Yoshino - Amagasaki

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Yoshino

住所 :

1-chome-7-5 Nagasuhondori, Amagasaki, Hyogo 660-0803, Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Postal code : 660-0803

1-chome-7-5 Nagasuhondori, Amagasaki, Hyogo 660-0803, Japan
猫師 on Google

尼崎駅付近でランチの良店を探していて見つけた美味しそうなうどんのお店です。 うどん好きなら行かなくちゃと思ってやって来ました。 店の前まで来たら、暖簾はかかってるけどランチメニューが店頭には出ていなかったので一瞬休み?と 思ったがお客さんのいる気配があったので良かった^ ^ でもその後すぐにメニューが掲げてなくて値段が書いてないから、ひょっとして高かったら どうしよう!汗、と少しだけ不安に。 すぐに食べログで調べたら、なんだ普通の価格じゃん、笑 て事で、いざ入店。 昔ながらの居酒屋さんの雰囲気ですな。 サラリーマンがたくさんいますわ。カウンターに座りメニューを見ると、結構種類が多い。 セットメニューも色々あって目移りしてしまう。 メニューに写真が無いから食べログの写真と照らし合わせてみると、セットメニューのボリュームは凄いらしい。 ここはとりあえず単品にしよう。 と、悩んだ末にこちらに決定。 ◆天ざるうどん 価格 1050円 麺は全体的にやや太めですが、太さにバラツキがあって自家製らしさが滲み出てる。 バラツキが嫌いな人もいるでしょうが、私は手作り感があって好き♪ ズズッとすすると、これは結構な剛麺。 しかも一本調子の単純に硬い麺ではなくて、低反発枕の様なゆっくり沈む感じ。 猫師的に言うと、衝撃吸収麺、もしくは低反発麺。 なかなか好きな麺だよ。 ただ、つゆはもう少し甘さが足りない感じで私の好みではなかった。 天ぷらは海老が2尾、大葉、さつまいも、茄子。 衣のつき方もなかなか良い感じで普通に美味しかった。 海老が2尾だったのは嬉しいね^ ^ 普通盛りでしたがボリュームはそこそこあってお腹は膨れました。 麺も良い感じの手作り感で硬めの麺が好きな人には良いですね。 そしてセット物はボリュームがありそうなのでがっつり派にも向いてると思います。 ご馳走さまでした!
This is a delicious udon restaurant that I found while looking for a good lunch store near Amagasaki Station. I came here thinking I had to go if I liked udon. If you come in front of the store, the curtains are hanging but there is no lunch menu at the store so take a moment off? When I thought it was good because there was a sign of a customer ^ ^ But the menu wasn't listed immediately after that and the price wasn't written, so if it was expensive What should I do! Sweat, and a little anxious. If you look at the eating log right away, what a normal price, lol By the way, enter the store. It is the atmosphere of a traditional izakaya. There are many office workers. Looking at the menu sitting at the counter, there are quite many types. There are a lot of set menus too, so it's very interesting. There is no photo on the menu, so when comparing it to the photo of the eating log, the volume of the set menu seems to be terrible. For now, let's make it a single item. And decided here after worrying. ◆ Tenzaru Udon Price 1050 yen The noodles are slightly thicker overall, but the thickness varies and the homemadeness is exuding. Some people may dislike the variation, but I like the handmade feeling ♪ This is a pretty hard noodle. Moreover, it is not simply hard noodles with a single tone, but slowly sinks like a low-elasticity pillow. In terms of cats, shock-absorbing noodles or low-elasticity noodles. It's my favorite noodle. However, the soup was a little less sweet and not my favorite. Tempura has two shrimps, large leaves, sweet potatoes and eggplant. The way of putting on the clothes was quite good and it was delicious. I'm happy that there were two shrimp ^ ^ Although it was usually primed, the volume was moderate and my stomach was swollen. Noodles are also good for those who like hard noodles with a good feeling of homemade. And I think that the set is likely to have a lot of volume, so it is suitable for the group. It was a feast!
bun大介 on Google

I came to the store because the evaluation was good in the search of Google map. The word of mouth said that it was crowded at noon, so I staggered the time a little and went around for a while, but as the reputation said, there were still a lot of customers. I was planning to order curry udon, which had a good reputation, but I ordered curry soba because there was soba! Donburi in about 5 minutes! From the curry soba that has been brought in, the scent of curry and the scent of soup stock are mixed and appetizing. I was scared because I had removed it with curry udon about twice recently, but as the reputation says, the curry soba soup stock from the soba restaurant was also effective and it was very delicious. Next time, I would like to visit you for Katsu Curry Soba!
nao tomi on Google

The set comes out full of rice bowls and noodles, and the taste is delicious, so there is nothing to say!

写真を取り忘れました。 冷やし肉うどんを食べました。麺が不揃いで硬さに変化があって、食べていて楽しいです。 店内が狭く、席がギュウギュウ詰めなため、居心地は最悪です。セットもありますが、値段の割に量が多そうな感じでした。
I forgot to take a photo. I ate chilled meat udon. The noodles are uneven and the hardness changes, so it's fun to eat. The interior is small and the seats are tightly packed, so the comfort is the worst. There is also a set, but it seemed like the amount was large for the price.
横田喜一 on Google

セットは盛りが大きいですが、美味しいお店です。地域に愛される名店。 お酒もあるので、トッピングメニューで一杯やって〆のうどんやそばというのも良いですね。
The set is big, but it's a delicious restaurant. A well-known store loved by the area. There is also sake, so it's good to have a cup of udon or soba with a topping menu.
okok0129 on Google

かやくめしセットを注文。 かやくめし+うどんだった。 かやくめしの方がうまかったがふつうにうどんも美味しい。 メニューが多いので色々たべたい。
I ordered a Kayakumeshi set. It was sick and udon. Kayakume was better, but udon is usually delicious. There are many menus, so I want to eat various things.
アップルちゃん on Google

オーナーがお休みの時 他のうどん屋さんに食べに行き 研究してると以前聞いた事があります。 麺はシコシコして美味しいです。 昼時は満員になっていました。 今日は冷たい山かけうどん800円を食べました。 Paypay使えました。 ---------- 今日は とろろ定食850円 食べました。 麺はふと麺でシコシコして美味しかったです。 とろろご飯も美味しかったです。
I've heard before that when the owner was absent, he went to another udon restaurant to eat and researched. The noodles are chewy and delicious. It was full at noon. I ate 800 yen cold udon noodles today. I was able to use Paypay. ---------- Today's tororo set meal 850 yen ate. The noodles were chewy and delicious. The mugitoro gohan was also delicious.
森恵美 on Google

The shops may be crowded, so it's a table. Lunch time is crowded. I love chilling ? ♥ ️❤️, but curry udon is also very popular. The streak bowl is also super soft and good! ️

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