Yoshizuya Kaizu Hirata - Kaizu

3.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Yoshizuya Kaizu Hirata

1617 Hiratacho Imao, Kaizu, Gifu 503-0321, Japan
ゆうとみ on Google

毎週買い物に利用しています。 プライベートブランドの美味しくて、お値打ちな商品がたくさんあり助かります。 …が、夏場の2階売場の暑さは堪えられません。 広いセリアもあり、ゆっくり買い物したいのですが、 暑くて暑くて… 必要なモノだけは店員さんに聞いてでも探し購入して、さっさと引きあげて来てしまいます。 2階の開店時刻までには快適な温度にしておかないと、お客様が減ってしまいますよ。
I use it for shopping every week. It is helpful to have a lot of delicious and value-for-money products from private brands. … But I can't stand the heat of the second floor sales floor in the summer. There is also a large ceria, so I would like to shop slowly, It's hot and hot ... Even if you ask the clerk about what you need, you can find it, buy it, and pull it up quickly. If you do not keep the temperature comfortable by the opening time on the 2nd floor, the number of customers will decrease.
ぱろぱろ on Google

食品売り場に入っている、鮮魚店の「かねや」さんの自家製うなぎ蒲焼きが美味しいです。 スーパーのうなぎも三河産ですが、比べものになりません。 割高ですが、かねやのを買う方が満足できます。 刺身や鮮魚はもちろん、よそではなかなか売ってないものもあったりで、つい手を伸ばしてしまいます。 かねやの刺身や魚が隣にあるのでスーパーのが見劣りしますが、決して悪いわけではないです。 全体的に食品売場は良いものがそろっています。 パン屋さんのパンはどれも100円程度でお値打ち感があります。 レジは常に2~3人は並んで待っている状態。 おばちゃん店員は常連とお話ししながら。 若い男性店員はのんびりとレジをして、接客に向いていない話し方をします。 これは田舎の店の文化なのかも知れません。 駐車場はたくさんあるものの、東側の店の前の駐車場に集中するため混んでいます。 進行方向の矢印無視で逆走してきたり、出口専用から入ってきたりで、田舎のお年寄りのマナーが最悪のため、更にごった返し状態です。 道路の向こうの駐車場はガラガラです。 年寄りに当て逃げされてもいけないので、こちらに駐めるのが無難なようです。
The homemade eel kabayaki from "Kaneya" from the fresh fish shop in the food section is delicious. Super eels are also from Mikawa, but they are not comparable. Although it is expensive, buying Kaneya is more satisfying. Not to mention sashimi and fresh fish, there are some that are not sold well, so I reach out. Kaneya's sashimi and fish are next to it, so the supermarket is inferior, but it is not bad. The food section as a whole has good food. All the bakeries' breads are worth about 100 yen, which makes them very affordable. Two to three people are always waiting in line at the cash register. Aunt clerk talking to regular customers. A young male clerk relaxes at the cashier and talks in ways that are not suitable for serving customers. This may be the culture of a rural store. Although there are many parking lots, it is crowded because it is concentrated in the parking lot in front of the store on the east side. Ignore the arrow in the direction of travel and run in the opposite direction, or enter from the exit only, so the etiquette of the elderly in the countryside is the worst, so it is even more crowded. The parking lot across the road is rattled. It seems safe to stay here because the elderly cannot get away with it.
吉安秀子 on Google

There are many kinds of delicatessen, but I get lost. The sashimi was also fresh and delicious.
S T on Google

レジにて支払い時に、次のお客さんが隣まで寄ってきた。レジスタッフの方も無言です。 気配りが必要です。
At the time of payment at the cashier, the next customer came to the next door. The cashier staff is also silent. You need to be attentive.
ちゃん on Google

After purchasing the clothing, I found a product that was closer to what I was looking for, so I immediately went to the cashier and asked for a return, but the clerk looked annoying and looked unpleasant. As a person in the same hospitality industry, I was very dissatisfied with that attitude. I remember my face and name, so I don't want to buy it when I have that person.
名深 on Google

通りすがりにニベアクリームを買いに寄りました❗️ 風呂にゆっくり入ったからか肌が脂ぎれしちゃいまして。 また鮒味噌もヨシズヤならではで、有りました‼️娘が好きで買いました。
I stopped by to buy Nivea cream ❗️ My skin got greasy probably because I took a bath slowly. Also, the crucian carp miso was unique to Yoshizuya! ️ I bought it because I liked my daughter.
utagawa kunihisa on Google

ヨシヅヤさんではよく下着類と仕事で着るジャージを買います。色やデザインは選べませんが、正規メーカーのものが、結構割り引いて買えたりするので重宝しております。 ここで買う下着やジャージは長持ちします。 まちがいない衣料品を揃えているお店です。
Yoshizuya often buys underwear and jerseys to wear at work. You can't choose the color or design, but it's useful because you can buy it at a reasonable discount from a regular manufacturer. The underwear and jerseys you buy here will last a long time. It is a shop that has no doubt about clothing.
もこひな on Google

The cashier at the clothing department always feels uncomfortable. It was very unpleasant just to be talked loudly or to be silent or annoying. There are three clerk, two are crazy about talking that is not related to work, and one is silent no matter what he talks to. I love Yoshizuya, but I will never go there again. Yoshizuya's side dishes, bread, and food are all delicious, so I recommend them.

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