野場医院 - Toyota

2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 野場医院

住所 :

Yoshiwaracho, Toyota, 〒473-0916 Aichi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 473-0916
街 : Aichi

Yoshiwaracho, Toyota, 〒473-0916 Aichi,Japan
K on Google

jyunji takada on Google

The receptionist's attitude is just bad.
うじ on Google

コロナ感染拡大の中、万司先生が外で頑張っておられた。 ありがとうございます。
Dr. Manji was working hard outside as the corona infection spread. Thank you very much.
Takuma Asagi on Google

オバチャン先生は厳しく、速い。 じいさん先生はおっとり。 デカイ総合病院よりはまだマシ。
Obachan-sensei is strict and fast. Mr. Grandpa is quiet. Still better than Decai General Hospital.
スーパーパチンカス on Google

The teacher's attitude was so bad that I had to wait a long time, and the medical examination was about 3 minutes? The patient is not a cup ramen, so I want you to think about the patient's feelings a little more, even though there are two teachers, I want you to improve.
池田ギン on Google

不整脈で以前通いましたがドクターが一世代古い感じがしました。(知識関して) 当時私は不眠で眠剤を飲んでいましたが、ドクターに『そんな薬は飲まないほうがいい』 と言われました。  あまり酷いならカテーテルアブレーションを勧められました。 その後精神科で、うつ病と診断され会社を休職。 他の循環器科に通って、心エコー・ホルター心電図・血液検査をした所、 心臓には異常なしドクターいわく『精神的なもの』と言われ薬も処方されませんでした。
I went there with arrhythmia before but the doctor felt a generation old. (About knowledge) At that time I was insomnia and was taking a sleeping pill, but the doctor said, “You should not take such medicine.” They said. If it was too bad, catheter ablation was recommended. * After that, I was diagnosed with depression at a psychiatrist and left the company. I went to other circulatory organ departments and did echocardiogram, Holter electrocardiogram, blood test, There was no abnormality in the heart, so the doctor said that it was “spiritual” and no medication was prescribed.
K N on Google

The receptionist's attitude is just bad. Hospitals with such a high-pressure attitude are rare nowadays. I am amazed.
食育 on Google

受付の態度が最悪極まりない! 面倒くさそうな、高圧的な、見下したような話し方。どうしてこの人が電話を取るんだろう?と不思議でなりません。この人、電話だけでなく実際の受付業務でも最悪です。 ものすごく丁寧な優しい受付の方がいるので、その方に変わって欲しかったくらいです。
The attitude of the receptionist is the worst! A high-pressure, disdainful way of speaking that seems to be troublesome. Why does this person pick up the phone? No wonder. This person is the worst not only in the telephone but also in the actual reception work. There is a very polite and kind receptionist, so I wanted him to change.

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