Yoshinoya - Iwakura

3.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Yoshinoya

3 Chome-10-1 Daichishinmachi, Iwakura, Aichi 482-0025, Japan
中山賢治 on Google

You can sit down and place an order in a calm environment. Hello! Greetings are novel.
yans bonbi on Google

月見牛とじ定食登場♪でも、しょっぱい。 醤油がきつく感じます。たまごを入れるとなんとか食べれますが、かなり強いしょっぱさ。
Tsukimi beef binding set ♪ But it ’s salty. I feel the soy sauce is tight. You can eat some eggs, but it's quite strong.
やまだ裕子 on Google

I came to the store in the morning. The things I ate and returned were not cleaned up. It was eating and drinking in a small seat. When the male customer who was in the shift in the morning returns, please do not be blurred and clean up. Only there is a minus.
uluru air on Google

It's on the corner of the intersection, but there is a Family Mart next door and the parking lot is wide! The correspondence of Yoshinoya staff is good.
Mokoももいろ on Google

I like the taste of jjigae, so I ordered a hot pot with pork. It was delicious. ? I was in a cup and said, "I'm sorry." But in the kitchen, the clerk called the customer a "dog," which made me feel uncomfortable.
SHIN N on Google

多少の値上げは我慢する。しかし、それも品質維持の値上げなら理解できる。 吉野家に限らず最近のチェーン店はとにかく店舗によって商品のバラツキが酷いと思う。 どの店舗も少人数でのオペレーション。それも理解できる。 しかし、今日のこの店舗はハズレ。ご飯はダマになってるし、具も温かくない。 たかが牛丼一杯かもしれないが、最近この手のチェーン店から自ずと足が遠のいている。
I will put up with some price increases. However, that can be understood if the price of quality maintenance is raised. I think that the product variation is terrible depending on the store, not only in the Yoshinoya but also in recent chain stores. All stores operate with a small number of people. I can understand that too. However, this store today is a loss. The rice is lumpy and the ingredients are not warm. It may be a bowl of beef, but recently I've been away from this kind of chain store.
ヒマ中のまつ on Google

