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Contact 宮沢医院

住所 :

Yoshida, 〒381-0043 Nagano,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Webサイト : https://clinic.miyazawaiin.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 8:30AM–12PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 8:30AM–12PM
Tuesday 8:30AM–12PM
Wednesday 8:30AM–12PM
Thursday 8:30AM–12PM
Friday 8:30AM–12PM
街 : Nagano

Yoshida, 〒381-0043 Nagano,Japan
kureha mizuki on Google

3年前位に胸のできものが気になり相談した所、乳がん検査があると言われ予約しました。 エコーの乳がん検査でしたが、怪しい物体があったので市民病院の紹介状を頂きました。 市民病院での検査の結果、初期の乳がんだったのであの時検査して良かったと思います。 その後、病院に行っておらず先生にお礼が言いたいと思っています。
About three years ago, I was worried about breast cancer and consulted with him. I was told that there was a breast cancer test and made a reservation. It was an echo breast cancer test, but I received a letter of introduction from a municipal hospital because there was a suspicious object. As a result of the examination at the municipal hospital, I think it was good to have the examination at that time because I had early breast cancer. After that, I haven't been to the hospital and would like to thank my teacher.
やまちづ on Google

掛かり付け医が休みだったのでコチラを受診しました私の付き添いで子ども2人も一緒だったのですが 看護婦さん看護士さんが優しく声をかけて下さり処方箋も隣の薬局さんが届けにきてくれたりと。とても親切丁寧です! 待ち時間も子供達の為にアンパンマンのDVDをつけてくれました 副院長先生に担当して頂きましたがお若い先生でビックリしましたが、とても優しい 先生でした水曜日の午後は副院長先生が担当しているようです
My doctor was on holiday, so I went to see my child. I had two children with me A nurse and a nurse kindly spoke to me, and the pharmacy next door sent me a prescription. Very kind and polite! During the waiting time, he put on an Anpanman DVD for the kids. I was surprised to be a young teacher, although I was surprised by the assistant director, but it is very kind I was a teacher. On Wednesday afternoon, it seems that the Deputy Director is in charge.
sap Hokk on Google

宮沢医院 良い点 ・設備が比較的新しくバリアフリー構造になっていて壁紙や採光も明るく行動線が広々としている。 ・リウマチ科を看板にした総合内科診療及び併設のデイサービスがあることから高齢者等の慢性疾患患者にとっては地域第一次医療機関としてのメリットがあるのかもしれない。 悪い点 ・とにかくせわしない。 ・次から次へと高齢者患者が多く来るようなので医師が急かすように受診を早送りしている感じがみてとれる。 ・上気道感染から気管支炎、肺炎に至るリスクを見落とす畏れを感じた。(以下のやりとりから) ・喉の腫れ発症後5日目、発熱ないものの咳と痰が止まらない、気管支から異音がする、という症状のために受診したのだが扁桃腺を一瞬診ただけで、当方から申しでないと肺の音を聴診することもなく診断が終わるところだった。(耳下腺の触診もなかった。) ・事前記入の問診票の項目も最低限であり、既往症を書く欄もなく、念のため持参した直近の市民健診結果(中性脂肪値異常あり)にも全く目を通さず返された。 ・処方箋も典型的な風邪のできあいフォーマットのようであった。(①総合感冒薬混合散剤に咳止め二種の合剤、②解熱鎮痛薬錠剤、③抗生物質錠剤、④咳止めのハップ式外用薬) ・当方には効かないと診察時伝えていた薬剤(デキストロメトルファン)が上記①散剤中に混合処方されていた。 ・診察前のインフルエンザウィルス検査が陰性が判明してからの診察でのやりとりについて。咳がしつこつ続いている状況を鑑みて、気管支炎と肺炎兆候の畏れを阻むようなきめ細やかな診察をしてもらいたかった。 ・咳止めと消炎に特化した処方のみにとどめ、不必要な雛形の風邪薬処方(効果の薄い咳止め成分、解熱剤)は加えないで欲しかった。 ・もうすこし患者の話に耳をかたむけ、必要と思われる検査(採血、喀痰採種、画像診断等)の提案があっても良いのではと思った。 ・診療室内の待合環境について。レントゲン室前あたりの待機席がものすごく寒く、移動せざるを得なかった。
Miyazawa Clinic good point ・ The equipment is relatively new and has a barrier-free structure, and the wallpaper and lighting are bright and the action lines are spacious. ・ Because there is general medical treatment with rheumatology as a sign and an adjoining day service, it may be advantageous as a regional primary medical institution for patients with chronic diseases such as the elderly. Bad points ・ Don't hurry anyway. ・ Since many elderly patients are coming one after another, it seems that doctors are advancing to the doctor as soon as possible. ・ I felt the fear of overlooking the risk of upper respiratory infection, bronchitis, and pneumonia. (From the following exchange) ・ On the 5th day after the onset of swelling of the throat, I had a fever but did not stop coughing and sputum, and an abnormal noise from the bronchus. The diagnosis was about to end without auscultating the sound of the lungs. (There was no palpation of the parotid gland.) ・ The items on the pre-filled questionnaire were minimal, there was no column to write a history of the disease, and the result of the most recent civic checkup (abnormal triglyceride level) brought back just in case was returned without any reading . -The prescription also looked like a typical cold format. (1) Combination cold remedy powder, 2 kinds of cough suppressant, 2) Antipyretic analgesic tablet, 3) Antibiotic tablet, 4) Hap type external medicine for cough -The drug (dextromethorphan) that was reported at the consultation that it did not work for me was prescribed in the above powder. ・ About the interaction during the consultation after the negative influenza virus test was found before the consultation. In light of the persistent cough, she wanted a meticulous examination to prevent the fear of bronchitis and pneumonia. -I wanted only prescriptions specifically for cough and anti-inflammatory, and did not add unnecessary template cold medicine prescriptions (ineffective coughing ingredients, antipyretics). -Listening to the patient's story a little more, I thought it would be okay to have suggestions for tests (blood sampling, sputum sampling, diagnostic imaging, etc.) that seemed necessary. ・ About the waiting environment in the clinic. The waiting seat around the front of the X-ray room was so cold that I had to move.
M take on Google

