
4.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ㈱山岸自動車

住所 :

Yoshinocho, Kita Ward, 〒331-0811 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Webサイト : http://yamagishi-j.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–6PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 8:45AM–7PM
Tuesday 8:45AM–7PM
Wednesday 8:45AM–7PM
Thursday 8:45AM–7PM
Friday 8:45AM–7PM
街 : Saitama

Yoshinocho, Kita Ward, 〒331-0811 Saitama,Japan
akira hiraiwa on Google

整備、修理、部品取り付けで通っています 丁寧な仕事で信頼出来るお店です。
I go through for maintenance, repair, and parts installation. It is a reliable shop with careful work.
吉野登志雄 on Google

I asked for the first time to repair the dents in the door, I was kind and polite, the skills were reliable, and I thought the repair price was cheaper than other companies.
石田知代知代 on Google

車の事については必ず寄らせて貰っています 分からなかったら丁寧に説明して頂き助かっています( ´∀`) 社長さん始めスタッフの皆さんは良い方達ばかりで安心してお願い出来ます?
I always ask for cars If you do not understand, please explain carefully and help ('`) The president and other staff members are all good people and can ask for peace of mind.
ddt ddt on Google

板金やオーディオ取り付け、オイル交換等で、何回かお世話になっています。 vw他、一部外車も対応できるとの事。 誠実な対応をしていただけるので、信頼しています。
I have been taking care of it several times, such as by attaching sheet metal, installing audio, and changing oil. It is said that vw and other foreign cars can be supported. I trust you because you can respond sincerely.
taketoshi kodama on Google

As I moved, I was looking for a supplier who would take care of the car as a whole. Tire storage is already almost full, so it is not possible to receive it alone, but it was decided that you could take care of it including taking care of the whole. After that, they also installed the dorareko. You can feel free to consult us and the explanation is polite. Personally, I think it's a reliable trader.
hideki ishida on Google

Thank you for changing the tires. The gentle manager taught me the story of the car carefully. It was a convincing response that the customer's evaluation was high.
幸子高橋 on Google

信頼できる車屋さんです。 親身になって相談に乗って下さります。 礼節もしっかりしていて、雰囲気も良いです。 お店捜しで迷っているなら、お薦めします。
It is a reliable car shop. You will be kind enough to consult with us. The etiquette is solid and the atmosphere is good. If you are unsure about finding a store, I recommend it.
片山優子 on Google

My husband has been indebted to me since I was young and I trust him ? Very kind!

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