多田屋(株) 八日市場本店

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 多田屋(株) 八日市場本店

住所 :

Yokaichibai, Sosa, 〒289-2144 Chiba,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8797
Webサイト : http://tadaya.la.coocan.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9:30AM–6:30PM
Sunday 9:30AM–6:30PM
Monday 9:30AM–6:30PM
Tuesday 9:30AM–6:30PM
Wednesday 9:30AM–6:30PM
Thursday 9:30AM–6:30PM
Friday 9:30AM–6:30PM
街 : 〒1F Chiba

Yokaichibai, Sosa, 〒289-2144 Chiba,Japan
しっとりささみ on Google

Sometimes I do not have volumes of books, but I can buy what I want. The stationery is also substantial. I like to kill as much time as possible
R A on Google

八日市場で本と言えば、ここです。 学校の教科書も取り扱いあり。文房具も安くはないですが一通り揃っています。閉店はちょっと、早いな。と思いますが、旧道にあるのでまあ、仕方ないかな⁉
Speaking of books at Yokaichi, this is here. School textbooks are also available. Stationery is not cheap, but there is a complete set. Closing is a little early. I think that, but since it is on the old road, I can not help it⁉
N S (KJ) on Google

It is a bookstore that also deals with textbooks. It is very convenient because magazines etc. will be sold normally from the next issue if you order it once. The drawback is that the car park is in front of the shop and you have to pass the traffic a bit far.
Kazuyuki Tsubaki on Google

昔からある店舗です。店内はかなり落ち着いた雰囲気が立ち込めます。書籍をはじめ文房具、婦人服、近隣の小中学校の制服等を取り扱っております。駐車場が道を挟んで反対側となりますので雨の日に車で行く場合は、傘が必須です! 店舗のスタッフの方々は、落ち着いた対応で感じの良い方々です。店舗の周辺には書籍を取り扱う店舗も無い為、本を購入の際は重宝している場所です!
It is a store that has been around for a long time. The shop has a very calm atmosphere. We handle books, stationery, women's clothing, and uniforms from nearby elementary and junior high schools. The parking lot is on the other side of the road, so if you go by car on a rainy day, you need an umbrella! The staff at the store are pleasant people with a calm response. There are no stores that handle books around the store, so it's a great place to buy books!
秋山春美 on Google

朝は九時半から開いてます。 一階は本の他に文具とかキャラクターグッズとか、雑貨も置いてます。 絵本は六歳くらいまで「○才向け」みたいな分け方でオススメしてる棚もあり、選ぶ目安になります(少しだけど)。 二階は体操服とか上履きとか売ってます。
It's open from 9:30 in the morning. Besides books, stationery, character goods, and miscellaneous goods are on the first floor. There are some shelves that we recommend for picture books up to about 6 years old, such as "for ages", so it is a guide to choose (a little though). The second floor sells gym clothes and shoes.
seiko “てんてん” furuya on Google

ご祝儀袋を探して訪問。 向かいのお店が閉店していたから。 高額様の物まであり、用が足りました。小さな絵本コーナーは相変わらずてすが、三冊ほど購入。 店員さんの印象は良いです。
Visited looking for a gift bag. The store across the street was closed. There was even a high-priced item, and it was enough. The small picture book corner is still the same, but I bought about three books. The clerk's impression is good.
A A on Google

町の書店でもあり、文具店、画材店でもあります。シンプルな事務用品も豊富ですが、かわいい文房具や便利な文房具が沢山揃えられています。 ギフト用雑貨やラッピング用品もかわいい物が多いです。 画材は漫画を書くのに必要な物、コピック、カラー筆ペン、絵の具、少ないですが顔彩なども置いてあります。
It is also a bookstore in the town, a stationery store, and an art supplies store. We have a lot of simple office supplies, but we also have a lot of cute stationery and useful stationery. Many gift items and wrapping items are also cute. The painting materials include things necessary for writing manga, Copic, color brush pens, paints, and a few facial colors.
櫻庭美保子 on Google

It is a bookstore that has been around for a long time. We also handle textbooks, but there are so many types of books. Stationery is also substantial. There is a small parking lot behind, but it is better to use the parking lot in the shopping district across the road.

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