【R04.02.03】再訪 今日も嫁から「遅くなる」のLINE 夜ごはん場所探すの面倒だったので 食べ慣れたこのお店で“セオリー”する カウンター席に着座 若者店員さんに「牛丼並・玉子・味噌汁」と呪文を唱える 「かしこまりました、他に注文はありませんか」とメッチャ早口で返答 そっけなく「以上です」と返す マニュアル通りの対応もやむを得ないと収める 早口で配膳された「牛丼並・玉子・味噌汁」」 短時間で空腹を満たすのにこれ以上の商品はないだろう “牛”の中央部を箸で空洞を作って玉子を落とす その上に“生姜”を多めに被せ、“牛”の配置を変えずに ごはん・玉子・生姜を慣れた手付きでかき混ぜる 整ったら丼を左手に箸で一気に食す 40年以上の“セオリー”で空腹を満たす そして会計の時 財布から500円玉と100円玉をトレーに落として「ごちそうさま」 若店員さんから「あの~」とオイラにしか聞き取れない音声を確認 トレーには100円玉×2枚・・・焦ったね~ 「ごめんね」と言いながらトレーの100円玉と500円玉を 目に見えない速さで交換する 若店員さん あなたの接客センスに感服仕りました --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 【R03.12.02】再訪 吉野家との付き合いは古い 独身時代から各吉野家店舗で「牛丼並+卵+味噌汁」はオイラ定番 で、今日も「夜ごはん済ませて」の嫁からのLINE できるだけ“初”ってのを目指していたのだが 面倒臭くなってきたので吉野家に寄ることにした よくわからないメニューは避けて 馴染み深い「牛丼並+卵+味噌汁」を呪文のようにオーダー 即効で提供される「牛丼並+卵+味噌汁」 見慣れたビジュアルで心休まる 牛丼の“牛”を隅に寄せ“生卵”をそのまま投下 卓上の“紅生姜”を適量(多め)を上乗せし 効果が期待できない“七味”を振りかけ 吉野家“オイラバージョン”を作成・・・少々グロなので撮らない プラ箸でガツガツかき込み&流し込みながら 性急な夜ごはんを消化する 吉野家こそ“割り箸”にこだわってほしいと、強く思う ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ そんな、パッと食べられてサッと退店できるお店 30余年前、新瑞橋のあたりに勤務地があったとき 昼ごはんは「ココイチ」か「吉野家」だった(まだ独身ね) 他のもお店はあったのだが、ほとんどをどちらかのお店で昼ごはんしていた 10年ほど前に自宅近隣に「吉野家」が出来た うれしかったねぇ~ 今はコロナの影響で営業時間短縮されているが 他の吉野家と同様に24時間営業だった 夜中に出かけることはめったに無いが 休日の早朝の「朝定食」はよく食べに出かけたが 最近、めっきり遠ざかっていた 在宅勤務の今日のお昼ごはんは「牛丼」で早々に決まった サクッと済ませたい時メニュー 「牛丼」+「味噌汁」+「生たまご」はオイラ定番 丼の“牛”の真ん中を凹ませ“生たまご”を溶かさずに乗せる 生姜を二つまみ、七味を豪快にふりかけ、かき混ぜる そして飲み込むようにして食す 幸せだわ~ 店内が混んできたのでサッサと退店する
[R04.02.03] Revisited LINE of "becoming late" from the bride today Because it was troublesome to find a place for dinner "Theory" at this restaurant you are accustomed to eating Sit at the counter seat Cast the spell "Gyudon, egg, miso soup" to the youth clerk "I'm clever, do you have any other orders?" Return "more than that" Correspondence according to the manual is unavoidable "Gyudon-like, egg, miso soup" served quickly There's no better product to satisfy your hunger in a short amount of time Make a cavity in the center of the "cow" with chopsticks and drop the egg. Cover it with a generous amount of "ginger" without changing the placement of the "cow". Stir rice, egg, and ginger with a familiar hand. When it's ready, eat the bowl with chopsticks in your left hand. Satisfy your hunger with "theory" for over 40 years And at the time of accounting Drop a 500-yen coin and a 100-yen coin from your wallet onto a tray to make a "feast" Confirm the voice that only the oiler can hear from the young clerk saying "Ano" 100-yen coins x 2 on the tray ... I was impatient ~ While saying "I'm sorry", I bought a 100-yen coin and a 500-yen coin on the tray. Replace at an invisible speed Young clerk I was impressed with your sense of customer service -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------- [R03.12.02] Revisited The relationship with the Yoshinoya is old Since I was single, "Gyudon + Egg + Miso soup" has been a staple of oil at each Yoshinoya store. So, today as well, LINE from the bride of "Don't finish the night" I was aiming to be "first" as much as possible It's getting annoying, so I decided to stop by the Yoshinoya Avoid menus you don't understand Order the familiar "gyudon-like + egg + miso soup" like a spell "Gyudon average + egg + miso soup" provided with immediate effect Relax with familiar visuals Bring the "cow" of the beef bowl to the corner and drop the "raw egg" as it is Add an appropriate amount (more) of "red pickled ginger" on the table Sprinkle "Shichimi" that can not be expected to be effective Created Yoshinoya "Oira version" ... I don't shoot because it's a little gloomy While squeezing and pouring with plastic chopsticks Digest hasty dinner I strongly want the Yoshinoya to stick to disposable chopsticks. -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- Such a shop where you can eat quickly and leave the store quickly About 30 years ago, when there was a place of work near Shin Mizuhashi Lunch was "Kokoichi" or "Yoshinoya" (still single) There were other shops, but most of them had lunch at either shop. About 10 years ago, "Yoshinoya" was built near my house. I was happy ~ Now the business hours have been shortened due to the influence of Corona It was open 24 hours a day like other Yoshinoya I rarely go out in the middle of the night I often went out to eat the "morning set meal" in the early morning of the holidays Recently, I was away from plating Today's lunch at home was decided early on with "Gyudon" Menu when you want to finish quickly "Gyudon" + "miso soup" + "raw egg" is a classic oiler Dent the center of the "cow" in the bowl and put the "raw egg" on it without melting it. Pinch two ginger, sprinkle shichimi vigorously, and stir. And eat as if swallowing I'm happy ~ The store is getting crowded, so I leave the store with Sassa
Dipan Kammar on Google

The breads are little expensive though they're really very tasty and fresh!

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