ハイパーナイフ専門店 YOTUBASTAR広島

4.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ハイパーナイフ専門店 YOTUBASTAR広島

住所 :

Yagi, Asaminami Ward, 〒731-0101 Hiroshima,Japan

電話 : 📞 +878
Webサイト : https://beauty.hotpepper.jp/kr/slnH000463619/
街 : Hiroshima

Yagi, Asaminami Ward, 〒731-0101 Hiroshima,Japan
Junko on Google

It was a very pleasant time with the heat reaching the core of my body. In addition, we want to ask for treatment.
たけちゃん on Google

I went to the hyperknife I had seen on TV. The person in charge is easy to talk with in a very comfortable atmosphere, and I am happy that the legs I was interested in are refreshing. I want to go again soon. Thank you very much.
ケロバム on Google

Be sure to lose weight! You can also give advice on how to eat without stress ?
tomo chin on Google

8/27に伺いました 居心地の良い空間で、感じの良いスタッフによる丁寧な施術でした。お尻と足をしたのですが、終わる頃にはお腹がぽかぽかしていました。
I visited 8/27 It was a cozy treatment with a pleasant staff in a cozy space. I had my hips and legs, but by the end, my stomach was warm.
沼本千奈美 on Google

I had a very nice time, and my waist was narrowed by one treatment. I listen to various good stories and I am always looking forward to it.
おぐら あずき on Google

今日下半身してもらったのですが 帰り足が軽くて自転車漕ぐのも楽に出来ました♪ それに、違いがハッキリと出て来たのでとても嬉しかったです(^-^) このまま目標到達まで頑張れそうです♪ ありがとうございますm(_ _)m
I had my lower body today The return foot was light and it was easy to row a bicycle ♪ And I was very happy because the difference came out clearly (^-^) It seems that I can do my best to reach the goal as it is ♪ Thank you m (_ _) m
ヒロちゃん on Google

コロナの影響でなかなか行けず、2ヶ月ぶりのハイパーでした。とても気持ち良く、芯まで温まり身体がポカポカしました。久しぶりだったので、話も盛り上がりとても楽しく、アドバイスもしっかりして頂いたので、生活に取り入れて頑張ります? ありがとうございました? 次回も宜しくお願いします??
It was the first hyper in 2 months since I couldn't go because of corona. It was very comfortable and warmed up to the core and my body was warm. It's been a while since I last talked, and it's been a lot of fun, and I've received a lot of advice. Thank you ? Thank you again next time ??
上本あや on Google

The course is simple and I can't recommend it. The treatment was polite and comfortable. It was a pity that the change in the first before-after was a little because it was quite cold in my case, but it was expected to become warmer after several times, so I expect it from now on.

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