Yorishima oyster market - Asakuchi

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Yorishima oyster market

住所 :

13003-33 Yorishimacho, Asakuchi, Okayama 714-0101, Japan

Postal code : 714-0101
Webサイト : https://yorishima.jp/

13003-33 Yorishimacho, Asakuchi, Okayama 714-0101, Japan
吉水希代美 on Google

寄島町とえば、特産の牡蠣です。味が濃厚です。 そして、三宅海産のカミゴゴロのお酒とコラボしているのも、有名ですがネット予約での購入です。 殻付き牡蠣は勿論のこと、むき身は便利に料理に使えます。最高です。
Yorishima-cho is a specialty oyster. The taste is rich. Also, it is famous that it collaborates with Kamigogoro sake from Miyake Kai, but it is purchased online. Not to mention oysters with shells, peeled meat can be conveniently used for cooking. it's the best.
川上正恵 on Google

新鮮な牡蠣が格安で買えます❗希望の重さを袋に入れてもらえます。大が800円/㎏でした。大きさによって値段が違います。年や時期によって大粒がないこともあります。電話連絡で確認、予約して行かれる事をお薦めします✨ また持ち帰りの時、袋から水が出るので、防水シートや発泡マットを敷いて行くと良いですよ?
You can buy fresh oysters at a bargain price ❗ You can put the desired weight in a bag. The size was 800 yen / kg. The price depends on the size. Depending on the year and time, there may be no large grains. It is recommended to check by phone and make a reservation ✨ Also, when you take it home, water will come out of the bag, so it is good to lay a tarpaulin or foam mat ?
licorice T on Google

毎年、数回は必ず行っています。 新鮮な牡蠣が安いです。 試食や牡蠣を使った一品のレシピを教えてくれるお店もあったりします。 色々と回ってお気に入りを見つけて下さい。
I always go there several times every year. Fresh oysters are cheap. There are also shops that offer tastings and recipes for oysters. Please go around and find your favorite.
福住朗 on Google

You can buy very delicious oysters that everyone in the know knows. It seems that they come to buy by car from far away Kansai. Hinase oysters are famous in Okayama, but I think Yorishima is better. However, the production was low, so to speak, most of it seemed to be consumed locally. Once you eat it, the ones from other production areas are not enough.
Nポロン on Google

Oyster size was sold out at 12:00 on weekdays. Instead, I took home a small persimmon, 3 kg, 1500 yen, and baked it in a frying pan 6 times.
SHUJI M. on Google

寄島のかき直売所は朝8時より販売して いて、 週末の10時頃に伺ったのですが、 10数軒販売しているお店の中で、 すでに1/3のお店は販売を終了して いました。 漁協によって販売価格を 統一しているのか、 どこのお店で購入しても 価格は同じの様でした。 殻付(大)で1kg800円 殻付(小)で1kg500円 お店よっては 殻付(小)が無い場合に、 値段表に無い 殻付(小の小)マメサイズというのも 販売していました。 これが、殻付で1kg400円でした。 どこのお店も蠣の殻剥きの作業などで 忙しそうな感じですので、 出来るだけ午前中の早い時間に 対応の良さそうなお店で 購入する事をオススメします。
Yorishima oyster shop sells from 8 am I was there I visited around 10 o'clock on the weekend, Among the shops that sell more than 10 houses 1/3 of the shops have already discontinued I was there. Selling price by fishery cooperative Is it unified? No matter where you buy it The price was the same. 800 yen per kg with shell (large) 1kg 500 yen with shell (small) Depending on the store When there is no shell (small) Not on the price list With a shell (small and small) bean size I was selling it. This was 400 yen per kg with a shell. Every shop has oyster shelling work, etc. I feel like I'm busy, so As early as possible in the morning At a store that looks good We recommend that you purchase it.
こーちゃん広島 on Google

牡蠣が美味しいですよ~ 牡蠣の販売所で職人さんが牡蠣を剥いていました。 2月になるともっともっと美味しくなり、牡蠣も大きくなりますね。
The oysters are delicious ~ A craftsman was peeling oysters at an oyster shop. In February, it will be even more delicious and the oysters will be bigger.
依田豊 on Google

毎年、シーズンには何度かドライブがてら牡蠣を買いに行きます。皆さんお気に入りのお店があるようで、、、気がつけばいつものお店で買っています。直売所は十数軒あります。直売所の写真は撮り忘れましたが、2021/11/20に撮影した価格表を載せておきます。どの店も値段は同じだと、、、。笠岡寄りの海岸から見た夕陽の写真を載せておきます。 追伸、①牡蠣は1〜3月が一番実入がよく、市場価格も安定します。今の時期、お勧めです。②なるべく午前中にお店に行かれると良いでしょう。③値段表にはないのですが、大、小よりも殻が小さい豆なるものもあります。個人的にはお勧めです。④殻付き牡蠣は電子レンジでチンしてます。ただし、ラップで皿を覆うとかしないと、殻の細かいのが飛び散って庫内が大変なことに。我が家ではプラスチックの皿と覆いを用いています。30年前に広島で買い求めた、牡蠣を電子レンジでチンするものの写真を載せておきます。
Every year, I go to buy oysters after driving several times during the season. Everyone seems to have a favorite shop, and if you notice, you buy it at your usual shop. There are more than a dozen direct sales offices. I forgot to take a picture of the direct sales office, but I will post the price list taken on 2021/11/20. All the stores have the same price ... Here is a photo of the setting sun seen from the coast near Kasaoka. PS, (1) Oysters are best sold from January to March, and the market price is stable. I recommend this time of year. ② It's a good idea to go to the store in the morning as much as possible. ③ Although not on the price list, some beans have smaller shells than large and small ones. I personally recommend it. ④ Oysters with shells are microwaved. However, if you do not cover the plate with plastic wrap, the fine shells will scatter and the inside of the refrigerator will be difficult. We use plastic plates and covers at home. Here's a picture of what I bought in Hiroshima 30 years ago to microwave oysters.

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