おぎはら植物園 上田店

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Contact おぎはら植物園 上田店

住所 :

Yoshida, Ueda, 〒386-0151 Nagano,Japan

電話 : 📞 +887
Webサイト : http://www.ogis.co.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9:30AM–5:30PM
Sunday 9:30AM–5:30PM
Monday 9:30AM–5:30PM
Tuesday 9:30AM–5:30PM
Wednesday 9:30AM–5:30PM
Thursday 9:30AM–5:30PM
Friday 9:30AM–5:30PM
街 : Nagano

Yoshida, Ueda, 〒386-0151 Nagano,Japan
mahf &coco on Google

We have been using Internet sales regularly for several years. Good quality seedlings are always sent, which is very helpful. If there is an opportunity, I would like to visit you directly and buy it.
4人の母 on Google

たくさんの種類の苗があって、楽しかったです。一つ一つ丁寧に説明がついてるので、植物好きだけど、詳しくない私はとても参考になりました。100円とお手頃なものがあったり、とても 立派や苗がお手頃でついつい 買いすぎてしまいました。 お会計の時、袋につめるか、箱にいれるか選ばせてくれました。 箱を選択したところ、ジャストサイズの箱(手作りで大きさ調整してました。)にきれいに詰めてくれたので、車で家まで 持ち帰るときも 安定させて 持ち帰れました‼️
There were many kinds of seedlings and it was fun. The explanations are carefully given one by one, so I like plants but I am not familiar with them. There was a reasonable price of 100 yen, and I bought a lot of splendid and seedlings at a reasonable price. At the time of checkout, he / she chose to pack it in a bag or put it in a box. When I selected the box, it was neatly packed into a just-sized box (made hand-made and adjusted in size), so when I took it home with my car, I could take it home‼ ️
Noriji ARAI on Google

ヨーロピアン ガーデンに興味が湧き、手始めに宿根草を始めてみようと思い、伺いました。多少コンサルティングのようなものを期待していましたが、それは出来ませんでした。しかし、購入してきた苗はどれもポットいっぱいに根が回っていて、素晴らしい苗でした。来年の開花時期が楽しみです。
I became interested in the European garden and decided to start with Yado Negusa as a starting point. I expected something like consulting, but I couldn't. However, all the seedlings I bought had roots all over the pot and were wonderful seedlings. I am looking forward to the flowering time next year.
1997シモン on Google

I purchase it twice every spring and autumn. I visited the shop for the first time in May of this year, and I thought it would be better to check the nature of the seedlings and how long they would be at Rakuten Ichiba before purchasing. When I visited the shop, I couldn't find what I wanted because there weren't many kinds of seedlings. I thought that the purchase here was limited to the internet.
坂本嘉夫 on Google

I can't wait for spring. You can get a wide variety of seasonal flowers.
tanikuu on Google

旅行先の近くだったので、迷わずお伺いしました。 宿根草メインですが、パンジー・ビオラなどの季節のお花もまぁまぁ揃ってます。 とにかく宿根草やそこら辺では見ない植物がいっぱい!テンションがダダ上がりました。 今年はネットでの注文がたびたび休止してしまっていましたが、これだけの品種を扱っているのならそれは大変だよね…と実店舗に行ってみて何となくわかりました。
It was near my travel destination, so I visited without hesitation. Mainly Yado Negusa, but seasonal flowers such as pansies and violas are also available. Anyway, there are lots of plants that you can't see in Yado Negusa and around! The tension has risen. This year, online orders were often suspended, but it would be difficult if we were dealing with this many varieties ... I found out when I went to the actual store.
笠井江理子 on Google

庭植の苗を買いにお邪魔しました❗オープン前に着きましたが、すでに待っている方々も。 オープンして、少ししたらすぐに渋滞していて駐車場待ちの列ができていました?。 誘導してくれる方がいるので、そこは安心ですが、噂通り混んでいますね〰️。 遠方からというのもあり、早く着いてて良かったです。 まずびっくりしたのが、宿根草の種類が本当に多いです! 他ではあまり見ない種類のものもあり、選ぶのが楽しい? それぞれに、しっかり特徴が書いてあるのでとても参考になります。 そして何より植物がイキイキしてます✨丈夫でしっかりしているので、自宅で育てるのも安心ですね☺️ そして、価格も全体的に安めの印象です? 種類が多く他ではない宿根草も多々あり、 活力を感じる丈夫さ、価格、全て大満足です? 厳選して選びましたが、気付いたら凄い量になってしまいました? 植えるのが楽しみです。 スタッフの方もせっせと動いていて、一生懸命だなと感じました。 皆さん買う量が多いですが、 外にいるスタッフの方が率先して車まで運んでくれたりと、とても助かりました。 また、行きます‼️
I went to buy seedlings for garden planting ❗ I arrived before the opening, but some people are already waiting. As soon as it opened, there was a traffic jam and there was a line waiting for the parking lot ?. It's safe because there are people who will guide you, but it's crowded as rumored. I'm glad I arrived early because it was from afar. The first thing that surprised me was that there are so many types of indigo plants! There are some types that you don't see much elsewhere, so it's fun to choose ? Each one has its own characteristics, which is very helpful. And above all, the plants are lively ✨ It is strong and solid, so it is safe to grow at home ☺️ And the price is also cheaper overall ? There are many kinds of indigo plants that are unique, I am very satisfied with the strength, price, and everything that makes me feel energetic ? I carefully selected and selected it, but when I noticed it became a tremendous amount ? I'm looking forward to planting it. The staff was also working hard and I felt that I was working hard. Everyone buys a lot, It was very helpful that the staff outside took the initiative to bring me to the car. I will go again! ️
チャー坊 on Google

種類も豊富でめずらしい植物もあり、リピーターです。購入したヒューケラなどを花壇に植えまた。元気に育ってます。 ■11月初旬 今日も行ってきました。見るだけのはずが、ムスクマロウ(アップルブロッサム)とプリムローズ(プリムラブルガリス)を購入してしまいました。ここに来ると時間を忘れ癒やされます☺️ ■1月中旬 沈丁花の珍しい品種「信濃錦」を購入しました。「プリムラベラリーナ」も…。1月ですが、花好きな方が結構いらっしゃいましたよ? ■3月初旬 苗も増えています。「レンゲショウマ」と「八重咲きレンゲショウマ」、「トリフォリウム バニーズ」を購入しましたよ?
It is a repeater with a wide variety of rare plants. Plant the purchased Huquera in the flowerbed again. I'm growing up well. ■ Early November I went there today as well. I should have just seen it, but I bought Musk Mallow (Apple Blossom) and Primrose (Primula Bull Garris). When you come here, you will forget the time and be healed ☺️ ■ Mid January I bought a rare variety of Daphne flowers, "Shinano Nishiki". "Primula Bellarina" is also ... It's January, but there are quite a few people who like flowers ? ■ Early March Seedlings are also increasing. I bought "Anemonopsis macrophylla", "Double-flowered Anemonopsis macrophylla", and "Trifolium Bunnies" ?

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