Yoshino - Himeji

4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Yoshino

住所 :

Shirahamacho, Himeji, 〒672-8023 Hyogo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88888
Postal code : 672-8023
Webサイト : http://yoshino-shirahama.amebaownd.com/
街 : Hyogo

Shirahamacho, Himeji, 〒672-8023 Hyogo,Japan
緋華 on Google

どの料理も工夫が凝らされており、非常に楽しく食事が楽しめました。 価格もよく、とても美味しかったです。
All the dishes were elaborate and I enjoyed the meal very much. The price was good and it was very delicious.
美雪 on Google

どれも本格的な味でとても美味しかった???です 天麩羅なしで2,000円 天麩羅付きで2,500円
All of them were authentic and very delicious ??? 2,000 yen without tempura 2,500 yen with tempura
梶原妙子 on Google

一つ一つにこだわりが、あり、どれも、とっても美味しかった\(//∇//)\ ただ、ランチとしては、かなり高いかな? デザートが、付いてたら?でも、高いな?
We were particular about each one, and they were all very delicious \ (// ∇ //) \ However, is it quite expensive for lunch? What if dessert is included? But it's expensive ?
前田朝子 on Google

I remodeled a private house, the atmosphere was good, there were many kinds of dishes, and the seasoning that made the best use of the ingredients was delicious and satisfying.
okada yuji on Google

おまかせ¥6000とリーズナブルですが、丁寧なお仕事をしていて、本当に美味しい食事を提供していてだきました。 ご馳走さまです。 ごま豆腐、お造り(マグロの子と鯛) 蓮根饅頭 牡蠣グラタン、鰆の西京焼き 栗麹田楽、玉子焼き、千枚漬け 牛蒡の酢の巻物、イクラ醤油漬け 天ぷら(海老、鯒、舞茸、さつま芋 ズッキーニのスモークサーモン挟み揚) 〆のお蕎麦、アールグレイのアイスクリーム。
It's reasonably priced at 6000 yen, but I've been working politely and serving really delicious meals. It's a treat. Sesame tofu, sashimi (tuna cub and sea bream) Lotus root bun Oyster gratin, grilled Spanish mackerel in Saikyo Chestnut Jiuqu Dengaku, omelet, senmaizuke Burdock vinegar scroll, salmon roe pickled in soy sauce Tempura (shrimp, sardines, maitake mushrooms, sweet potatoes) Zucchini smoked salmon sandwiched) 〆Soba, Earl Gray ice cream.
ビスケット on Google

All of them are really delicious. I think that even Japanese restaurants in Himeji are quite high. At home, it's by far the best ... Lunch with tempura (2750 yen including tax) is a great deal and the best.
M T on Google

平日ランチタイムに予約をして伺いました。到着時、10名ほど先客があり、盛況な様子。客層は年配の女性が多かったです。 『月御膳』、『花御膳』(天婦羅付)を注文。事前に妊娠中である事を伝えていましたが、お造りを鴨ロースに、食後のコーヒーを小豆のアイスクリームに変更して頂きました。 食事はお上品な味付けで、炊き合わせの茄子やがんもどき、生麩、出し巻き卵、鮭など、様々な食材が楽しめて、とても美味しかったです。茶碗蒸しも具沢山でお出汁が美味しく、もち米が入っていて珍しかったです。 食後のコーヒーがとても美味しかったと、同行者が喜んでいました。 住宅街の中にあり、駐車場はお店の前に3台分ありますが、道路がとても狭いので、駐車はしにくい感じなので気を付けて。
I made a reservation at lunch time on weekdays. Upon arrival, there were about 10 customers, and it seemed to be a great success. Most of the customers were elderly women. I ordered "Tsuki Gozen" and "Hana Gozen" (with tempura). I told you in advance that I was pregnant, but I changed the sashimi to duck loin and the coffee after meals to azuki bean ice cream. The meal was tastefully seasoned, and I enjoyed various ingredients such as cooked eggplant, ganmodoki, raw fu, omelet rolls, and salmon, and it was very delicious. Chawanmushi also had a lot of ingredients and the soup stock was delicious, and it was unusual because it contained glutinous rice. The companion was pleased that the coffee after the meal was very delicious. It's in a residential area, and there are 3 parking lots in front of the shop, but the road is so narrow that it's difficult to park, so be careful.
ケンケン on Google

It was relocated from Shiragincho to its current location on October 23. The shop was nicely refurbished with DIY by the general and his wife. The food is polite and you can enjoy delicious food whenever you go.

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