与板河川緑地 たちばな公園

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Contact 与板河川緑地 たちばな公園

住所 :

Yoitamachi Higashiyoita, Nagaoka, 〒940-2401 Niigata,Japan

電話 : 📞 +887
Webサイト : http://www.city.nagaoka.niigata.jp/kankou/miru/kouen/tatibana.html
Opening hours :
Saturday Open 24 hours
Sunday Open 24 hours
Monday Open 24 hours
Tuesday Open 24 hours
Wednesday Open 24 hours
Thursday Open 24 hours
Friday Open 24 hours
街 : Niigata

Yoitamachi Higashiyoita, Nagaoka, 〒940-2401 Niigata,Japan
せばこんこん on Google

遊具も多く、横に広ーい公園です 高学年向けのものから、幼児向けの遊具まであるので、長時間楽しめる 木陰やベンチ、トイレもあり、お弁当を持ってきても良い 自販機が1台あり、コンビニも近い
A park with lots of playground equipment and a large park next to it. There are playground equipment for seniors to infants, so you can enjoy for a long time. There are shades, benches, and toilets, so you may bring your own lunch. There is one vending machine and a convenience store is also nearby
とよましぃ on Google

This season, the cherry blossoms ? are in full bloom-it's a good time to start falling. Locally it is called "Dinosaur Park". A lot of children were playing. There is a beer garden next door in the summer.
komacchi 4 on Google

子供3人連れていきました。2歳児から小学生まで楽しめるダイナミックな遊具がたくさんです。 駐車場から公園までの間、車も通らないので安心できます。 なかなかここまで遊具が充実した公園は最近はないと思います。 リピート確定です。
I brought three children. There are many dynamic playground equipment that can be enjoyed by children from 2 years old to elementary school students. You can rest assured that no cars will pass between the parking lot and the park. I don't think there are any parks with so many playground equipment these days. Repeat is confirmed.
こみやまさやか on Google

恐竜の滑り台がある公園です。 幅広い年齢の子供が遊べる遊具があるので、ヨチヨチ歩きの子から小学生まで楽しめます。 駐車場、トイレ、自販機、ベンチがあります。
It is a park with a dinosaur slide. There are playsets for children of all ages, so everyone from walking children to elementary school students can enjoy themselves. There are parking lots, toilets, vending machines and benches.
好昭若林 on Google

この公園は縦長だけどかなりの遊戯があり素晴らしい‼️左右の端には恐竜?の滑り台とお城みたいな冒険出来る所が有るので子供には絶好の遊び場所‼️ 子供がいる家族には良いところ‼️?️ 最後にレジャーシートを敷きピクニック気分も味わえます☺️ 推薦します‼️?
This park is vertically long, but there is a lot of play and it is wonderful! ️ There are dinosaur ? slides and castle-like adventures on the left and right edges, so it's a great playground for children! ️ Good for families with children! ️?️ Finally, you can lay a leisure sheet and enjoy a picnic feeling ☺️ I recommend it! ️?
TCD YHK on Google

子供ウケ抜群の遊具が沢山あった。縦に細長い公園です。大きな駐車ではないですが、10台は余裕でおけます。トイレもありました。綺麗かどうかは使ってはいませんので不明? 大人でも困難かとおもうようなジャンクジムと滑り台が融合された巨大なアスレチックスがありました? 対象は小学生くらいなのかな…?
There were a lot of playsets that were great for children. It is a vertically elongated park. It's not a big parking lot, but you can afford 10 cars. There was also a toilet. I haven't used it to see if it's beautiful, so I'm not sure ? There was a huge athletics that fused a junk gym and a slide that seemed difficult even for adults ? I wonder if the target is about elementary school students ...?
ヤイバユウ on Google

まさに、今は桜が満開です。 ここは、子供達が遊べる施設もあり、親子連れに人気です。 桜がとても綺麗に咲いてました。 ここ数日が、見頃だと感じました。
Right now, the cherry blossoms are in full bloom. There is also a facility where children can play, which is popular with parents and children. The cherry blossoms were in full bloom. I felt that the last few days were in full bloom.
K KCL on Google

There is a dinosaur.

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