You - Setouchi

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact You

住所 :

499-3 Okucho Shimogasaka, Setouchi, Okayama 701-4247, Japan

電話 : 📞 +889
Postal code : 701-4247
Webサイト :

499-3 Okucho Shimogasaka, Setouchi, Okayama 701-4247, Japan
アットマークすすむ on Google

今日も薄曇りの弥生3月、この時節は天候不安定ですね! 花粉を避けつつランチに訪れたのは喫茶「邑(ゆう)」さん、町名を一文字使った地元密着の老舗喫茶さんです。 店内は外から想像するより広々空間、特に南窓際は開放感に溢れた構造、冬場はしっかり日光を浴びたいです^^ 注文は「焼飯(800円)」、待つこと7~8分でやって来ました。しっかり卵コーティングされた色合いですね!! スープと福神漬けも付いています。 具材は海老・烏賊・アサリ・ひき肉、見た目からは想像できない海鮮チャーハンになっています。卵コーティングしっかりで海鮮具材とのバランスはイマイチですが食べ応えある量に満足です!!
It's too cloudy today in Yayoi March. The one who visited for lunch while avoiding pollen was a coffee shop "Yu" and a long-established coffee shop with a local name and one letter. The inside of the store is more spacious than you can imagine from the outside, especially the structure near the south window is full of openness, I want to get a good sunshine in winter ^ ^ The order came in "baked rice (800 yen)", waiting 7 to 8 minutes. It is a shade that is well egg coated! ! Also comes with soup and Fukugami pickles. The ingredients are shrimp, squid, clams, minced meat, and seafood fried rice that cannot be imagined from the appearance. Egg coating is firm and the balance with seafood ingredients is not good, but I am satisfied with the amount that I can eat! !
評価の翼 on Google

朝初めて行きました⊂(`・ω・´)モーニングも良く、ボリュームは大人の大食漢から少ないかも(´^ω^`) 結構人多いですが、店員さんの愛想も良く素晴らしいです( ˙罒˙)
I went for the first time in the morning ⊂(`・ω・´) Morning is good, and the volume may be small from an adult big eater Han (´^ω^`) There are quite a lot of people, but the clerk's friendliness is also good and wonderful (˙罒˙)
いち坊 on Google

15時頃、休憩に利用。私たちの他は一組しかおらず、静かな空間でした。 BGMは無くテレビが小さな音でかかっていて、店内の真ん中にストーブが1つ。足からほんわか暖まりながら、のんびり過ごせました。 コーヒーと紅茶を注文。 店員さん一人で用意していたので少し時間はかかりましたが、苦になる程ではありませんでした。 どちらも普通に美味しかったです。
Used for a break around 15:00. There was only one other of us, a quiet space. There is no background music and the TV is playing with a small sound, and there is one stove in the middle of the store. I was able to spend my time relaxing warmly from my feet. Order coffee and tea. It took a little time because the clerk prepared it alone, but it was not so painful. Both were normally delicious.
まひで on Google

The amount was plentiful and delicious
Koichiro Kawasaki on Google

The sweet bread sold in the coffee shop is recommended because it is reasonably priced and has a soft and gentle taste. The daily lunch had a homely taste.
CASTER LV on Google

The morning was delicious, and the bread sold in the shop was also delicious so I will go buy it again.
shinichi kondou on Google

店の雰囲気が良くて、シフォンケーキ美味しかったです。ママとマスターも物腰低くて優して、良かったです。うぐいすパンも持ち帰りしました。 とても好感できて、また行こうと思います。
The atmosphere of the shop was good and the chiffon cake was delicious. It was good that mom and master were also low-key and kind. I also took out Uguisu bread. I like it very much and will go again.
d miyou on Google

昔ながらの喫茶店て感じ。店内でパンやロールケーキやシフォンケーキなども販売していました。 日替わりランチ、ドリンク付でまぁ、普通のお値段。ただ、店内は落ち着いた雰囲気なので、ゆっくりお話するにはもってこいの場所かなと。
It feels like an old-fashioned coffee shop. Bread, roll cakes and chiffon cakes were also sold in the store. Daily lunch and drinks included, well, normal price. However, the atmosphere inside the store is calm, so I think it's a perfect place to talk slowly.

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