Yomenya Goemon

3.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Yomenya Goemon

住所 :

5 Chome, Bunkyo City, 〒112-0002 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Webサイト : http://www.yomenya-goemon.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 11:30AM–9:30PM
Sunday 11:30AM–9:30PM
Monday 11:30AM–9:30PM
Tuesday 11:30AM–9:30PM
Wednesday 11:30AM–9:30PM
Thursday 11:30AM–9:30PM
Friday 11:30AM–9:30PM
街 : Tokyo

5 Chome, Bunkyo City, 〒112-0002 Tokyo,Japan
宇賀神直実 on Google

平日ランチ時に来店。 空いていた。 いつもの⑦たらこと湯葉のモッツァレラチーズのカルボナーラを注文。 3/1くらい食べ進めたところでモッツァレラチーズが乗っていないことに気がつき店員に伝えるとお皿にモッツァレラチーズを何個か乗せて持ってきた。 調理担当が忘れていたようで謝っていた。 後からパスタに乗っけるもモッツァレラチーズは溶けないし、待っている間パスタは冷めてカルボナーラは固まってドロドロしはじめるし、友達じゃないんだからせめて作り直すかくらい聞いてほしかった。 伊右衛門のパスタを初めてまずいと感じた。
Visited at lunch on weekdays. It was vacant. I ordered the usual ⑦ Tara and Yuba mozzarella cheese carbonara. When I ate about 3/1, I noticed that mozzarella cheese was not on it and told the clerk that I brought some mozzarella cheese on the plate. I apologized because the cook seemed to have forgotten. I could get on the pasta later, but the mozzarella cheese didn't melt, and while I was waiting, the pasta cooled and the carbonara started to solidify, and I wasn't a friend, so I wanted him to ask me if I could at least remake it. I felt that Iyemon's pasta was bad for the first time.
直美 on Google

店内は静かでした。 パスタも美味しかったです。 サラダバーは小さかったが、緊急事態宣言中は、お客さんも少ないので、仕方ないのかも。 ゆっくりできて、良かったです。
The inside of the store was quiet. The pasta was also delicious. The salad bar was small, but there aren't many customers during the state of emergency, so it may be unavoidable. It was good to be able to relax.
rina asa on Google

サラダバーがあるのがうれしいです。店内は結構広々としていました。 パスタも種類が多くて選ぶのに迷いますが飽きません。
It's nice to have a salad bar. The inside of the store was quite spacious. There are many types of pasta, so I'm at a loss to choose one, but I never get tired of it.
KANON on Google

店内…チェーン店にしては広々しています。スパゲティ屋さんなのに洋風すぎず居心地がいいです。 品揃え…種類が多くて飽きません!サラダバーもあります、あとメニューが決まった後に出されるスープがとても美味しいです。 接客態度…普通です。ただ、スタッフ不足かなと思います。 広さ…上記の通りです。 交通の便…駅の正面改札を通った信号を渡り、目の前にあるマンションの階段を上がれば行けます。 駅にとても近いです。
Inside ... It's spacious for a chain store. Even though it's a spaghetti shop, it's not too Western and it's comfortable. Assortment ... There are so many types that you will never get bored! There is also a salad bar, and the soup served after the menu is decided is very delicious. Service attitude ... normal. However, I think there is a shortage of staff. Area ... As above. Transportation: You can go by crossing the traffic light that passed through the front ticket gate of the station and climbing the stairs of the apartment in front of you. Very close to the station
bun1128 on Google

If you set a salad bar, there are few kinds but you can get plenty of vegetables.
miu kawa on Google

サラダバーがある、五右衛門 メニュー新しくなっていました。
Goemon with a salad bar The menu was new.
Saneyasu YAMAGUCHI on Google

Alejo Jose Valls on Google

It is a very strange place. It is supposed to be Italian cuisine, but it tastes nothing like it. The noodles are indeed Italian but the taste is definitely Japanese, using things such as ebi, mentaiko, bamboo shoots and whatnot. They even added bamboo to bolognese.

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