
3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact アミエル

住所 :

Yodoecho Nishibara, Yonago, 〒689-3403 Tottori,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88978
街 : Tottori

Yodoecho Nishibara, Yonago, 〒689-3403 Tottori,Japan
大石内蔵助 on Google

ここは、鉄板焼きそばがとてもオススメです。たまごを混ぜて食べると最高です。 唐揚げも美味しく定食はボリューム満点。昔からのお店ですが日替わりなどもあり、メニューはなかなか豊富でした。
I highly recommend teppanyaki soba here. It is best to mix and eat eggs. Fried chicken is also delicious and the set meal is full of volume. It's a long-standing shop, but the menu was very rich due to daily changes.
Y A on Google

何度も行ってるアミエル 昼時に行ったら満員御礼状態‼️ しかし、頼んだ料理が出てくるのは早くて美味しい(☆∀☆) エビフライの大きさが半端ない? ぷりぷりの熱々が2本も‼️ 鉄板にのったナポリタンも美味しそう? 注文してる人が多いから名物なのかも? また行きまーす?
Amiel going over and over A packed state thankfully when you go at noon! A However, it is quick and delicious that the food I requested comes out (☆ ∀ ☆) The size of the shrimp is not odd ? As much as 2 pieces of pretty heat! A Napolitan on the iron plate looks delicious, too. Because there are many people ordering it may be a specialty? I will come again.
es-coni chiga on Google

小さい頃から家族で行っている、アットホームなお店です。 昼時はだいたい混みあっています。 メニューは和・洋・伊と、どれも美味しいです。 ただ全席喫煙可なので、タバコの苦手なひとは近くに喫煙者がいるときはちょっとツラいかな。 それがなければ、星ひとつプラスです。
It's a cozy shop that I've been doing with my family since I was little. It is mostly crowded at noon. The menu is delicious, Japanese, Western and Italian. However, because all seats are smoking allowed, people who are not good at cigarettes will be a little mad when there are smokers nearby. Without it, it ’s one star plus.
ふやけたぬこ on Google

お昼に洋食が食べたくなって、前々から気になっていたのたので入ってみました。 洋食メニュー以外にも和食メニューもありましたが、今回はエビフライとコロッケのセットを頼みました。 エビフライはまあまあ、しいて言えばもう少し大きくてからが頭の際まで殻がとってあるといいかなーと思いました。 クリームコロッケは味は大変気に入りましたが、ウスターソース?がかかっており衣のサクサク感はなくなっていて少々残念。 全体のボリュームは軽めで女の方でもちょうどいいかと思います。 多少気になるところはありましたが、昔懐かしの洋食が食べられておおむね満足でした。 食後のコーヒーがデミサイズじゃなくて通常サイズが出てきたのは嬉しかったです。
Lunch and Western becomes want to eat in, I tried to enter because was in the mood for a long time. In addition to Western-style menu was also Japanese menu, but this time asked a set of fried shrimp and croquette. Fried shrimp Well Well, from a little more greatly If I'm forced to say that I thought Na or say if there taking the shell until the time of the head. Although cream croquettes taste I like very much, Worcestershire sauce? A little sorry to have gone crispness of clothing and takes. The entire volume is I think I also just say you were a woman in the lighter. There was the place to be worried about more or less, it was generally satisfied with Western-style nostalgia is eaten long ago. The after-dinner coffee came out of the normal size without'm Demisaizu is I was happy.
【山陰情報局】カロさん放送協会 on Google

のり巻きおにぎりの肉味噌美味しいですがもう少し肉味噌の量があると嬉しかったかも。 内容、味は良かったです。
Nori roll rice ball miso is delicious, but it might have been nice if there was a little more meat miso. The content and taste were good.
なかみー005 on Google

お手頃価格で美味しい洋食が食べられました。コーンスープもとろとろで美味しかったです。 この辺りは夜空いてる飲食店が少ないので、うれしいです。
Delicious western food at reasonable prices. It was delicious with corn soup. I am glad that there are not many restaurants around the area.
もふるん on Google

The parking lot is large. When you leave the parking lot, be careful because there is a relatively large amount of traffic in the opposite lane to the east. I think there were two doorways. The shop was bigger than I expected ❗ Moreover, the meal menu is quite substantial. There seems to be a daily lunch. There is a sample at the entrance of the store (genuine). The blended coffee is delicious. I am happy that I can drink it well. It's like a shop loved by local customers and business people around the world. I will go again.
shimazu443 on Google

コーヒーはあまり美味しくなかった。 隣の席で飯食ってるヤツを見たら美味しそうだった。 今度はガッツリ飯食ってやろうと思いました(笑) 外にバイシクルラックがあったので自転車乗り大歓迎のはず!?
The coffee wasn't very good. When I saw the guy eating at the seat next to me, it looked delicious. I thought I'd eat a lot this time (laughs) There was a bicycle rack outside, so you should be welcome to ride a bicycle! ??

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