Yellow Hat Kurayoshi - Kurayoshi

3.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Yellow Hat Kurayoshi

77 Kahokucho, Kurayoshi, Tottori 682-0041, Japan
M J on Google

There are sometimes good items that are good for sale, but I will try to buy expensive items such as tires if there is a crack, and if you ask me to check that the air conditioning is not effective enough, even if gas is supplemented in the previous year, You should recommend cleaning the air conditioner saying that there is no gas pressure.
鍜治屋のにいさん on Google

以前からバルブのled化やホーンの取り付け等お願いしてきましたが対応は良かったです。 新車購入時のドラレコやレーダーはいつもコチラで購入してますが、その時も店員はわかる範囲でアドバイスしてくれます。(取り付けはディーラーですが)
I've been asking for LED valves and horns for a long time, but the response was good. When purchasing a new car, I always buy a dashcam or radar here, but even then, the clerk will give me advice as far as I can understand. (Although the installation is a dealer)
吉田正和 on Google

It's good to say what you know, but you don't listen to your customers ❗️
Masato Kikuchi (P) on Google

The sales floor area is not large, but it is reasonable ...
esprique兎 on Google

ドラレコを買いました。 今回に限って言うとするなら、分かりやすい説明と其れに関連する役に立つ情報でしたね?
I bought a dash cam. For this time only, it was an easy-to-understand explanation and useful information related to it ?
SMAP LOVE on Google

暇そうにしてた お客さん居なくて 接客も女性で 何かオートバックスの方が良い
I was free There are no customers The customer service is also female Something AUTOBACS is better
白山千鳥 on Google

ナビの取り付けでお世話になりました。 取り付けはちょっと雑だなと感じました。 フロントガラスに貼るアンテナの1枚が剥がされてまた貼り付けたような形跡があったため、 ミスったんだなぁと感じましたが、店員さんから特にその部分に関する説明はなく、問題ないですよみたいな事になってました。 これは意図的に説明してないと見ました。 客からすればミス隠しと見れます。 あんまり良い印象が無いのが個人的な意見です。 フィルムが剥がされて貼られてる部分の影響は大してないかもしれませんけど、ミスしたらミスしたと言えばいいのにと思います。
Thank you for installing the navigation system. I felt that the installation was a little rough. Because there was evidence that one of the antennas attached to the windshield was peeled off and attached again. I felt that I made a mistake, but the clerk didn't explain about that part, so it seemed like there was no problem. I saw that this was not intentionally explained. From the customer's point of view, it can be seen as a hidden mistake. My personal opinion is that I don't have a very good impression. The effect of the part where the film is peeled off and pasted may not be significant, but if you make a mistake, you can say that you made a mistake.
匿名 on Google

先日買い物をしたんだが その時レジの担当をされた 男の店員の接客がやや悪いと感じました。 もっと大きな声でハキハキ喋ったら どう? 小さな声でボソボソ喋んなや! それに…思ったんだが 店舗スタッフって名札というものを そもそも付けないのか? それ自体がまず疑問。 で 問題のその店員の特徴は 茶髪で 服装が 他のスタッフさん達と 若干違う印象。 とにかく もっと感じの良い接客が求められます。
I did some shopping the other day I was in charge of the cash register at that time I felt that the customer service of the male clerk was a little bad. If you speak louder copper? Speaking in a small voice! And ... I thought The store staff has a name tag Isn't it attached in the first place? The first question in itself. and The characteristic of the clerk in question is With brown hair The clothes are With other staff A slightly different impression. Anyways A more pleasant customer service is required.

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