Yoshiba - Toyohashi

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Yoshiba

住所 :

5 Chome-138 Hatchodori, Toyohashi, Aichi 440-0806, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 440-0806
Webサイト : https://washokuyoshiba.amebaownd.com/

5 Chome-138 Hatchodori, Toyohashi, Aichi 440-0806, Japan
Natsuki on Google

It calms down as if it were a traditional dining room. It is delicious no matter what you eat, and there are set meals, udon noodles, soba noodles, and sake snacks.
Liviムラタ on Google

今回で3回目でいかせていただきました!! 一品ずつが手作り感がしっかりと出ていて味も美味しくいただけます!!ランチタイムや夜の食事に!もってこいのメニューの豊富さです! 宴会も予約にてできるそうです。最近ではテイクアウトもはじめられてます。 まだ食べた事ないのですが鉄火巻きも一度食べてみたいと思います!和食の原点が味わえる、そんなよしばさん、おすすめ店ですね。
This is my third time to visit! !! Each item has its own handmade feel and you can enjoy the delicious taste! !! For lunch and evening meals! It's a great variety of menus! It seems that banquets can also be booked. Recently, takeout has also started. I haven't eaten it yet, but I'd like to try an iron roll again! Yoshiba-san, where you can enjoy the origin of Japanese food, is a recommended shop.
杉山徹 on Google

I had a sashimi set meal and fried oysters, but the sashimi is fresh and the volume is amazing! But it is cheap. It was the first time for me to have fried oysters so big and juicy, and it was very delicious. There are many other menus that interest me, so I'm looking forward to visiting you next time.
豊橋の腰痛・骨盤専門整体院えんぎ堂 on Google

豊橋の和食でランチをするならここ「和食よしば」は外せませんね。 40年以上続く老舗でもあり、昔ながらの定食屋さんの佇まいもありながら夜は飲んだりも出来ます。 刺身定食や唐揚げ定食などは安定の美味さとボリューム感に感動しますよ。唐揚げは醤油ベースの味付けで、熱々でご飯もビールもどちらでもすすみます! そして意外と穴場なメニューがランチの「うどん+稲荷寿司」のセット。 美味しくてボリューム満点で満足です。 気兼ねなくフラッとよれて満足できるお店です。
If you have lunch with Japanese food from Toyohashi, you can not remove "Japanese food" here. It is also a long-established store that lasts for more than 40 years, and you can also drink at night while enjoying the traditional restaurant setting. The sashimi set meal and the deep-fried set meal are impressed by the deliciousness and volume of stability. Deep-fried tofu is soy sauce-based seasoning, and the dishes are hot and both rice and beer are delicious! And a surprising menu is a set of "Udon + Inari Sushi" for lunch. It is delicious and satisfied with the heart. It is a shop that you can be satisfied with without hesitation.
Yuki Kuniyoshi on Google

期間限定のカキフライをいただきました!チキンカツか??ってくらい大きい牡蠣は噂通り絶品でした♪タルタルも美味しいし、添えられたお野菜もお味噌汁も小鉢もご飯も美味で感動しました! 日替わり定食も美味しそうなので、毎日通いたいくらい⭐︎(Twitterに日替わりメニューが更新されてます)また近々伺いたいと思います。
I got a fried oyster for a limited time! Is it chicken katsu? ?? The big oysters were excellent as rumored ♪ The tartar sauce was delicious, and the vegetables, miso soup, small bowls, and rice were all delicious! The daily set meal looks delicious, so I want to go there every day ⭐︎ (The daily menu is updated on Twitter) I would like to visit again soon.
モーG on Google

気になってた八町通の和食よしば 今日はランチに来てみましたよ @washokuyoshiba 12時過ぎに到着、駐車場がたまたま空いて 人気店なのか人の出入りが多いねぇ カウンター席で、日替わりランチを注文 型のいい海老フライが3本とサラダに 小鉢や汁やご飯や漬物が一気にきてね 何と、これだけ付いて650円税込のランチ 海老フライもサクッと揚がり旨いわね お客さんひっきりなしなの頷けるね
Hatchodori's Japanese food Yoshiba I came to lunch today @washokuyoshiba Arrived after 12 o'clock, the parking lot happened to be vacant Is it a popular store? There are a lot of people coming and going. Order a daily lunch at the counter seat Three well-shaped fried shrimp and salad Small bowls, soup, rice and pickles came all at once What a lunch with only this, 650 yen including tax The fried shrimp is also crispy and delicious. You can nod that there are no customers
一生必笑 on Google

久しぶりの外食。一度来たいと思ってた[よしばさん] 刺身定食のお勧めがありましたが気持ちは一つ。うどんと鉄火巻きの定食。 うどんは、細目で大盛り程の量。薬味はシンプルに、あげとネギと天かす。たっぷりの出汁が熱々で嬉しい。 鉄火巻きは、美味しいマグロが、はみ出しそうに贅沢な太さで入ってます。鉄火場でつまんで食べる物だったそうですが、雀荘とかでこれを食べられたら鼻高々ですね。 うどん、鉄火巻きの両方共、かなりのボリューム。味も満足。これからも永く続いて欲しい店です。 Twitterで紹介されてたカキフライ定食。 珍しい平べったいカキフライに興味深々で 食べに来ました。 サラダ、味噌汁もちゃんと美味しい。は
Eating out after a long absence. I wanted to come once [Yoshiba-san] I had a recommendation for a sashimi set meal, but I have one feeling. A set meal of udon and iron-fired rolls. Udon is a small and large amount. The condiments are simple, with green onions and tenkasu. I'm glad that the soup stock is hot. The iron-fired roll contains delicious tuna with a luxurious thickness that seems to stick out. It seems that it was something to pick up and eat at the iron fire place, but if you could eat this at Mahjongso, it would be noisy. Both udon and iron-fired rolls have a considerable volume. Satisfied with the taste. It is a store that I want you to continue for a long time. Kaki fry set meal introduced on Twitter. I am very interested in the rare flat fried oysters I came to eat. The salad and miso soup are also delicious. Is
Kazuya Matsubara on Google

正午前にランチで訪問しました 他の方も書かれているように、近くにお勤めの方々で正午過ぎには満席になりました お目当てのカキフライ定食をお願いしましたが、カキの大きさにビックリ もちろん美味しくいただけました 次回はおうどんと鉄火巻きを食べてみたいです
I visited for lunch before noon As others have written, it was full after noon with people working nearby. I asked for the oyster fry set meal I was looking for, but I was surprised at the size of the oysters. Of course it was delicious Next time I would like to eat udon and Tekka Maki

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