youme Mart Hamada - Hamada

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact youme Mart Hamada

住所 :

1391-8 Aioicho, Hamada, Shimane 697-0034, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 697-0034
Webサイト :

1391-8 Aioicho, Hamada, Shimane 697-0034, Japan
中島久貴 on Google

The product lineup is poor and the clerk is tired.
mie15 on Google

浜田市内の主要スーパーです。 ゆめタウンより微妙に肉類が安いと思う。
It is a major supermarket in Hamada city. I think meat is slightly cheaper than Youme Town.
中原宏明 on Google

I went to Daiso, but it's fun because it has a wide selection of items! !!
w. kami on Google

入口にあるサンドイッチやお惣菜のお店が良いですね。 サンドイッチが安くて美味しい。 コンビニの商品には無い何かがある。
The sandwich and side dish shops at the entrance are good. The sandwiches are cheap and delicious. There is something that does not exist in convenience store products.
土田知嗣 on Google

1階に食品売場があります。生鮮〜生肉まで一通り揃います。駐車場はありますが狭いです。 3ナンバーの車だと駐車の出し入れに難儀するかも…。
There is a food department on the first floor. We have everything from fresh to raw meat. There is a parking lot, but it is small. It may be difficult to get in and out of parking if it is a 3rd number car.
R F on Google

Since it is located along the university line, it is convenient to go shopping from the dormitory of the prefectural university. The assortment is not bad either.
かーこsp on Google

閉店間際に行ったのも悪いのですが、 薬局の店員さんに、 一言もう閉店です!と、言われました。 例えば、何かお急ぎでお探しの品物がございますか?とか、 サービス業としての一言でもあれば、 親切丁寧な店舗なのになぁと思いました。
It's bad that I went just before the store closed, To the pharmacy clerk, A word is already closed! They said. For example, is there something you are looking for in a hurry? And, If it's just a word as a service industry, I thought it was a kind and polite store.
そらすけだよ on Google

食料品の売り場は ゆめタウンと一緒で 綺麗だけど通路が少し狭いかな? でも品揃えは Goodだね! 2階にしまむら 3階には 品揃えが良い広いダイソーが 有ってとても いいねぇ!でもダイソーは 従業員の入れ替わりが多いのか? ちょっと 対応が悪いかな?
The grocery store is the same as Youme Town, but the aisle is a little narrow. But the assortment is good! Shimamura on the 2nd floor There is a large Daiso with a good selection on the 3rd floor, which is very nice! But does Daiso have a lot of employee turnover? Is it a little bad?

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