今は先生かなり優しくなりましたよ 口は悪いかも知れませんがかなり親身になって対応してくれますし 看護士さんたちもかなり対応が良いです 患者なのに「様」をつけてくれるし 通院してますが ちょっと調子悪い時にはかなり隅から隅まで調べてくれます
Now my teacher has become quite kind It may sound bad, but he will be very kind and willing to respond. The nurses are also pretty good Even though he is a patient I'm going to the hospital When you feel a little sick, it will look up from corner to corner.
mao nkml on Google

型通りのことやったら後はほったらかし。薬が効かず、熱が下がらないから再度行ったら診察も検査もせず診察代だけ取られて帰された。全く親身になって患者を診ない態度に怒りを超えて呆れた。こんな人が医師会長とは。二度と行かないし全く勧められない。 結局、他の医療機関に行ったらすぐに熱が下がった。この先生大丈夫?少なくとも風邪で行くのはやめた方がいい。薬の出し方も非常に疑問に思う。薬の知識あるの?
If you do the usual thing, leave it alone. The medicine didn't work and my fever didn't go down, so when I went again, I didn't have any medical examination or examination, and only the medical examination fee was taken and returned. Beyond anger, I was amazed at the attitude of being completely friendly and not seeing the patient. What is such a person as the chairman of a doctor? I will never go and it is not recommended at all. After all, as soon as I went to another medical institution, my fever went down. Is this teacher okay? At least you should stop going because of a cold. I am also very skeptical about how to dispense the medicine. Do you have knowledge of medicine?
cocona natade on Google

CTR検査の為の紹介状を医師から貰って下さいと保健所から紹介されて行きました。 電話で先に相談していたので、別入り口で待合室も別空間でしたが、診察はパーテーションで仕切られた狭くて声が筒抜けな他の方と同じ所で診察されて不安になりました。 しかも、何年も毎日つけている舌下で計った基礎体温のリストで発熱状況を説明すると『舌下体温なんて正しくない。熱があって当たり前!』と怒鳴り始め、普段と明らかに違う体温の事をお伝えしても止まらず『脇下体温を1週間測って毎日つけて1週間後にきて!』と帰されそうに。既に1週間以上発熱が続いているし、近いうちに県外に出る予定があるので、コロナかどうか検査しておきたいと何度もお願いして渋々紹介状をいただきました。最後は明らかに不機嫌になられ、1万近くかけて受けた3つの検査の結果で軽い異常があったらしいのですが、お薬も出して下さいませんでした。 コロナは陰性でしたが、もう絶対に行きません。
I was introduced by the health center to get a letter of introduction for the CTR test from my doctor. Since I had consulted on the phone first, the waiting room was also a separate space at the separate entrance, but I was worried that the examination was done in the same place as other people who were separated by partitions and had a narrow voice. Moreover, when explaining the fever situation with the list of basal body temperature measured under the tongue that I have been wearing every day for many years, "Sublingual body temperature is not correct. It's natural to have a fever! I started yelling, and even if I told him about a body temperature that was clearly different from usual, I couldn't stop saying, "Measure your armpit body temperature for a week, put it on every day, and come a week later!" 』It seems to be returned. I have had a fever for more than a week, and I am planning to go out of the prefecture in the near future, so I asked many times to check if it was a corona and received a letter of introduction. At the end, I was clearly in a bad mood, and it seems that there was a slight abnormality in the results of three tests I received over 10,000, but he did not give me any medicine. Corona was negative, but I will never go anymore.
mo no on Google

Come when you can inspect. A playful doctor. I will never come again. This is the first time for the worst doctor so far. The initial consultation fee is 2000 yen, and the consultation is 1 minute. The nurses are very friendly and it's a wonderful and beautiful hospital. You really should stop.
D M on Google

高熱が続き受診しました。 宮沢院長の態度は横柄で目を合わせようともせず無機質に上から目線で言いたい事を言うだけ。 診察は喉をライトで照らして見ただけ(他の検査も一切なし)の30秒にも満たない診察。 お会計は1万円程度。 価格と内容が全く合っていません。 ホームページでは患者第1のような事を書き、医者の行動が全く合っていません。 先生、先生と、もてはやされて過ごしてきた医者の末路がわかります。 非常に不愉快な診察でした。
I had a high fever and had a medical examination. Director Miyazawa's attitude is arrogant and he doesn't even try to make eye contact, he just says what he wants to say from above to the inorganic material. The examination is less than 30 seconds, just by illuminating the throat with a light (no other tests). The bill is about 10,000 yen. The price and content do not match at all. On the homepage, I wrote something like patient first, and the doctor's behavior did not match at all. You can see the end of the doctor, the teacher, and the doctor who has been touted. It was a very unpleasant examination.

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