
4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 万福

住所 :

Yoshidajima, Kaisei, Ashigarakami District, 〒258-0021 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Yoshidajima, Kaisei, Ashigarakami District, 〒258-0021 Kanagawa,Japan
髭爺 on Google

大盛のサンマー麺を注文しました。 野菜の具も盛りだくさんで満腹になりました。 麺は細麺で餡の絡み具合がちょうど良かったです。 シンプルな味で醤油ベースにほのかな甘味があり、あんばいが良く飽きのこない味だと思います。
I ordered a large serving of sanma noodles. I was full with plenty of vegetable ingredients. The noodles were thin and the entanglement of the bean paste was just right. It has a simple taste and a slight sweetness in the soy sauce base, and I think it has a good taste and never gets tired of it.
Hayashi . hidehiko on Google

オムライスを食べましたが かなりのボリュームです。 昼は絶えずお客さんがきてました。時間をずらした方がオススメです。
I ate omelet rice, but it's quite a volume. Customers were constantly coming in during the day. It is recommended to stagger the time.
久保田竜雄 on Google

I ate fried rice and dumplings, but fried rice is lightly seasoned. The dumplings were not served well, but the skin was chewy and delicious. Please note that the amount of fried rice is large even if it is served normally!
on Google

懐かしい感じの定食屋さんです。 お店の前に道を挟んで反対側に駐車場が有ります。 オムライスの大盛を食べました、味は普通に美味しくて、量は食べごたえ有りました。
It is a nostalgic set meal shop. There is a parking lot on the other side of the road in front of the shop. I ate a large serving of omelet rice, the taste was normally delicious, and the amount was delicious.
湘南物語 on Google

開成町にある年期の入った中華料理店(定食屋) 開店間もなくお邪魔しましたが、すでに3組の先客がいました。 あるYouTuberの動画を見て、相当チャーハン食べてるがここは美味しいと言っていたので来ました。 一緒に行った後輩はかなり気に入ったようです。 残念ながら私の感想はいまいち。 ご飯は柔らかく油が少なく、もちねち?って感じです。あくまでも私の感想。 食は好みがありますので悪しからず。 各料理ボリュームは満天で、コスパも良いです。 中華丼やかた焼きそば等人気なメニューもあるみたいです。 地元の人には結構人気があるみたいです。
Chinese restaurant (set meal shop) with a period in Kaisei-cho I visited the store shortly after it opened, but there were already three sets of customers. I watched a YouTuber video and said that I was eating a lot of fried rice, but it was delicious, so I came here. The juniors I went with seemed to like it a lot. Unfortunately my impression is not good. Rice is soft and low in oil, and is it sticky? I feel like. It's just my impression. I have a taste for food, so don't be afraid. The volume of each dish is full and the cost performance is good. It seems that there are also popular menus such as Chinese bowl and fried noodles. It seems to be quite popular with the locals.
こてつ on Google

Anyway, if you feel like you want to be full, you will be very satisfied. Every Wednesday, dumplings are 100 yen per person, so I think it's a good deal. To eat a large bowl of Chinese bowl, just concentrate on the bowl in front of you without thinking about anything extra! The serving of the set meal is relatively gentle, and if you bring the cabbage that has sucked the juice of the ginger-grilled set meal to your mouth on the rice, the deliciousness will spread.
遊びがきんちょ on Google

正面からの見た目は何屋かわかりません。線路側、東側からお店を見ると万福の看板が見えはじめて中華料理店だとわかります。 恐らく最初は入るのに勇気が必要でしょう。店に入れば居心地良く過ごせます。こちらのお店の最大の特徴はコスパの良さ。盛りの良い料理がお腹いっぱい食べることができ、味も美味しく満足度が高いです。 リピ中の私はラーチャーにかた焼きそばと確実にメニュー制覇に向け進んでいます。車で行く方は駐車場位置に目印があるのと、とりあえず店の前と横はどこに駐めてもいいみたいです。
I don't know what the store looks like from the front. If you look at the restaurant from the railroad side or the east side, you can see the signboard of Manpuku and you can tell that it is a Chinese restaurant. Perhaps it takes courage to enter at first. You can feel comfortable when you enter the store. The biggest feature of this shop is the goodness of cospa. You can eat a good meal to your heart's content, and the taste is delicious and satisfying. During the lipi, I'm definitely working towards conquering the menu with Lurcher and Kata Yakisoba. If you go by car, there is a mark on the parking lot, and it seems that you can park in front of and next to the store for the time being.
Dewang Shah on Google

Great ramen. What more is there to say!

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