Yokoi Orthopedic Surgical Clinic - Osaka

1.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

大阪市 東淀川区 整形外科 リハビリテーション|横井整形外科 - Yokoi.clinic


Contact Yokoi Orthopedic Surgical Clinic

住所 :

アゼリア2 5 Chome-5-5 Zuiko, Higashiyodogawa Ward, Osaka, 533-0005, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 533-0005
Webサイト : http://www.yokoi.clinic/

アゼリア2 5 Chome-5-5 Zuiko, Higashiyodogawa Ward, Osaka, 533-0005, Japan
サキノスケ on Google

とても不愉快な先生 私は合わないので二度と行きません
Very unpleasant teacher I won't go again because it doesn't fit
山村みさ on Google

The director answers questions very politely. Both physiotherapists and nurses are very polite and dependable. Since there are a lot of staff in electrical treatment, it's the luck of the day whether or not it is set in the chitin and acupoint.
h k on Google

近所で評判の病院です(悪い意味で) お医者さんは偉いですから(笑) 近くに整形外科が無いので仕方ありません
It's a popular hospital in the neighborhood (in a bad way) The doctor is great (laughs) It can't be helped because there is no orthopedic surgery nearby
川上達広 on Google

It's okay to be quick, but I want you to do it other than by machine.
Yu on Google

腰痛で通院していたのですが、腰痛が治らないと態度が一変。 頭ごなしに罵倒され、最後には嘘をついているとまで言われました。 他院でMRI検査すると技師の方からヘルニアと診断され持っていくと、こんな程度で痛いわけないとまで言われました。 行こうか迷っている方は辞めた方がいいです。 先生と呼ばれて天狗にでもなっているのでしょうか? 本当に最低な病院でした。
I was in the hospital because of low back pain, but my attitude changed completely when my back pain did not go away. He was abused without any head and was told that he was lying at the end. When I had an MRI scan at another hospital, a technician diagnosed hernia and told me that it wouldn't hurt so much. If you are wondering if you should go, you should quit. Are you called a teacher and become a tengu? It was really the worst hospital.
まるたん on Google

とんでもないパワハラ・モラハラ医者! 自分の事名医とでも思ってるのか全てが上から目線の物言いで不愉快
Outrageous power harassment and mobbing doctor! Do you think that you are your own doctor? Everything is unpleasant because of the words from above.
Rin Gage on Google

二度と行きません。 なぜ検査もしっかりせず自論展開して勝手にリハビリさせようとするんでしょう? 不安があるから病院に来てる訳でなぜ今の症状なのか対処方があるのかそれを知りたくて来てるのに訳の分からない話をされ勝手に次からリハビリって動かしてない、動かない訳ではないのだから何を馬鹿な事を言ってるんだと思いましたね。 看護師さん達は真面目に思えますが診察する先生がちょっとどうかと思うので評価1です。
I will never go again. Why do you try to rehabilitate yourself by developing your own theory without conducting a thorough inspection? I'm coming to the hospital because I'm worried, so I'm coming to the hospital to find out why it's the current symptom and how to deal with it. It's not a translation, so I thought what you were saying stupid. The nurses seem to be serious, but I'm wondering if the doctor who examines them is a little, so it's rated 1.
花実子 on Google

I made a mistake in the procedure by pulling my lower back, and my neck hurt and I couldn't heal. However, the director did not admit it and said, "If it is true, it will be cured soon. The reason why it will not be cured is because it is strange !!" Since then, I have been treated at a pain clinic for a long time, but it still hurts and it is difficult to do housework. Not only my body but also my heart still hurts.

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