
4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 上田商店

住所 :

Yoshidakawaracho, Sakyo Ward, 〒606-8305 Kyoto,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87787
街 : Kyoto

Yoshidakawaracho, Sakyo Ward, 〒606-8305 Kyoto,Japan
進しん on Google

手巻きタバコ始めるのに最適 中華やザピースなどもあり
Great for getting started with hand-rolled cigarettes There are also Chinese and the peace
鈴木信一 on Google

Ploom X を買いに行った。店員が3人もいて驚いた。
I went to buy Ploom X. I was surprised that there were three clerk.
ちーぴょんのぽっぷんJaZz on Google

ちょろっと京大行って来ました。 このあたりは、だいぶ変わってしまいましたねー。 巨大水素爆弾の休憩所の上田商店で飲み物を買って、時計台へゴー。。 レンタサイクルに乗ってゴー。 とても平和でしたー。 買ったいろはす飲みましたら、これめっちゃめちゃ美味しかったです!
I went to Kyoto University a little. * This area has changed a lot. * * I bought a drink at Ueda Shoten, a resting place for huge hydrogen bombs, and went to the clock tower. . Go on a bicycle. * It was very peaceful. If you want to buy it, it was so delicious!
TPOkyotojp Local Guide on Google

この店は色々貴重です? "志賀越道" 散策の起点として目印になるお店? 店頭の地図では志賀越道が "旧白川通り" となっていて, へーっ, となる。(白川街道, ってのは見たことありますが)
This shop is very valuable ? "Shiga Koshido" A store that serves as a starting point for walking ? On the map of the store, Shiga Koshido is "former Shirakawa-dori" and it's hey. (I have seen Shirakawa Kaido, though)
megamneyasu on Google

The assortment of tobacco is very good. A lot of minor cigarettes. It seems to be the best around here. The closing time is around 20:00 or 21:00
Ryusei Homma on Google

The selection of hand-rolled cigarettes is very good. We also stock several papers and filters, and you can buy everything you need to start hand winding in this store. It's a very valuable store, so don't lose it! !! It is run by a gentle old couple. I will be healed.
Polished “606” Vulcanite on Google

皆さんのおっしゃる通り、たばこ専門店でないながら品揃え豊富です。 久しく伺ってませんが、5年ほど前にはパイプたばこも扱ってらっしゃいました。ダンヒルの定番とJTの缶入り「飛鳥」などもあったと思います。 河原町周辺では、JT缶入りは「桃山」のみ扱いの店が多く、ゲーテ帰りに「飛鳥」目当てで立ち寄った記憶があります。
As you say, there is a wide selection of products even though it is not a tobacco specialty store. I haven't heard about it for a long time, but about five years ago, you also handled pipe tobacco. I think there were also Dunhill classics and JT's canned "Asuka". Around Kawaramachi, there are many shops that sell only "Momoyama" in JT cans, and I remember stopping by for "Asuka" on the way back from Goethe.
Atelier on Google

昔ながらの良きタバコ屋さん、京都で1番品揃えもあるのでオススメです。 秋になると開けた途端に灯油の香りがする素敵なお店です。
It is recommended because it is a good old-fashioned tobacco shop and has the best selection in Kyoto. It is a wonderful shop with the scent of kerosene as soon as it opens in the fall.

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