあったロガーで、最低気温は朝方17.4℃。シェラフはイスカのパトロール600でちょっと暑いくらいでした。(寒さ対策はほどほどで良いかと思いました) 虫は、1匹カメムシを見かけましたが、蚊は全くおらず、快適でした。蚊取り線香は念のため持参しましたが、出そうとも思いませんでした。 水場はきれいで水もジャンジャン出ますが、マナーの悪い奴はどこでもいるもので、流しに食べ残し流して放置する奴はいますね。(利用者の問題) トイレは仮設なので期待していなかったが、水洗だしきれいに掃除されていて申し分ないです。においもなし。夜は暗く、ライトが付かない個室もあったので、ヘッドライトを持っている人は持っていくと良いと思います。 近隣、お風呂の紹介、薪の販売あり。 ゴミは持って帰らないといけないので、その前提でしっかりしたゴミ袋を持っていくなり、分別を心掛けるなり必要です。 メロディーラインの音が気になると皆さん書いていますが、うるさいほどではなかったものの、谷川岳に行こうと思っていると、かなりの台数が通過するので駐車場がいっぱいにならないか心配になりました。大体4:30位から通過する車が多かったです。結局、10:40頃に行きましたが、インフォメーションの無料駐車場は10台位は空きあり。ロープウェイの有料駐車場は全然大丈夫でした。 谷川岳に行くとき、また利用したいキャンプ場でした。
2021.10.9 Use The weather is cloudy, and it rains in the evening and at night. The next day, it was cloudy. It was raining quite a bit, but the next morning (cloudy sky), the ground wasn't fluffy, so I think the drainage is pretty good. The temperature is a logger left in the car, and the lowest temperature is 17.4 ℃ in the morning. Sheraf was a little hot on Isuka Patrol 600. (I thought it would be good to take measures against the cold) As for the insect, I saw one stink bug, but there were no mosquitoes and it was comfortable. I brought a mosquito coil just in case, but I didn't even think about it. The water is clean and the water comes out, but there are people with bad manners everywhere, and there are people who leave it uneaten in the sink. (User problem) I didn't expect it because the toilet is temporary, but it's washed with water and cleaned cleanly. No smell. It was dark at night and some private rooms did not have lights, so if you have headlights, you should bring them with you. Introducing the neighborhood, baths, and selling firewood. Since you have to bring your trash home, you need to bring a solid trash bag on that premise and try to separate it. Everyone wrote that they were worried about the sound of the melody line, but although it was not so noisy, when I was thinking of going to Mt. Tanigawa, I was worried that the parking lot would be full because a considerable number of cars would pass. .. Many cars passed from around 4:30. After all, I went around 10:40, but there are about 10 free parking lots for information. The toll parking lot on the ropeway was ok at all. It was a campsite I wanted to use again when I went to Mt. Tanigawa.
Mikio M on Google

標高580mほどにある広いキャンプ場です。山なので天気が変わりやすく、時期によっては虫が沢山出ます。蚊取り線香と虫除けスプレーで、蚊には刺されませんでしたが、知らぬ間にブユに数カ所やられました。 また、夜に羽蟻が大量発生し、灯りに無数に寄ってきて苦労しました。これには網戸、街灯用の虫除けスプレーも無効でした。 直射日光は暑いですが、真夏でも快適な気温で、朝晩は20℃程度になるため、寝袋、長袖は必要です。 水道の横に灰捨て場はあり、洗剤やスポンジ、金たわし等は要持参。 広い芝生はとても綺麗で気持ちが良いです。 焚き火台を使用する場合も芝を焦がさないよう、焚き火シート等持参するといいと思います。 日帰り温泉、湯テルメ谷川のチケットを管理棟で割引価格で購入できます。安く、良い温泉なのでオススメです。車で約12分。
It is a large campsite at an altitude of about 580m. Since it is a mountain, the weather changes easily, and depending on the season, many insects appear. I wasn't bitten by mosquitoes with mosquito coils and insect repellent, but I was struck by gnats in several places without my knowledge. In addition, a large number of feather ants occurred at night, and I had a hard time coming to the lights innumerably. Insect repellents for screen doors and street lights were also ineffective for this. Although direct sunlight is hot, it is a comfortable temperature even in midsummer, and it reaches about 20 ° C in the morning and evening, so a sleeping bag and long sleeves are required. There is an ash dump next to the water supply, so bring detergent, sponge, scrubbing brush, etc. The large lawn is very beautiful and comfortable. Even if you use a bonfire, you should bring a bonfire sheet so that you do not burn the grass. Tickets for one-day hot springs and Yu Terme Tanigawa can be purchased at a discounted price at the administration building. It is cheap and good hot spring, so it is recommended. About 12 minutes by car.

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